React Error Decoder All In One
In the minified production build of React, we avoid sending down full error messages in order to reduce the number of bytes sent over the wire.
在 React 的缩小生产构建中,我们避免发送完整的错误消息,以减少通过线路发送的字节数。
Uncaught Error: Minified React error #421; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
This Suspense boundary received an update before it finished hydrating. This caused the boundary to switch to client rendering. The usual way to fix this is to wrap the original update in startTransition.
这个 Suspense 边界在完成水化之前收到了更新。这导致边界切换到客户端渲染。解决此问题的通常方法是将原始更新包装在 startTransition 中。
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