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EME 11 Continuous Process Improvement

时间:2023-04-06 09:44:30浏览次数:40  
标签:EME 11 processes Process Continuous able Improvement process

Continuous Process Improvement

  • Understand the differences between project management
    processes and practices
  • Know what process and practice maturity is all about
  • Be able to explain the five levels of maturity
  • Understand and be able to construct the Process Quality Matrix (PQM) and the Zone Map
  • Have a working knowledge of the Continuous Process Improvement Model (CPIM)
  • Know the benefits of having a CPIM
  • Be able to diagram a business process
  • Know how to use and interpret the eight tools for business process analysis

Elements of a Software Engineering Process

Software engineering processes including:

  • Primary processes
  • Supporting processes
  • Organizational processes
  • Cross-project processes

The Project Management Practice

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xwx123/p/17291678.html


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