on duplicate key update是mysql的特殊用法,当insert操作出现主键冲突时执行更新操作,样例如下:
insert into zhi_test.bd_user (id, user_code, user_name, create_time, update_time) values
(1677751738004, 'zhangsan', '张三', '2023-03-02 18:09:02', '2023-03-07 16:53:51'),
(1677751850422, 'lisi', '李四', '2023-03-02 18:10:52', '2023-03-07 16:53:51')
on duplicate key update
user_code = values(user_code), user_name = values(user_name);
'VALUES function' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use an alias (INSERT INTO ... VALUES (...) AS alias) and replace VALUES(col) in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause with alias.col instead
insert into zhi_test.bd_user (id, user_code, user_name, create_time, update_time) values
(1677751738004, 'zhangsan', '张三', '2023-03-02 18:09:02', '2023-03-07 16:53:51'),
(1677751850422, 'lisi', '李四', '2023-03-02 18:10:52', '2023-03-07 16:53:51') as alias
on duplicate key update
user_code=alias.user_code, user_name = alias.user_name;
标签:02,03,code,update,duplicate,user,key,2023 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhi-leaf/p/17252237.html