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时间:2023-02-12 20:35:44浏览次数:43  
标签:daemon Set string -- default docker containers

Dockerd Configuration

[root@localhost128 docker]# dockerd --help

Usage:  dockerd [OPTIONS]

A self-sufficient runtime for containers.

      --add-runtime runtime                     Register an additional OCI compatible runtime (default [])
      --allow-nondistributable-artifacts list   Allow push of nondistributable artifacts to registry
      --api-cors-header string                  Set CORS headers in the Engine API
      --authorization-plugin list               Authorization plugins to load
      --bip string                              Specify network bridge IP
  -b, --bridge string                           Attach containers to a network bridge
      --cgroup-parent string                    Set parent cgroup for all containers
      --config-file string                      Daemon configuration file (default "/etc/docker/daemon.json")
      --containerd string                       containerd grpc address
      --containerd-namespace string             Containerd namespace to use (default "moby")
      --containerd-plugins-namespace string     Containerd namespace to use for plugins (default "plugins.moby")
      --cpu-rt-period int                       Limit the CPU real-time period in microseconds for the parent cgroup for all containers
      --cpu-rt-runtime int                      Limit the CPU real-time runtime in microseconds for the parent cgroup for all containers
      --cri-containerd                          start containerd with cri
## 持久化 Docker 状态的根目录,包括有container,image,network等等
      --data-root string                        Root directory of persistent Docker state (default "/var/lib/docker")
  -D, --debug                                   Enable debug mode
      --default-address-pool pool-options       Default address pools for node specific local networks
      --default-cgroupns-mode string            Default mode for containers cgroup namespace ("host" | "private") (default "host")
      --default-gateway ip                      Container default gateway IPv4 address
      --default-gateway-v6 ip                   Container default gateway IPv6 address
      --default-ipc-mode string                 Default mode for containers ipc ("shareable" | "private") (default "private")
      --default-runtime string                  Default OCI runtime for containers (default "runc")
      --default-shm-size bytes                  Default shm size for containers (default 64MiB)
      --default-ulimit ulimit                   Default ulimits for containers (default [])
      --dns list                                DNS server to use
      --dns-opt list                            DNS options to use
      --dns-search list                         DNS search domains to use
      --exec-opt list                           Runtime execution options
      --exec-root string                        Root directory for execution state files (default "/var/run/docker")
      --experimental                            Enable experimental features
      --fixed-cidr string                       IPv4 subnet for fixed IPs
      --fixed-cidr-v6 string                    IPv6 subnet for fixed IPs
  -G, --group string                            Group for the unix socket (default "docker")
      --help                                    Print usage
  -H, --host list                               Daemon socket(s) to connect to
      --host-gateway-ip ip                      IP address that the special 'host-gateway' string in --add-host resolves to. Defaults to the IP address of the
                                                default bridge
      --icc                                     Enable inter-container communication (default true)
      --init                                    Run an init in the container to forward signals and reap processes
      --init-path string                        Path to the docker-init binary
      --insecure-registry list                  Enable insecure registry communication
      --ip ip                                   Default IP when binding container ports (default
      --ip-forward                              Enable net.ipv4.ip_forward (default true)
      --ip-masq                                 Enable IP masquerading (default true)
      --ip6tables                               Enable addition of ip6tables rules
      --iptables                                Enable addition of iptables rules (default true)
      --ipv6                                    Enable IPv6 networking
      --label list                              Set key=value labels to the daemon
      --live-restore                            Enable live restore of docker when containers are still running
      --log-driver string                       Default driver for container logs (default "json-file")
  -l, --log-level string                        Set the logging level ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"fatal") (default "info")
      --log-opt map                             Default log driver options for containers (default map[])
      --max-concurrent-downloads int            Set the max concurrent downloads for each pull (default 3)
      --max-concurrent-uploads int              Set the max concurrent uploads for each push (default 5)
      --max-download-attempts int               Set the max download attempts for each pull (default 5)
      --metrics-addr string                     Set default address and port to serve the metrics api on
      --mtu int                                 Set the containers network MTU
      --network-control-plane-mtu int           Network Control plane MTU (default 1500)
      --no-new-privileges                       Set no-new-privileges by default for new containers
      --node-generic-resource list              Advertise user-defined resource
      --oom-score-adjust int                    Set the oom_score_adj for the daemon
  -p, --pidfile string                          Path to use for daemon PID file (default "/var/run/docker.pid")
      --raw-logs                                Full timestamps without ANSI coloring
      --registry-mirror list                    Preferred Docker registry mirror
      --rootless                                Enable rootless mode; typically used with RootlessKit
      --seccomp-profile string                  Path to seccomp profile
      --selinux-enabled                         Enable selinux support
      --shutdown-timeout int                    Set the default shutdown timeout (default 15)
  -s, --storage-driver string                   Storage driver to use
      --storage-opt list                        Storage driver options
      --swarm-default-advertise-addr string     Set default address or interface for swarm advertised address
      --tls                                     Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
      --tlscacert string                        Trust certs signed only by this CA (default "/root/.docker/ca.pem")
      --tlscert string                          Path to TLS certificate file (default "/root/.docker/cert.pem")
      --tlskey string                           Path to TLS key file (default "/root/.docker/key.pem")
      --tlsverify                               Use TLS and verify the remote
      --userland-proxy                          Use userland proxy for loopback traffic (default true)
      --userland-proxy-path string              Path to the userland proxy binary
      --userns-remap string                     User/Group setting for user namespaces
  -v, --version                                 Print version information and quit


配置文件的位置: /etc/docker

  "data-root": "/var/lib/docker"

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xysgo/p/16867726.html


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