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JMeter报Non HTTP response message: Address already in use: connect错误问题

时间:2023-02-22 13:56:52浏览次数:45  
标签:Non already HTTP message JMeter response

场景:用JMeter做压力测试的时候,一段时间后Aggregate Report报告里的错误率就一直上升,查看View Results Tree报告时发现报如下错误:

Response code:Non HTTP response code: java.net.BindException

Response message:Non HTTP response message: Address already in use: connect





1. 问题原因描述:(网上找来的)

When an HTTP request is made, an ephemeral port is allocated for the TCP / IP connection. The ephemeral port range is 32678 – 61000. After the client closes the connection, the connection is placed in the TIME-WAIT state for 60 seconds.

If JMeter (HttpClient) is sending thousands of HTTP requests per second and creating new TCP / IP connections, the system will run out of available ephemeral ports for allocation.

Otherwise, the following messages may appear in the JMeter JTL files:

Non HTTP response code: java.net.BindException
Non HTTP response message: Address already in use

The solution is to enable fast recycling TIME_WAIT sockets.

2. 具体修改注册表如下:


右键New->DWORD (32-bit) Value, 名称输入:TcpTimedWaitDelay,修改值为30(十进制),如下图所示。设置等待时间为30s。




右键New->DWORD (32-bit) Value, 名称输入:MaxUserPort,修改值为65534(十进制),如下图所示。设置最大连接数为65534。





From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangjunjiehome/p/17144077.html
