[oracle@rds ~]$ oerr ora 1406 01406, 00000, "fetched column value was truncated" // *Cause: The fetched column values were truncated. // *Action: Use the right data types to avoid truncation.
网上也百度了下,搜索到了Oracle ask tom如下信息
HOW TO ASK A QUESTION: 1. Provide a detailed description of your problem. Include an overview of what you're trying to do. The steps you took that lead to the error. And anything you've tried to solve the issue. 2. Post a complete test case showing your problem. This is something we can copy-paste into our environment to reproduce your issue. This includes tables, data and anything else necessary for us to run your code (without editing it!) 3. DON'T SHOUT! Anyway, on to the error. As the error implies, the value from a column has been shortened. To solve this, as the docs say "Use the right data types to avoid truncation." https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/18/errmg/ORA-00910.html#GUID-D9EBDFFA-88C6-4185-BD2C-E1B959A97274__GUID-4101690C-8DFD-4EF9-A5B5-63A6507C00EB So you need to look at your code. The problem happens when there's a mismatch between the variable data type and the data type of the column. To help you further, please provide the information from steps 1 & 2 above. Thanks!
标签:column,01406,oracle,data,your,ORA From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hanglinux/p/17185813.html