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ng-alain 创建页面

时间:2023-03-20 13:31:38浏览次数:44  
标签:src bytes app alain ts trade ng pages 页面

​​ng-alain 创建页面​​



默认情况下,创建模块 trade,创建在目录 src/app/routes 下面。

% ng g ng-alain:module trade
? Which service injectors would you like to use? Ignore generation of Service
CREATE src/app/routes/trade/trade-routing.module.ts (249 bytes)
CREATE src/app/routes/trade/trade.module.ts (319 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/routes/routes-routing.module.ts (2837 bytes)


默认情况下所有的代码统一存放于 app/routes 下面,可通过添加 ng-alain.json 配置文件来指向其他目录,例如:

"$schema": "./node_modules/ng-alain/schema.json",
"projects": {
// 表示 ng-alain 项目都存放于 `app/pages` 下
"my-project": {
"routesRoot": "app/pages"

注意,这里的 my-project 是项目名称,表示针对该项目使用此配置。执行效果如下:

my-project % ng g ng-alain:module trade
? Which service injectors would you like to use? Ignore generation of Service
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/trade-routing.module.ts (249 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/trade.module.ts (319 bytes)
my-project %

可以看到新创建的模块保存到 src/app/pages 目录下。


-m 表示创建在指定的模块中。

my-project % ng g ng-alain:list list -m=trade
? Which service injectors would you like to use? Ignore generation of Service
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/list/list.component.html (352 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/list/list.component.spec.ts (657 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/list/list.component.ts (1278 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/pages/trade/trade.module.ts (400 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/pages/trade/trade-routing.module.ts (359 bytes)
(base) whao@bjmacbook11 my-project %


<page-header [action]="phActionTpl">
<ng-template #phActionTpl>
<button (click)="add()" nz-button nzType="primary">新建</button>
<sf mode="search" [schema]="searchSchema" (formSubmit)="st.reset($event)" (formReset)="st.reset($event)"></sf>
<st #st [data]="url" [columns]="columns"></st>


import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { STColumn, STComponent } from '@delon/abc/st';
import { SFSchema } from '@delon/form';
import { ModalHelper, _HttpClient } from '@delon/theme';

selector: 'app-trade-list',
templateUrl: './list.component.html',
export class TradeListComponent implements OnInit {
url = `/user`;
searchSchema: SFSchema = {
properties: {
no: {
type: 'string',
title: '编号'
@ViewChild('st') private readonly st!: STComponent;
columns: STColumn[] = [
{ title: '编号', index: 'no' },
{ title: '调用次数', type: 'number', index: 'callNo' },
{ title: '头像', type: 'img', width: '50px', index: 'avatar' },
{ title: '时间', type: 'date', index: 'updatedAt' },
title: '',
buttons: [
// { text: '查看', click: (item: any) => `/form/${item.id}` },
// { text: '编辑', type: 'static', component: FormEditComponent, click: 'reload' },

constructor(private http: _HttpClient, private modal: ModalHelper) { }

ngOnInit(): void { }

add(): void {
// this.modal
// .createStatic(FormEditComponent, { i: { id: 0 } })
// .subscribe(() => this.st.reload());



my-project % ng g ng-alain:curd curd -m=trade
? Which service injectors would you like to use? Ignore generation of Service
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/curd/curd.component.html (352 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/curd/curd.component.spec.ts (657 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/curd/curd.component.ts (1278 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/curd/edit/edit.component.html (493 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/curd/edit/edit.component.spec.ts (681 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/curd/edit/edit.component.ts (1599 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/curd/view/view.component.html (586 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/curd/view/view.component.spec.ts (681 bytes)
CREATE src/app/pages/trade/curd/view/view.component.ts (658 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/pages/trade/trade.module.ts (672 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/pages/trade/trade-routing.module.ts (470 bytes)
(base) whao@bjmacbook11 my-project %

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_8130830/6132674
