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INFS3200 Advanced Database Systems

时间:2023-03-21 19:15:20浏览次数:40  
标签:code assignment Book1 INFS3200 Systems marks data your Advanced

INFS3200 Advanced Database Systems
Assignment (25%)
Semester 1, 2023
Deadline: 4pm Friday, 26 May 2023
Submit: Online Submission on the Blackboard INFS3200 Course Website
The assignment contains four parts with seven questions (total marks 25 for 25% of the course)
to demonstrate your understanding of multiple topics, including distributed database, data
warehousing, data integration and data quality management. Meanwhile, coding is required for
some questions to show your problem-solving ability. This assignment must be performed
Important Notes:
1. As UQ has provided the Lab environment for this assignment, you don’t need to install
the required software systems on your own machine. The software environment problems
on your own computer machine cannot be used to ask for extension of submission.
2. Each dataset used in this assignment contains thousands of records, which is hard to be
checked record-by-record manually. Therefore, it is recommended to have a handy text
editor tool (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Notepad++ or Sublime Text on Windows) to view and
search the contents in CSV files. Please use search function (i.e., Ctrl+F keys) in text
editor to look through values. Also, please don’t change the data unintentionally while
viewing or searching, as it may affect your assignment results.
3. You should complete Prac 3 before working on the coding part of this assignment (i.e.,
Part 4 of this assignment). Although the assignment is independent to the three practicals,
the code introduced in Prac 3 can be a starting point of this assignment as the tasks are
4. You implement your code in SQL, Java or Python, you may choose the ones that you feel
comfortable. The code must be companied by minimum comments so that tutors can
understand the structure of your coding and the objective of each snippet. If you
performed this assignment on your own Laptop machine instead of the UQ provided
software environment, you must ensure that the codes submitted by you are all able to
execute correctly on UQ provided Lab environment, either remotely via Internet
connection, or locally in UQ GPS Building Lab 78-116.
Submission Requirements:
Please include all your answers in a word/pdf document. Pack the documents with your code
folder (which contains at least “src” and “data” folders, shown as below) into a .zip/.rar file and
submit it to the Blackboard INFS3200 course Website. The name of both the zip file and the
document should contain your student ID, your name and “Assignment”, shown as follows:
2 of 7
Please format your document nicely, in terms of consistent font, font size and spacing. The
answers are suggested to follow the below structure (No need to repeat questions if not necessary,
fonts and spacing are not limited):

Part 1.
Question 1: Your answers…
Question 2: Your answers…
Part 2.

WARNING: This assignment must be completed individually, Artificial Intelligence tools
cannot be used to generate any part of solutions for this assignment. Any form of answer-
sharing with other people is not acceptable and, once identified, will be penalized. Contract
cheating will be investigated and it will result in heavy penalty.
Preliminary: Dataset Description
In this assignment, we have four datasets about book information from four different sources.
The data schemas are listed below:
Book1 (id, title, authors, pubyear, pubmonth, pubday, edition, publisher, isbn13,
language, series, pages)
Book2 (id, book_title, authors, publication_year, publication_month, publication_day,
edition, publisher_name, isbn13, language, series, pages)
Book3 (ID, Title, Author1, Author2, Author3, Publisher, ISBN13, Date, Pages,
ProductDimensions, SalesRank, RatingsCount, RatingValue, PaperbackPrice,
HardcoverPrice, EbookPrice, AudiobookPrice)
Book4 (ID, Title, UsedPrice, NewPrice, Author, ISBN10, ISBN13, Publisher,
Publication_Date, Pages, Dimensions)
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Part 1: [6 marks] Database Schema and Fragmentation
Read the above schemas carefully and understand the meaning of the attributes. If you don’t
know the meaning of a certain attribute, check the data under it or Google its meaning (especially
for some abbreviations, like ISBN). Answer the following questions based on your
Question 1: [2 marks] Given four datasets that are stored in one relational database as separate
(1) Write an SQL query “Find the top 15 books that have the highest ratings and 10 books
that have the lowest ratings, return their ranks (sorted in descending order), titles,
publishers and number of pages”.
(2) Which table schema(s) is/are used to answer the above query?
Question 2: [4 marks] Given that Book1 is stored in a distributed database A, and two queries
that are most frequently asked on A are:
? Find all books whose publisher name is “XXX” (or among multiple publishers), return
their book titles and author info.
? Find all books that are published in a given year, return their book IDs,
languages,number of pages, HardcoverPrice and EbookPrice.
Answer the following questions:
(1) [2 marks] If the goal of A is to handle each query by a dedicated local site (no information
needed from the other site), which fragmentation strategy should be used to fragment
Book1 table? If only two fragments are generated, write their schemas (if vertically
fragmented) or predicates (if horizontally fragmented), respectively. (Note: there are lots
of valid fragmentation solutions, just provide one of them.)
(2) [2 marks] Assuming that we horizontally fragment the table into three fragments based on
the following predicate:
Fragment 1: pages ≤ 200
Fragment 2: 200 < pages ≤ 600
Fragment 3: pages > 800
Is this set of predicates valid? If so, please explain (using plain English) the insertion
process if we want to insert a new record into Book1. If not, please generate a valid
predicate set using minterm predicates (show the calculation process). Also, explain the
insertion process for a new record after the valid predicate set is made.
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Part 2: [7 marks] Data Warehouse Design
In this part, we design a Data Warehouse on book sales w.r.t. the Book1, Book2, Book3, and
Book4 datasets. Particularly, we need to use data from the given assignment datasets and create
a Data Warehouse Schema. The designed Data Warehouse will contain summary data, such as
the total sales of each publisher, for each day and each language. The following shows just an
Day Publisher Language Sales
07/15/1984 AAAI Press English 11
05/05/1990 Springer International Publishing English 23
06/04/1995 Springer London English 15
12/11/2000 IEEE Computer Society Press English 30
04/03/2004 AAAI Press Spanish 2
05/01/2008 Springer International Publishing Spanish 13
11/19/2012 Springer London Spanish 5
08/06/2014 IEEE Computer Society Press Spanish 22
Question 3: Design a Data Warehouse Schema that can accommodate the above example,
answer the following questions:
(1) [1 mark] Show the schema and point out the dimensions and fact table. Given that we
have a dimension table for each dimension and there are 4000 records in the fact table.
Among all dimension tables and the fact table, which table has the most records? Why?
Question 4: Now we want to the create bitmap indices for the given model:
(1) [2 marks] What are the advantages of building a bitmap index? Which type of column is
not suitable for bitmap index?
(2) [2 marks] Suppose the “Publisher” column only contains four distinct values and
“Language” only contains two, which are all shown in the above example. Please create
bitmap indices for both “Publisher” and “Language”.
(3) [2 marks] Explain how to use the bitmap indices to find the total sales of “English” books
published by “AAAI Press”.
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Part 3: [4 marks] Data Integration
Given that the data warehouse loads data from the above four sources (Book 1,2,3,4), you are
asked to integrate their data and address various data quality issues. In this part, those database
sources (i.e., owners) only give you their schemas (shown in Preliminary part), and you are asked
to design an integrated schema based on the given schemas (i.e., the data records within tables
Book 1,2,3,4 are supposedly not available for you at this stages).
Question 5: Now you define a global schema (using the approach namely, Global as a View)
which can integrate data from all four sources.
(1) [2 marks] Design a global schema which will combine the common attributes from each
schema together. Your design should include any information that is represented in all four
schemas. If an attribute cannot be found or derived in the given schemas, then it should be
left out of your global schema.
(2) [1 marks] Identify structural heterogeneity issues that may occur during your integration
by an example in the schemas together with the possible resolution.
(3) [1 marks] Identify semantic heterogeneity issues that may occur during your integration
by an example in the schemas together with the possible resolution.
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Part 4: [8 marks] Data Quality Issues
Now assume you are provided with the actual data from each source, namely “Book1.csv”,
“Book2.csv”, “Book3.csv” and “Book4.csv” (see the Assignment provided datasets). As it is
very common that the same book is recorded by different sources, it is crucial to identify the
redundant information by merging and eliminate the duplicated records during the data
integration process, which relies on the data linkage techniques to be used. In this regard, we
provide a human-labelled gold-standard dataset (refer to Prac 3 Part 2.2 for more information
about gold-standard), named as “Book1and2_pair.csv”, which lists all correct matchings
between Book1 and Book2. It will be used in the following tasks. Its schema is as follows:
Book1and2_pair (Book1_ID, Book2_ID)
In a CSV file, you need to note that the attributes are separated by comma (,). If two commas
appear consecutively, it means the value in the corresponding field between two commas is
NULL (i.e., absent). Furthermore, if an attribute field contains comma naturally, the field will
be enclosed by a double quote ("") to differentiate the actual comma notation inside attribute
from the outside comma separator. For example, a record in Book2 is as follows:
1725,Informix Unleashed,"John McNally, Jose Fortuny, Jim Prajesh, Glenn Miller",
97,6,28,1,Sams,9.78E+12,,Unleashed Series,1195
According to Book 2 schema, we can infer the following fields:
book_title=Informix Unleashed,
authors= John McNally, Jose Fortuny, Jim Prajesh, Glenn Miller,

series=Unleashed Series,
Here, since there are commas in “authors” field, the whole field is enclosed by a notation of
double quotes. Also, since there are two consecutive commas before “Unleashed Series”, it
means that the language is NULL.
In this part, you are asked to answer the following questions by writing code to complete the
tasks (if “code required” is specified) and provide your answers based on the code results.
Please store all the code you wrote during this part and submit them to Blackboard Course
Website as a part of your assignment submission.
Question 6: Sample records from “Book3.csv” to measure its data quality:
(1) [1 mark] By sampling the records whose id is the multiple of 100 (i.e. 0, 100, 200, 300, …),
how many records are there in the sample set (code required)?
(2) [1 mark] Among the samples found in Question 6-(1), how many fields containing NULL
values are presented (code required)?
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(3) [2 marks] Calculate the Empo (error per million opportunities) according to your samples
(only NULL value is considered). (Hint: you can sample the records manually to validate
the correctness of your program results)
Question 7: Perform data linkage on Book1 and Book2 using the methods mentioned in Prac 3:
(1) [2 marks] Given two author strings from Book1 and Book2 that refer to the same author
a. “Richmond Shee, Kirtikumar Deshpande and K. Gopalakrishnan;”
b. “K. Gopalakrishnan, Kirtikumar Deshpande, and Richmond Shee”
Which distance function is more likely to regard them as similar (between two approaches
of edit distance and Jaccard distance)? And Why?
(2) [2 marks] Perform the data linkage between Book1 and Book2 data. When linking their
results, use Jaccard coefficient with 3-gram tokenization as the similarity measure and
perform the comparison only on the “book title” field. The book pairs whose similarity is
higher than 0.75 are regarded as matched pairs. Compare your output with the gold-
standard dataset and write down the precision, recall and F-measure (code required).
--- The End of Assignment ---

WX:codehelp mailto: [email protected]

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/register1/p/17241072.html


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