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3GPP 协议 word下载

时间:2023-03-17 13:36:59浏览次数:38  
标签:docx word doc 3GPP NG pdf NR 5G 下载

├── 21905-h00-Vocabulary.doc
├── 23501-fa0-System architecture for the 5G System (5GS) Stage 2.docx 5G的系统构架 核心网 - 5.7 QoS model 8.3.1 User Plane Protocol Stack for a PDU Session
├── 29060-f50-(GTP) across the Gn and Gp interface.docx
├── 29281-f70-GTP User Plane (GTPU).docx
├── 33310-f20-Network Domain Security (NDS).doc
├── 33501-fa0-Security architecture and procedures.doc 系统安全架构和过程
├── 36211-fa0-4G-Physical channels and modulation
├── 36300-fb0.docx
├── 36322-f40-4G-RLC.docx
├── 36323-f60-4G-PDCP.docx
├── 36465-f00.doc
├── 37324-g10-E-UTRA and NR-SDAP.docx [SDAP] Service Data Adaptation Protocol (SDAP) specification
│── 38.101-1 5G 用户设备(UE)无线发送和接收 第一部分.pdf
│── 38.101-2 5G 用户设备(UE)无线发送和接收 第二部分.pdf
├── 38101-1-fa0-User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 1 Range 1 Standalone.docx
├── 38101-2-fa0-User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 2 Range 2 Standalone.docx
├── 38101-3-fa0-User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 3 Range 1 and Range 2 Interworking operation with other radios.docx
├── 38101-4-f60-User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 4 Performance requirements.docx
├── 38101-4-f60.docx
├── 38104-fa0-NR-Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception.docx
├── 38133-fb0-rrm.docx 支持无线资源管理的规范要求
PHY 物理层
├── 38.201 物理层概述.pdf
├── 38.202 物理层提供的服务.pdf
├── 38211-f80-NR-Physical channels and modulation.docx 物理层信道与调制
├── 38212-f90-NR-Multiplexing and channel coding.docx 物理层复用与信道编码
├── 38213-fa0-NR-Physical Layer Procedures for control.docx 物理层的控制流程
├── 38214-fa0-NR-Physical Layer Procedures for data.docx 物理层的数据流程
├── 38215-f70-NR-Physical layer measurements.docx 物理层的测量过程
├── 38300-fa0-NR-NR and NG-RAN Overall Description.docx 无线接入网(NG-RAN)概述和总体描述
│── 38.305-5G无线接入网中用户终端(UE)的定位.pdf
│── 38.306 5G用户终端(UE)的无线接入能力.pdf
├── 38321-f90-NR-MAC.docx 媒体接入控制(MAC)协议规范 Medium Access Control (MAC)
├── 38322-f50-NR-RLC.docx 无线链路控制(RLC)协议规范 Radio Link Control (RLC)
├── 38323-f60-NR-PDCP.docx 分组数据汇聚协议(PDCP)规范 Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification
├── 38331-fa0-NR-RRC.docx 无线资源控制(RRC)协议规范 Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol specification
├── 38401-f80-NG-RAN-Architecture Description.doc 无线接入网 RAN 系统构架
├── 38.113 5G基站(BS)电磁兼容性(EMC).pdf
├── 38.124 用于5G移动终端和辅助设备电磁兼容性(EMC)要求.pdf
├── 38.304 用户终端(UE)在空闲模式以及RRC非激活状态.pdf
├── 38.307 5G用户终端(UE)对释放无关频段的支持要求.pdf
NG接口 38.410~38.414
├── 38410-f20-NG-RAN-NG general aspects and principles.doc NG接口的概述和一般性原则
├── 38411-f00-NG-RAN-NG layer 1.doc NG接口在L1层(物理层)的应用
├── 38412-f40-NG-RAN-NG signalling transport.doc NG接口的信令传输
├── 38413-f80-NG-RAN-NG Application Protocol (NGAP).doc NG接口应用协议(NGAP)规范
├── 38414-f30-NG-RAN-NG data transport.doc NG接口的数据传输
├── 38415-f20-NG-RAN-PDU Session User Plane Protocol.doc PDU会话用户平面协议
├── 38423-f80-Xn application protocol (XnAP).doc Xn接口应用流程协议(XnAP)
├── 36423-f80-X2 application protocol (X2AP)[TS 36.423]
├── 38425-f60-NG-RAN-NR user plane protocol.doc “NR User plane protocol (NRUP)” NR用户平面协议
├── E1AP [TS 38.463 ] E1 application protocol (E1AP)
├── 38470-f70-NG-RAN-F1 general aspects and principles.doc
├── 38473-fa0-NG-RAN-F1 application protocol (F1AP).doc [F1AP] F1 application protocol (F1AP)
5G NR 新的频率段范围
│── 38.813 5G NR 新的频率段范围(3.3-4.2 GHz).pdf
│── 38.814 5G NR 新的频率段范围(4.4-5.0 GHz).pdf
│── 38.815 5G NR 新的频率段范围(24.25-29.5 GHz).pdf
│── rfc1027.Using ARP to Implement Transparent Subnet Gateways.pdf
│── rfc1042.txt.pdf
│── rfc1662.PPP in HDLC-like Framing-July 1994-CRC算法描述.pdf
│── rfc2474.txt.pdf
│── rfc4861.Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6).pdf
│── rfc4960.SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol.pdf
│── rfc768.txt.pdf
│── rfc791.txt.pdf
│── rfc826.txt.pdf
│── rfc894.txt.pdf



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/beilou310/p/17226424.html


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