unit mywil; interface uses Windows, Classes, Graphics, SysUtils, Dialogs, DIB; const UseDIBSurface : Boolean = FALSE; BoWilNoCache : Boolean = FALSE; MaxListSize=160000; type TWMImageHeader = record Title: string[40]; //'WEMADE Entertainment inc.' ImageCount: integer; ColorCount: integer; PaletteSize: integer; end; PTWMImageHeader = ^TWMImageHeader; TWMImageInfo = record Width: smallint; Height: smallint; px: smallint; py: smallint; bits: PByte; end; PTWMImageInfo = ^TWMImageInfo; TWMIndexHeader =record Title: string[40]; //'WEMADE Entertainment inc.' IndexCount: integer; end; PTWMIndexHeader = ^TWMIndexHeader; TWMIndexInfo = record Position: integer; Size: integer; end; PTWMIndexInfo = ^TWMIndexInfo; TLibType = (ltLoadBmp, ltLoadMemory, ltLoadMunual, ltUseCache); TBmpImage = record bmp: TBitmap; LatestTime: integer; end; PTBmpImage = ^TBmpImage; TXY= array[0..65536] of Integer; //PWTDxImageArr = ^TDxImageArr; TNewWilHeader=Packed Record Comp :Smallint; Title :Array[0..19] of Char; Ver :Smallint; ImageCount :Integer; End; TNewWilImageInfo=Packed Record Width :Smallint; Height :Smallint; Px :Smallint; Py :SmallInt; Shadow :Byte; Shadowx :Smallint; Shadowy :Smallint; Length :Integer; End; TNewWixHeader=Packed Record Title :Array[0..19] of char; ImageCount :Integer; End; TBitMapHeader=Packed Record bfType :Word; //bmp文件头标志固定为19778,记bm bfSize :Integer; //文件大小 bfRes :Integer; //保留,全部为0 bfOffBits :Integer; //记录图像数据区的起始位置 bfTy :Integer; // 图像描述信息块的大小,常为28H Width :Integer; Height :Integer; mark :Word; Piexl :Word; Pack :Integer; Size :Integer; Width1 :Integer; Height1 :Integer; ColorNum :Integer; unk :Integer; unk1 :integer; unk2 :integer; unk3 :integer; End; TWIL = class (TComponent) private FFileName: string; idxfile: string; FImageCount: integer; FLibType: TLibType; FX,FY:TXY; FBitMap:TBitMap; Fpx,FPy:Integer; Fwidth,FHeight:Integer; FOffSet:Integer; FType:Integer; procedure LoadIndex (idxfile: string); procedure LoadBmpImage (position: integer; index:integer); procedure LoadNewBmpImage (position: integer; index:integer); procedure FreeBmps; function FGetImageBitmap (index: integer): TBitmap; protected lsDib: TDib; public IndexList: Array of Integer; Stream: TFileStream; MainPalette: TRgbQuads; NewHeaderofIndex: TNewWixHeader; headerofIndex: TWMIndexHeader; constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Tran(value:Integer); procedure Initialize; procedure Finalize; procedure ClearCache; procedure LoadPalette; procedure FreeBitmap (index: integer); function GetCachedBitmap (index: integer): TBitmap; function Changex(index:Integer;x:Smallint):Boolean; function Changey(index:Integer;y:Smallint):Boolean; function AddBitmap(NewBitMap:TBitMap;X,Y:SmallInt):Boolean; function AddNullBitmap:Boolean; function ReplaceBitMap(Index:Integer;NewBitMap:TBitMap):Boolean; property Bitmaps[Index: Integer]: TBitmap read FGetImageBitmap; procedure DrawZoomEx (paper: TCanvas; Rec:TRect; index: integer; leftzero: Boolean); procedure DrawZoom (paper: TCanvas; x,y, index: integer; zoom:Real;Tran,leftzero: Boolean); published property FileName: string read FFileName write FFileName; property ImageCount: integer read FImageCount; property LibType: TLibType read FLibType write FLibType; property px:Integer Read Fpx write Fpx; property py:Integer Read Fpy write Fpy; property OffSet:Integer Read FOffSet write FOffSet; property Width:Integer Read FWidth write FWidth; property Height:Integer Read FHeight write FHeight; property FileType:Integer Read FType write FType; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure FillBitMapHeader(var BitMap:TBitMapHeader); Begin Bitmap.bfType:=19778; Bitmap.bfRes:=0; Bitmap.bfTy:=40; BitMap.mark:=1; BitMap.Piexl:=16; BitMap.Pack:=3; BitMap.ColorNum:=0; BitMap.unk:=0; bitmap.bfOffBits:=66; Bitmap.unk1:=63488; Bitmap.unk2:=2016; Bitmap.unk3:=31; Bitmap.Width1:=0; Bitmap.Height1:=0; End; function DuplicateBitmap (bitmap: TBitmap): HBitmap; var hbmpOldSrc, hbmpOldDest, hbmpNew : HBitmap; hdcSrc, hdcDest : HDC; begin hdcSrc := CreateCompatibleDC (0); hdcDest := CreateCompatibleDC (hdcSrc); hbmpOldSrc := SelectObject(hdcSrc, bitmap.Handle); hbmpNew := CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcSrc, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); hbmpOldDest := SelectObject(hdcDest, hbmpNew); BitBlt(hdcDest, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, hdcSrc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hdcDest, hbmpOldDest); SelectObject(hdcSrc, hbmpOldSrc); DeleteDC(hdcDest); DeleteDC(hdcSrc); Result := hbmpNew; end; procedure SpliteBitmap (DC: HDC; X, Y: integer; bitmap: TBitmap; transcolor: TColor); var hdcMixBuffer, hdcBackMask, hdcForeMask, hdcCopy : HDC; hOld, hbmCopy, hbmMixBuffer, hbmBackMask, hbmForeMask : HBitmap; oldColor: TColor; begin hbmCopy := DuplicateBitmap (bitmap); hdcCopy := CreateCompatibleDC (DC); hOld := SelectObject (hdcCopy, hbmCopy); hdcBackMask := CreateCompatibleDC (DC); hdcForeMask := CreateCompatibleDC (DC); hdcMixBuffer:= CreateCompatibleDC (DC); hbmBackMask := CreateBitmap (bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, 1, 1, nil); hbmForeMask := CreateBitmap (bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, 1, 1, nil); hbmMixBuffer:= CreateCompatibleBitmap (DC, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); SelectObject (hdcBackMask, hbmBackMask); SelectObject (hdcForeMask, hbmForeMask); SelectObject (hdcMixBuffer, hbmMixBuffer); oldColor := SetBkColor (hdcCopy, transcolor); //clWhite); BitBlt (hdcForeMask, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, hdcCopy, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SetBkColor (hdcCopy, oldColor); BitBlt( hdcBackMask, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, hdcForeMask, 0, 0, NOTSRCCOPY ); BitBlt( hdcMixBuffer, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, DC, X, Y, SRCCOPY ); BitBlt( hdcMixBuffer, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, hdcForeMask, 0, 0, SRCAND ); BitBlt( hdcCopy, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, hdcBackMask, 0, 0, SRCAND ); BitBlt( hdcMixBuffer, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, hdcCopy, 0, 0, SRCPAINT ); BitBlt( DC, X, Y, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, hdcMixBuffer, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); {DeleteObject (hbmCopy);} DeleteObject( SelectObject( hdcCopy, hOld ) ); DeleteObject( SelectObject( hdcForeMask, hOld ) ); DeleteObject( SelectObject( hdcBackMask, hOld ) ); DeleteObject( SelectObject( hdcMixBuffer, hOld ) ); DeleteDC( hdcCopy ); DeleteDC( hdcForeMask ); DeleteDC( hdcBackMask ); DeleteDC( hdcMixBuffer ); end; function ExtractFileNameOnly (const fname: string): string; var extpos: integer; ext, fn: string; begin ext := ExtractFileExt (fname); fn := ExtractFileName (fname); if ext <> '' then begin extpos := pos (ext, fn); Result := Copy (fn, 1, extpos-1); end else Result := fn; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('TOPDELPHI', [TWIL]); end; constructor TWIL.Create (AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create (AOwner); FFileName := ''; FLibType := ltLoadBmp; FImageCount := 0; Stream := nil; // IndexList := TList.Create; lsDib := TDib.Create; lsDib.BitCount := 8; lsdib.PixelFormat.RBitMask:=$FF0000; lsdib.PixelFormat.gBitMask:=$FF00; lsdib.PixelFormat.bBitMask:=$FF; FBitMap:=TBitMap.Create; FBitMap.PixelFormat:=pf8bit; FbitMap.Width:=1; FBitMap.Height:=1; end; destructor TWIL.Destroy; begin // IndexList.Free; if Stream <> nil then Stream.Free; lsDib.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TWIL.Initialize; var header: TWMImageHeader; NewHeader:TNewWilHeader; s:Pchar; str:String; begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if FFileName = '' then begin raise Exception.Create ('FileName not assigned..'); exit; end; if FileExists (FFileName) then begin if Stream = nil then Stream := TFileStream.Create (FFileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone); Stream.Read (header, sizeof(TWMImageHeader)); if Header.Title='ILIB v1.0-WEMADE Entertainment inc.' then FType:=0 else if Header.Title='WEMADE Entertainment inc.' then FType:=1 else Begin Stream.Seek(0,0); Stream.Read(NewHeader,Sizeof(NewHeader)); // s:=NewHeader. s:=@NewHeader.Title; Str:=String(s); if Str='ILIB v1.0-WEMADE' then FType:=2 else Begin stream.Free; stream:=nil; exit; End; End; if Ftype<2 then FImageCount := header.ImageCount; if Stream<>nil then Begin idxfile := ExtractFilePath(FFileName) + ExtractFileNameOnly(FFileName) + '.WIX'; LoadIndex (idxfile); if Ftype<2 then LoadPalette; end else MessageDlg (FFileName + ' 不是wil文件.', mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end else begin MessageDlg (FFileName + ' 不存在.', mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end; end; procedure TWIL.Finalize; var i: integer; begin if Stream <> nil then begin Stream.Free; Stream := nil; end; for i:=0 to FImageCount-1 do FreeBitmap(i); SetLength(IndexList,0); FOffset:=0; FType:=0; end; procedure TWIL.LoadPalette; var size,x:integer; lplogpal:pMaxLogPalette;// begin if Foffset=4 then size:=60 else size:=56; Stream.Seek (size, 0); Stream.Read (MainPalette, sizeof(TRgbQuad) * 256); //迫贰飘 GetMem(lpLogPal,sizeof(TLOGPALETTE) + ((255) * sizeof(TPALETTEENTRY))); lpLogPal.palVersion := $0300; lpLogPal.palNumEntries := 256; for x := 0 to 255 do Begin lpLogPal.palPalEntry[x].peRed := MainPalette[x].rgbRed; lpLogPal.palPalEntry[x].peGreen := MainPalette[x].rgbGreen; lpLogPal.palPalEntry[x].peBlue := MainPalette[x].rgbBlue; End; FBitmap.Palette := CreatePalette(pLogPalette(lpLogPal)^); end; procedure TWIL.LoadIndex (idxfile: string); var fhandle, i, value: integer; count:Integer; // pvalue: PInteger; begin // indexlist.Clear; if FileExists (idxfile) then begin fhandle := FileOpen (idxfile, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); if fhandle > 0 then begin case FType of 0: Begin FoffSet:=0; FileRead (fhandle, headerofIndex, sizeof(TWMIndexHeader)); SetLength(IndexList,headerofIndex.IndexCount+1); FileRead (fhandle, IndexList[0], 4*headerofIndex.IndexCount); End; 1: Begin FoffSet:=4; FileRead (fhandle, headerofIndex, sizeof(TWMIndexHeader)); SetLength(IndexList,headerofIndex.IndexCount+1); FileSeek(fHandle,52,0); FileRead (fhandle, IndexList[0], 4*headerofIndex.IndexCount); if IndexList[0]<>1084 then Begin FileSeek(fHandle,48,0); FileRead (fhandle, IndexList[0], 4*headerofIndex.IndexCount); Ftype:=0; FoffSet:=0; End; End; 2: Begin count:=0; Foffset:=0; FileSeek(fHandle,0,0); FileRead(Fhandle,NewHeaderofIndex,Sizeof(NewHeaderofIndex)); SetLength(INdexList,NewHeaderofIndex.ImageCount); FileRead(fHandle,IndexList[0],NewHeaderofIndex.ImageCount*4); FimageCount:=NewHeaderofIndex.ImageCount; while (IndexList[0]<0) do Begin Inc(count); Inc(Foffset); Dec(FimageCOunt); FileSeek(fHandle,Sizeof(NewHeaderofIndex)+4*count,0); FileRead(fHandle,IndexList[0],FimageCOunt*4); End; end; end; FileClose (fhandle); end; end; end; {----------------- Private Variables ---------------------} function TWIL.FGetImageBitmap (index: integer): TBitmap; begin Result:=nil; if LibType <> ltLoadBmp then exit; Result := GetCachedBitmap (index); end; // *** DirectDrawSurface Functions procedure TWIL.LoadNewBmpImage (position: integer; index:integer); var imginfo: TNewWilImageInfo; buf:Array of word; //DBits: PByte; dbits:array of word; newdib:TDib; nYCnt,nWidthEnd,nWidthStart,nCntCopyWord,x,nXOffset,nYOffset:Integer; nStartX,nStartY,nCurrWidth,nLastWidth,nCheck:integer; lpbi:TBitmapInfo ; Bheader:TBitMapHeader; hdib:HWnd; d:integer; tmpFile:TMemoryStream; begin if Position<=0 then Begin FBitMap.Width:=0; FbitMap.Height:=0; Exit; End; Stream.Seek (position, 0); Stream.Read (imginfo, sizeof(TNewWilImageInfo)); FX[index]:=ImgInfo.px; FY[Index]:=ImgInfo.py; SetLength(Dbits,Imginfo.Width*Imginfo.Height*2); SetLength(Buf,ImgINfo.Length*2); Stream.Read (Buf[0], Imginfo.Length*2); if (ImgINfo.Width>1000) or (ImgInfo.Height>1000) then Exit; nXOffset := 0; nYOffset := 0; nStartX := 0; nStartY := 0; nWidthStart := 0; nWidthEnd := 0; nCurrWidth := 0; nCntCopyWord := 0; nYCnt :=0; nLastWidth := 0; for nycnt:=0 to ImgInfo.Height do Begin nWidthEnd:=Buf[nwidthstart]+nWidthEnd; Inc(nWidthStart); // for x:=nWidthStart to nwidthend-1 do x:=nWidthStart; while x<nwidthend do Begin if Buf[x]=$c0 then Begin // inc(x); x:=x+1; nCntCopyWord:=Buf[x]; x:=x+1; nCurrWidth:=nCurrWidth+nCntCopyWord; End else if (Buf[x]=$c1) then Begin Inc(x); nCntCopyWord:=Buf[x]; Inc(x); nLastWidth:=nCurrWidth; nCurrWidth:=nCurrWidth+nCntCopyWord; if (ImgInfo.Width<nLastWidth) then x:=x+nCntCopyWord else Begin if (nLastWidth<=ImgInfo.Width) and (ImgInfo.Width<nCurrWidth) then Begin CopyMemory(@Dbits[(Imginfo.height-nycnt)*ImgInfo.width+nlastwidth],@buf[x],(imginfo.Width-nlastwidth)*2); x:=x+ncntcopyword; End else Begin CopyMemory(@Dbits[(Imginfo.height-nycnt)*ImgInfo.width+nlastwidth],@buf[x],nCntCopyWord*2); x:=x+ncntcopyword; End; End; End else Begin if(Buf[x]=$c2) or (Buf[x]=$c3) then Begin Inc(x); nCntCopyWord:=Buf[x]; Inc(x); nLastWidth:=nCurrWidth; nCurrWidth:=nCurrWidth+nCntCopyWord; if (imginfo.Width<nLastWidth) then x:=x+ncntcopyword else Begin if (nlastwidth<imginfo.Width) and (imginfo.Width<nCurrWidth) then Begin for nCheck:=0 to (imginfo.Width-nlastwidth-1) do Dbits[((imginfo.Height-nycnt)*(imginfo.Width))+(nlastwidth+ncheck)]:= Buf[x+ncheck]; x:=x+nCntCopyWord; End else Begin for nCheck:=0 to (nCntCopyWord-1) do Dbits[((imginfo.Height-nycnt)*(imginfo.Width))+(nlastwidth+ncheck)]:= Buf[x+ncheck]; x:=x+nCntCopyWord; End End; End; End; end; Inc(nWidthEnd); nWidthStart:=nWidthEnd; nCurrWidth:=0; End; d:=0; // CreateDIBitmap(GetDC(0),lpbih,CBM_INIT,@Dbits,@lpbi,d ); FillBitMapHeader(BHeader); Bheader.Width:=Imginfo.Width; BHeader.Height:=Imginfo.Height; BHeader.Size:=Imginfo.Width*Imginfo.Height*2; Bheader.bfSize:=66+Imginfo.Width*Imginfo.Height*2; tmpFile:=TMemoryStream.Create; TmpFile.SetSize(Imginfo.Width*Imginfo.Height*2+56); TmpFile.Seek(0,0); TmpFile.Write(BHeader,66); TmpFile.Write(DBits[0],Imginfo.Width*Imginfo.Height*2); TmpFile.Seek(0,0); FbitMap.LoadFromStream(TmpFile); TmpFile.Free; end; procedure TWIL.LoadBmpImage (position: integer; index:integer); var imginfo: TWMImageInfo; DBits: PByte; t:TmemoryStream; begin Stream.Seek (position, 0); Stream.Read (imginfo, sizeof(TWMImageInfo)-4+FOffset); FX[index]:=ImgInfo.px; FY[Index]:=ImgInfo.py; lsDib.Width := (((imginfo.Width*8)+31) shr 5) * 4; lsDib.Height := imginfo.Height; lsDib.ColorTable := MainPalette; lsDib.UpdatePalette; lsDib.Canvas.Brush.Color:=ClBlack; lsDib.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,lsdib.Width,lsdib.Height)); DBits := lsDib.PBits; Stream.Read (DBits^, imginfo.Width * imgInfo.Height); if (ImgINfo.Width>2000) or (ImgInfo.Height>2000) then Exit; FBitMap.Width := lsDib.Width; FBitMap.Height := lsDib.Height; FBitMap.Canvas.Draw (0, 0, lsDib); lsDib.Clear; end; procedure TWIL.ClearCache; begin FreeBmps; end; procedure TWIL.FreeBmps; var i: integer; begin end; procedure TWIL.FreeBitmap (index: integer); begin end; function TWIL.GetCachedBitmap (index: integer): TBitmap; var position: integer; begin Result := nil; if (index < 0) or (index >= ImageCount) then Begin FBitMap.Width:=1; FbitMap.Height:=1; Result:=FBitMap; exit; end; if index < ImageCount then begin position := (IndexList[index]); if Ftype<2 then LoadBmpImage (position,index) else LoadNewBmpImage (position,index); Result:=FBitMap; FWidth:=FBitMap.Width; FHeight:=FBitMap.Height; end; Fpx:=Fx[Index]; Fpy:=Fy[Index]; end; function TWIL.AddBitmap(NewBitMap:TBitMap;X,Y:SmallInt):Boolean; var Temp:TFileStream; DBits:PByte; v:smallint; offset:integer; s:array[0..1] of integer; Begin Result:=False; try lsDib.Width := (((NewBitMap.Width*8)+31) shr 5) * 4; lsDib.Height := NewBitMap.Height; if (NewBitMap.Width<=1)or(NewBitMap.Height<=1) then Begin AddNUllBitmap; Result:=True; Exit; End; lsDib.ColorTable := MainPalette; lsDib.UpdatePalette; lsdib.Canvas.Brush.Color:=clblack; lsDib.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,lsdib.Width,lsdib.Height)); lsDib.Canvas.Draw(0,0,NewBitmap); // lsDib.SaveToFile('c:\1.bmp'); if Stream<>nil then Begin Inc(FImageCount); Stream.Seek(44,0); Stream.Write(FImageCount,4); //写入图片的宽度 offset:=Stream.Size; Stream.Seek(0,2); v:=lsDib.Width; Stream.Write(v,2); //写入图片的高度 v:=lsDib.Height; Stream.Write(v,2); //写入图片的坐标 Stream.Write(x,2); Stream.Write(y,2); DBits:=lsDIb.PBits; s[0]:=Stream.Write(DBits^,lsdib.Size);//lsDib.Height*lsDib.Width); Temp:= TFileStream.Create (idxfile, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone); Temp.Seek(44,0); Temp.Write(FImageCount,4); Temp.Seek(0,2); Temp.Write(Offset,4); Temp.Free; End; Result:=True; Except End; End; function TWIL.AddNUllBitmap:Boolean; var Temp:TFileStream; offset:Integer; v:smallint; vv:Byte; Begin Result:=False; Try if Stream<>nil then Begin Inc(FImageCount); Stream.Seek(44,0); Stream.Write(FImageCount,4); //写入图片的宽度 offset:=Stream.Size; Stream.Seek(0,2); v:=1; Stream.Write(v,2); Stream.Write(v,2); Stream.Write(v,2); Stream.Write(v,2); vv:=0; Stream.Write(vv,1); Temp:= TFileStream.Create (idxfile, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyNone); Temp.Seek(44,0); Temp.Write(FImageCount,4); Temp.Seek(0,2); Temp.Write(Offset,4); Temp.Free; End; Result:=True; except End; End; function TWIL.ReplaceBitMap(Index:Integer;NewBitMap:TBitMap):Boolean; var Width,Height,x,y:smallint; Temp:TMemoryStream; offset,size,i,WixFileHandle:Integer; DBits:PByte; Begin Result:=False; try lsDib.Width := (((NewBitMap.Width*8)+31) shr 5) * 4; lsDib.Height := NewBitMap.Height; lsDib.ColorTable := MainPalette; lsDib.UpdatePalette; lsdib.Canvas.Brush.Color:=clblack; lsDib.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,lsdib.Width,lsdib.Height)); lsDib.Canvas.Draw(0,0,NewBitmap); if Stream<>nil then Begin OffSet:=(indexlist[index]); Stream.Seek(Offset,0); Stream.Read(Width,2); Stream.Read(Height,2); Stream.Read(x,2); Stream.Read(y,2); DBits:=lsDIb.PBits; if(Width=lsDib.Width) and(Height=lsDib.Height) then Begin Stream.Write(DBits^,lsDib.Width*lsDib.Height); End else Begin Size:=Stream.Size-offset-8-Width*Height; Temp:=TMemoryStream.Create; Stream.Seek(0,0); Temp.LoadFromStream(stream); Stream.Seek(offset,0); x:=lsDib.Width; y:=lsDib.Height; Stream.Write(x,2); Stream.Write(y,2); Stream.Seek(4,1); Stream.Write(Dbits^,x*y); Temp.Seek(offset+8+Width*Height,0); Stream.CopyFrom(Temp,size); Temp.Free; WixFileHandle:=FileOpen(idxfile,fmOpenReadWrite); FileSeek(WixFileHandle,48+4*(Index+1),0); for i:=Index+1 to ImageCount-1 do Begin OffSet:=(indexlist[i])+x*y-WIdth*Height; IndexList[i]:=Offset; FileWrite(WixFileHandle,offset,4); End; FileClose(WixFIleHandle); LoadIndex(idxfile); End; Result:=True; End; Finally End; End; procedure TWil.DrawZoomEx (paper: TCanvas; Rec:TRect; index: integer; leftzero: Boolean); var rc: TRect; bmp,bmp2: TBitmap; begin if LibType <> ltLoadBmp then exit; //if index > BmpList.Count-1 then exit; bmp := Bitmaps[index]; if bmp <> nil then begin Bmp2 := TBitmap.Create; Bmp2.Width :=Rec.Right-Rec.Left; Bmp2.Height :=Rec.Bottom-Rec.Top; if Bmp2.Width>Bmp.Width then bmp2.Width:=bmp.Width; if bmp2.Height>bmp.Height then bmp2.Height:=bmp.Height; Bmp2.Canvas.StretchDraw (Rect(0, 0, Bmp2.Width, Bmp2.Height), Bmp); if leftzero then begin SpliteBitmap (paper.Handle, Rec.Left,rec.Top, Bmp2, $0) end else begin SpliteBitmap (paper.Handle, Rec.Left, rec.Top-Bmp2.Height, Bmp2, $0); end; FreeBitmap (index); bmp2.Free; end; end; procedure TWil.DrawZoom (paper: TCanvas; x,y, index: integer; zoom:Real;Tran,leftzero: Boolean); var rc: TRect; bmp, bmp2: TBitmap; begin if LibType <> ltLoadBmp then exit; //if index > BmpList.Count-1 then exit; bmp := Bitmaps[index]; x:=x; y:=y; if bmp <> nil then begin Bmp2 := TBitmap.Create; Bmp2.Width := Round (Bmp.Width * zoom); Bmp2.Height := Round (Bmp.Height * zoom); rc.Left := x; rc.Top := y; rc.Right := x + Round (bmp.Width * zoom); rc.Bottom := y + Round (bmp.Height * zoom); paper.DrawFocusRect(rc); if (rc.Right > rc.Left) and (rc.Bottom > rc.Top) then begin Bmp2.Canvas.StretchDraw (Rect(0, 0, Bmp2.Width, Bmp2.Height), Bmp); if leftzero then begin if Tran then SpliteBitmap (paper.Handle, X, Y, Bmp2, $0) else SpliteBitmap (paper.Handle, X, Y, Bmp2, $FF); end else begin if Tran then SpliteBitmap (paper.Handle, X, Y, Bmp2, $0) else SpliteBitmap (paper.Handle, X, Y, Bmp2, $FF); end; end; FreeBitmap (index); bmp2.Free; end; end; procedure TWil.Tran(value:Integer); var i:integer; Begin if Value=-1 then LoadPalette else Begin for i:=0 to 255 do Begin if (MainPalette[i].rgbBlue<Value)and (MainPalette[i].rgbGreen<Value) and (MainPalette[i].rgbRed<Value) then Begin // if (abs(MainPalette[i].rgbBlue-MainPalette[i].rgbGreen)<(Value-2)) and (abs(MainPalette[i].rgbBlue-MainPalette[i].rgbRed)<(Value-2)) and (abs(MainPalette[i].rgbRed-MainPalette[i].rgbGreen)<(Value-2)) then Begin MainPalette[i].rgbBlue:=0; MainPalette[i].rgbGreen:=0; MainPalette[i].rgbRed:=0; end; End; End; End; End; function TWil.Changex(index:Integer;x:Smallint):Boolean; var size:integer; Begin Result:=True; if Stream<>nil then Begin size:=IndexList[index]; Stream.Seek(Size+4,0); Stream.Write(x,2); End; End; function TWil.Changey(index:Integer;y:Smallint):Boolean; var size:integer; Begin Result:=True; if Stream<>nil then Begin size:=IndexList[index]; Stream.Seek(Size+6,0); Stream.Write(y,2); End; End; end.
标签:MYWIL,end,HH8WilEdit,Stream,WIL,Height,Width,integer,Integer From: https://www.cnblogs.com/D7mir/p/17120984.html