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时间:2023-03-15 16:44:17浏览次数:21  
标签:函数 dictionary list choices score match Thefuzz best


  • Select the best match in a list or dictionary of choices.
  • Find best matches in a list or dictionary of choices, return a generator of tuples containing the match and its score.
  • If a dictionary is used, also returns the key for each match.


  • Select the best match in a list or dictionary of choices.
  • Find best matches in a list or dictionary of choices, return a list of tuples containing the match and its score.
  • If a dictionary is used, also returns the key for each match


  • Get a list of the best matches to a collection of choices.
  • Convenience function for getting the choices with best scores


  • 参数:(query, choices, processor=default_processor, scorer=default_scorer, score_cutoff=0):

  • Find the single best match above a score in a list of choices.

  • This is a convenience method which returns the single best choice.

  • See extract() for the full arguments list.

  • query: A string to match against

  • choices: A list or dictionary of choices, suitable for use with extract().

  • processor: Optional function for transforming choices before matching.See extract().

  • scorer: Scoring function for extract().

  • score_cutoff: Optional argument for score threshold. If the best match is found, but it is not greater than this number, then return None anyway ("not a good enough match"). Defaults to 0.


  • This convenience function takes a list of strings containing duplicates and uses fuzzy matching to identify and remove duplicates.
  • Specifically, it uses the process.extract to identify duplicates that score greater than a user defined threshold.
  • Then, it looks for the longest item in the duplicate list since we assume this item contains the most entity information and returns that.
  • It breaks string length ties on an alphabetical sort.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lsysnote/p/17219078.html
