var empty []int // an empty slice
withData := []int{0,1,2,3,4,5} // a slice pre-filled with some data
make([]T, len)
make([]T, len, cap) // same as make([]T, cap)[:len]
func appendInt(x []int, y int) []int {
var z []int
zlen := len(x) + 1
if zlen <= cap(x) {
// There is room to grow. Extend the slice.
z = x[:zlen]
} else {
// There is insufficient space. Allocate a new array.
// Grow by doubling, for amortized linear complexity.
zcap := zlen
if zcap < 2*len(x) {
zcap = 2 * len(x)
z = make([]int, zlen, zcap)
copy(z, x) // a built-in function; see text
z[len(x)] = y
return z
a := []int{1, 3}
a = append(a, 4, 2)
// => []int{1,3,4,2}
nextSlice := []int{100,101,102}
newSlice := append(withData, nextSlice...)
// => []int{0,1,2,3,4,5,100,101,102}}
stack = append(stack, v) // push v
top := stack[len(stack)-1] // top of stack
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] // pop
// 删除第i位
func remove(slice []int, i int) []int {
copy(slice[i:], slice[i+1:])
return slice[:len(slice)-1]
// 删除第i位
slice = append(slice[:i], slice[i+1:]...)
Variadic Functions
func find(a int, b ...int) {
// ...
package cards
// FavoriteCards returns a slice with the cards 2, 6 and 9 in that order.
func FavoriteCards() []int {
return []int{2, 6, 9}
// GetItem retrieves an item from a slice at given position.
// If the index is out of range, we want it to return -1.
func GetItem(slice []int, index int) int {
if index < 0 || index >= len(slice) {
return -1
} else {
return slice[index]
// SetItem writes an item to a slice at given position overwriting an existing value.
// If the index is out of range the value needs to be appended.
func SetItem(slice []int, index, value int) []int {
if index < 0 || index >= len(slice) {
slice = append(slice, value)
} else {
slice[index] = value
return slice
// PrependItems adds an arbitrary number of values at the front of a slice.
func PrependItems(slice []int, values ...int) []int {
slice = append(values, slice...)
return slice
// RemoveItem removes an item from a slice by modifying the existing slice.
func RemoveItem(slice []int, index int) []int {
if index < 0 || index >= len(slice) {
return slice
slice = append(slice[:index], slice[index+1:]...)
return slice
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/roadwide/p/17133737.html