for index,r := range res { t := r.AddTime res[index].FriendTime = time.Unix(t, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") }
package main import ( "time" "fmt" ) func main() { //获取当前时间 t := time.Now() //2018-07-11 15:07:51.8858085 +0800 CST m=+0.004000001 fmt.Println(t) //获取当前时间戳 fmt.Println(t.Unix()) //1531293019 //获得当前的时间 fmt.Println(t.Uninx().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) //2018-7-15 15:23:00 //时间 to 时间戳 loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai") //设置时区 tt, _ := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", "2018-07-11 15:07:51", loc) //2006-01-02 15:04:05是转换的格式如php的"Y-m-d H:i:s" fmt.Println(tt.Unix()) //1531292871 //时间戳 to 时间 tm := time.Unix(1531293019, 0) fmt.Println(tm.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")) //2018-07-11 15:10:19 //获取当前年月日,时分秒 y := t.Year() //年 m := t.Month() //月 d := t.Day() //日 h := t.Hour() //小时 i := t.Minute() //分钟 s := t.Second() //秒 fmt.Println(y, m, d, h, i, s) //2018 July 11 15 24 59 }
标签:02,01,15,gin08,fmt,时间,time,Println From: https://www.cnblogs.com/minch/p/17278142.html