遇到前端业务SQL执行报错ORA-03113,后台ORA-07445[evaopn3()+135报错;经与MOS上文档的分析对比,Executing a Query With Peoplesoft, Leads to ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [evaopn3()+135] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x4] [PC:0x968F463] [Address not mapped to object] [] (Doc ID 2196719.1)参照此文档上方法,排查为使用 function based index in DESC order。
MOS文档上解决办法为修改隐含参数方式: alter system set "_ignore_desc_in_index" = true;。可以更直接的去除函数索引即可。
CAUSE标签:evaopn3,index,报错,07445,135,ORA From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_1652968/6085589
SQL is using a function based index in DESC order
Set the following Database Parameter to work around the issue:
SQL> alter system set "_ignore_desc_in_index" = true;