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PL20-Dealing with information-20220903

时间:2022-09-18 18:59:57浏览次数:74  
标签:me what PL20 20220903 Dealing news our your staff


Eistert, thank you for coming to the lesson on ‘’Dealing with information’’​.

It was great to meet you and teach you today.

You did well and worked hard on the exercises in the 2nd task "Investigating rumors and gossip."

I hope you enjoyed the lesson and found it useful. Good luck, keep practicing your word choices in your sentences and your pronunciation of certain words.

I wish you all the very best with all your future studies and goals. Don't forget to use the online study tools for extra practice and help.

I hope to teach you again soon. My email address is [email protected]


Strength:You showed a good ability to use new words when investigating rumors and gossip.

Areas for improvement:
Keep remembering these words from our lesson:
Personnel means the people employed in a company.
Tokyo is a city in Japan. It is the capital of Japan.
Trip means to take a holiday or vacation.
Heard means to hear someone. Heard is the past tense.


Teacher:Bev.G.       Role A

Student:Eistert A.   Role B

B: Hello

A:Hello,how are you?

B:I'm fine,sorry,I am in the class and my computer carmer is not work.

A: Can you hear me?


A:Ok,on problem.How do I pronounce your name?

B:My name is Eistert.

A:Is that right? Eistert?


A:I've got it.Eistert,My name is teacher Bev,i am from beautiful south africa,welcome to my class.

B:ok,you look beautiful.

A:Eistert,where are you from?which country?

B:I came from China.JiangXi Province.Have you heard it?

A:Yeah,i have,i have many Student from all of China.I do.i've gona to ask you some questions before we start our lesson.OK?


A:first question.What are your hobbies?

B:My hobbies are...My hobbies include running and playing basketball.

A:very nice,thank for your shareing that for me.My next question is are you working? are you studying?

B:I graduated about five years from my colleage.

A:Ok,all right.

B:and the last question is why are you learning english?

A:it's just a method to cost my free time.

B:OK,aLL right.great.Thank for you answering all my questions?

A:before we start our lesson,I'm just going sharing my hobbies.I love cooking,I love to listen music,i love watching movies.
and the last one is I love spelling time with my family.So that just few my hobbies and what I love doing.


A:so our very interesting topic infront of us is 'Dealing with information'.let have a look at those topic.


A:so our categories are [Reacting to unexpected news]、[Investigating rumors and gossip]、【Dealing with confidential information】、【My time】
so eistert which one would you like to start with first.

B:which one is most difficult?Maybe Investigating rumors and gossip.

A:OK,Let's go to the second one.

A:first questions,You just came out of a management meeting.Look at your notes.Why do you think some information needs to be kept secret?Read all thost point to me.

B:Management meeting notes.

- Unicorn Project:progress is worring,needs to end soon,a few people on the project leaving the company(do not announce the personnel change to anyone)

- Taiwan market:Recovering,hiring more people in Taiwan office.

- Cobra System deal:will give up on buying Cobra out,can't afford what they ask for(this reason is confidential)

- Company offsite trip:end of quarter,to Tokyo(inform the team tomorrow)

i think the item need to keep secret include the first and the third,other not to be keep secret.because the first and the third is a(are) bad news.

it will make staff worry about their job.and can calm down to contiue work.

A:definitely,definitely.very good answers and also the reason why these information need to kept secret.very good job.I am willing to help your pronounation.

Those two word I head,you can repeat it to me.


A:you said it right now.i'm happy to help you pronounce.good job.

B:I am gona learn other topic.

A: The second question:Your team member is asking you about the meeting.Be cautious about the information you give out.

A: Tell me what happend in the meeting.

B:Maybe the boos give a meeting to their staff.the staff is the team leader.and give their some bad news and good news.

and bad news is (are) need to kept secret.and good news will infor the team to encourage the staff.

A:so,what will you share with me. Which point will you share with me?

B:I am the boss.

A:yes,I am the boss.i work for you.you tell me what will you share with me.what will you not tell me?

B:ok,got it.

B:Hello,everyone thank for coming,the purpose of this meeting is let you know some upcoming news in our company.

first of all,the Unicorn projet,this project progress is delayed and we need to finish the project as soon as possible.so next few month we need to focus on this project.

and the second we need to expanding (expand) our Taiwan market,and(do not repeat it again and again,it's bad.)so we need to hire more staff in Taiwan office.

and the next new is about the Cobra System,In our company plan,we should need  buying Cobra out.But unforunately we can't afford what they ask for.

and the last is about the Company offsite trip.the offsite trip time is end of the quarter,and we all company staff will go to the Tokyo,and...

additional,I emphasize some tips to yours.the Unicorn Project and the Cobra System news is bad news,we should keep a secret to our staff.

and  the other two we should infor our staff as soon as possible.maybe company offsite trip highly suggest inform the staff tomorrow.

there is all.Thanks for your coming.do you have any questions?

A:no questions,so very nice,having this meeting now and taking me two points.and what's going on in each one of these four points.

and then telling me what I shouldn share anyone,What I should keep secret.

A:what can I help you now is another pronounation. that I heard.I am going pronounce this word,and you can repeat it after that.

this word is 'trip' 

A:the second i can help you is word choice in a sentence.

the first point,and the second point,not the first of all ....

A:these is word choice in our sentence.I am going repeat it again.

A:what we should do next?

A:Thank you repeating after me.

I wanna ask you now,do you have any questions on what we learn so far.

just carry on practiseing.I hope to see you again in other class.




From: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/16671289.html


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