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[Typescript] Indexing an Object with Branded Types

时间:2023-02-06 03:55:05浏览次数:37  
标签:Typescript const userId Object db postId UserId Branded id

In this exercise, we're going to look at a really interesting property of branded types when they're used with index signatures.

Here we have our User and Post interfaces, along with PostId and UserId branded types:

Down in the tests we create entries in our database based on db[postId] and db[userId]:

const postId = "post_1" as PostId;
const userId = "user_1" as UserId;

db[postId] = {
  id: postId,
  title: "Hello world",

db[userId] = {
  id: userId,
  name: "Miles",

But there's a problem!

With the current implementation of db, we are unable to directly get a user or post by id:

const db: Record<string, User | Post> = {};

Whether we want a UserId or PostId, the result will be User | Post:

// hovering over result const result = db['123123'] // displays const result: User | Post
// hovering over result
const result = db['123123']

// displays
const result: User | Post



const db: {
  [id: PostId]: Post;
  [id: UserId]: User;
} = {};
import { it } from "vitest";
import { Brand } from "../helpers/Brand";
import { Equal, Expect } from "../helpers/type-utils";

type PostId = Brand<string, "PostId">;
type UserId = Brand<string, "UserId">;

interface User {
  id: UserId;
  name: string;

interface Post {
  id: PostId;
  title: string;

const db: {
  [id: PostId]: Post;
  [id: UserId]: User;
} = {};

it("Should let you add users and posts to the db by their id", () => {
  const postId = "post_1" as PostId;
  const userId = "user_1" as UserId;

  db[postId] = {
    id: postId,
    title: "Hello world",

  db[userId] = {
    id: userId,
    name: "Miles",

  const post = db[postId];
  const user = db[userId];

  type tests = [
    Expect<Equal<typeof post, Post>>,
    Expect<Equal<typeof user, User>>,

it("Should fail if you try to add a user under a post id", () => {
  const postId = "post_1" as PostId;
  const userId = "user_1" as UserId;

  const user: User = {
    id: userId,
    name: "Miles",

  // @ts-expect-error
  db[postId] = user;


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/17094312.html


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