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时间:2023-02-02 20:35:29浏览次数:40  
标签:will 口语 my 复试 learning team first was 考研

Good morning, respected professors! I have been expecting this interview since I got the interview notice. My name is Gaowei. I come from Shanxi Province. As a senior student, I will finish my four-year learning in Lvliang college this July. I have been making every effort to obtain the chance to further my education in this university.
Generally speaking, I’m a person with great perseverance, especially when doing what I’m interested in. I will try my best to manage it no matter how difficult it is, both in study or work. For example, when I was a freshman ,I joined the robotics team of my school, I found the programming used in the robotics competition very interesting. To design a effective strategy for team, after hundreds of time of debugging, I was the first one in my team to own a effective strategy , and won the first prize in the underwater robot competition of five provinces in North China.
Despite the fact that I have learned my major for nearly four years, my knowledge of this field is still at a superficial level, and this is the main reason why I decided to pursue my postgraduate learning here. I hope that by further study, I will be competent and skillful to deal with practice issue in a professional way. And I hope the three-year learning here will deepen my understanding of computer technology by forming a systematic view, and lay a solid foundation for my professional career. Thank you for your attention.
Luliang University is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the metropolis of Luliang , Shanxi.
The school motto "Hongyi Xingzhi" comes from the traditional Chinese cultural classics. "Hongyi" belongs to the world view, emphasizing virtue and self-improvement; "Doing and knowing" is a methodology, emphasizing the unity of knowledge and action, and deeds and practice.I believe that, with the joint efforts of every person,a better future of ChanhgZhi is coming.
吕梁学院(Lyuliang University),坐落于山西省吕梁市,校训“弘毅行知”出自于中国传统文化元典。“弘毅”属世界观,强调厚德载物、自强不息;“行知”属方法论,强调知行合一、躬行践履。
To be honest, the first year of college was kind of overwhelming. The transition from classes of 50 students, to lecture halls packed with 200 people might make it hard to focus; And it was basically like a trial run at adulting. Luckily, I gradually figured out how to make my college life more,fulillig and interesting.
For example, when I was a freshman ,I joined the robotics team of my school, I found the programming used in the robotics competition very interesting. To design a effective strategy for team, after hundreds of time of debugging, I was the first one in my team to own a effective strategy , and won the first prize in the underwater robot competition of five provinces in North China.
English was absolutely my favorite course because I have benefited a lot from learning it well.
Speaking English gives me Access to a World of Entertainment.
Many of the world's top films, books and music are published and produced in English. Therefore, by learning English you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
As far as classes I didn't like, one jumps out immediately. I had a film class , which was an optional course. We watched black-and-white movies for two hours during each class, including Roman Holiday,Modern Times and stuff like that. At first, | felt it was a waste of time.
Then | gave in and decided to give it a go. Finally, I realized they were all pretty great movies!
Although film-making has changed exponentially since those days, the course provided a fascinating glimpse into an earlier era.

5、//谈论一次犯错误的经历和 你最敬佩的人
The person I admire most is my father.He is a kind,upright and hard-working man. He always works diligently and contributes himself to our family.What I admire most about him is his emphasis on hard-working.He is always very enthusiastic about his work and rarely complains.I often see him working hardly even if it's late at night,and never slept in,which motivates me to learn from him.In my future study and life,I will always remind myself that I should be detail-oriented,treat my study seriously as my father do his work.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/gaoweiextraordinary/p/17087298.html


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