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proj_match_points_ransac 算子

时间:2022-09-20 18:22:49浏览次数:73  
标签:ransac RandSeed image value 算法 points proj 输入

proj_match_points_ransac(Image1, Image2 : : Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, RowMove, ColMove, RowTolerance, ColTolerance, Rotation, MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed : HomMat2D, Points1, Points2)

Given a set of coordinates of characteristic points (Cols1,Rows1) and (Cols2,Rows2) in both input images Image1 and Image2, proj_match_points_ransac automatically determines corresponding points and the homogeneous projective transformation matrix HomMat2D that best transforms the corresponding points from the different images into each other. The characteristic points can, for example, be extracted with points_foerstner or points_harris.

通过(Cols1、Rows1)和(Cols2和Rows2)里面输入Image1和Image2上的特征点像素坐标集合,proj_match_points_ransac 算子自动获取两点集之间相关点对(相关点的在输入点集的序号在Points1和Points2内输出)和一个等效的投射转换矩阵HomMat2D ,这个矩阵可以以最好的方式将相关点在不同的图片之间相互投射。这些特征点集可以通过 points_foerstner 和 points_harris算子计算得出。

The transformation is determined in two steps: First, gray value correlations of mask windows around the input points in the first and the second image are determined and an initial matching between them is generated using the similarity of the windows in both images.


The size of the mask windows is MaskSize x MaskSize. Three metrics for the correlation can be selected. If GrayMatchMethod has the value 'ssd', the sum of the squared gray value differences is used, 'sad' means the sum of absolute differences, and 'ncc' is the normalized cross correlation. For details please refer to binocular_disparity. The metric is minimized ('ssd', 'sad') or maximized ('ncc') over all possible point pairs. A thus found matching is only accepted if the value of the metric is below the value of MatchThreshold ('ssd', 'sad') or above that value ('ncc').

掩膜窗口的大小为输入参数MaskSize的平方。输入参数GrayMatchMethod 提供三种计算相关性的方法。如果GrayMatchMethod 输入为"ssd",则利用窗口内两张图的灰度差异的平方和来评估相似度;如果GrayMatchMethod 输入"sad"表示窗口内两张图的灰度差异的绝对值总和被用来评估相似度。当GrayMatchMethod 输入“ncc”则使用窗口内两张图的归一化互相关性来进行评估相似度,具体细节请参考“binocular_disparity”算子。计算相关性时在所有可能的点对上"ssd" "sad"算法结果值会更小,“ncc”算法结果会更大。因此只有相关性小于MatchThreshold("ssd" "sad")或者大于MatchThreshold("ncc")的点对才会被选中(被选中用来计算转换投射矩阵)。

To increase the algorithm's performance, the search area for the matchings can be limited. Only points within a window of points are considered. The offset of the center of the search window in the second image with respect to the position of the current point in the first image is given by RowMove and ColMove.


If the transformation contains a rotation, i.e., if the first image is rotated with respect to the second image, the parameter Rotation may contain an estimate for the rotation angle or an angle interval in radians. A good guess will increase the quality of the gray value matching. If the actual rotation differs too much from the specified estimate the matching will typically fail. The larger the given interval, the slower the operator is since the entire algorithm is run for all relevant angles within the interval.


Once the initial matching is complete, a randomized search algorithm (RANSAC) is used to determine the transformation matrix HomMat2D. It tries to find the matrix that is consistent with a maximum number of correspondences. For a point to be accepted, its distance from the coordinates predicted by the transformation must not exceed the threshold DistanceThreshold.


Once a choice has been made, the matrix is further optimized using all consistent points. For this optimization, the EstimationMethod can be chosen to either be the slow but mathematically optimal 'gold_standard' method or the faster 'normalized_dlt'. Here, the algorithms of vector_to_proj_hom_mat2d are used.

通过EstimationMethod 参数,我们可以选择一种方法来使用所有的吻合点对转换矩阵进行更进一步的优化。EstimationMethod 可以选择慢而数理最优的算法“gold_standard”也可以选择较快的“normalized_dlt”。这些算法在vector_to_proj_hom_mat2d 中被使用过。

Point pairs that still violate the consistency condition for the final transformation are dropped, the matched points are returned as control values. Points1 contains the indices of the matched input points from the first image, Points2 contains the indices of the corresponding points in the second image.


The parameter RandSeed can be used to control the randomized nature of the RANSAC algorithm, and hence to obtain reproducible results. If RandSeed is set to a positive number, the operator yields the same result on every call with the same parameters because the internally used random number generator is initialized with the seed value. If RandSeed = 0, the random number generator is initialized with the current time. Hence, the results may not be reproducible in this case.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/DropInTheSea/p/16711627.html
