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WLC Internal DHCP Server

时间:2023-03-31 16:12:18浏览次数:45  
标签:IP clients server access Internal DHCP WLC internal

The controllers contain an internal DHCP server.

This server is typically used in branch offices that do not already have a DHCP server. The wireless network generally contains a maximum of 10 access points or fewer, with the access points on the same IP subnet as the controller.

The internal server provides DHCP addresses to wireless clients, direct-connect access points, and DHCP requests that are relayed from access points. Only lightweight access points are supported. When you want to use the internal DHCP server, you must set the management interface IP address of the controller as the DHCP server IP address. DHCP option 43 is not supported on the internal server. Therefore, the access point must use an alternative method to locate the management interface IP address of the controller,such as local subnet broadcast, Domain Name System (DNS), or priming. An internal DHCPserver pool only serves the wireless clients of that controller, not clients of other controllers. Also, an internal DHCP server can serve only wireless clients, not wired clients. When clients use the internal DHCP server of the controller, IP addresses are not preserved across reboots. As a result, multiple clients can be assigned with the same IP address. To resolve any IP address conflicts, clients must release their existing IPaddress and request a new one.

Wired guest clients are always on a Layer 2 network connected to a local or foreign controller.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/MomentsLee/p/17276572.html


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