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Objects Revisited, Prototypes

时间:2023-02-02 13:35:33浏览次数:43  
标签:function console log object Prototypes Objects const Revisited speak

Object-Oriented Programming

Describe the following object oriented programming concepts: →

  • inheritance - basing a class off of another class so that it maintains the same behavior as its super class
  • polymorphism - having the same interface to instances of different types
  • encapsulation - information hiding, internals/implementation details not accessible publicly
  • abstraction  - (again) creating tools / interfaces that allow a programmer to address the actual problem they're solving rather than having to deal with necessary, but irrelevant (to the problem) details

Object-Oriented Programming in Java

In Java, what language features / constructs allow inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction? →

  • inheritance - subclassing… using extend
  • polymorphism - instances of different classes that are subclasses of the same superclass
  • encapsulation - private methods and private members variables
  • abstraction - creating classes, interfaces, abstract classes, and methods

Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript

Although JavaScript has objects, its approach to object-oriented programming is a bit unconventional.

  • it still supports encapsulationinheritancepolymorphism, and abstraction
  • … but it does so differently than Java (and other languages that support classical object-oriented techniques) →


  • inheritance - prototypes and/or functions
  • polymorphism - duck typing
  • encapsulation - closures
  • abstraction - higher order functions, prototypes, etc.


First off, in both Node and browser-based JavaScript implementations a global object exists:

  • global for node
  • window for browsers

Let's see what this looks like by: →

  • checking out global in the interactive shell
  • inadvertently creating a global variable within a function definition (dropping constlet, and var)
function oopsGlobal() {
	mistake = "yup";


Methods are object properties that are functions (a function within the context of an object).

const cat = {};
cat.speak = function() {

Notice that you can attach methods to any arbitrary object instance! (???)


Calling a function is called as a method - such as object.someFunction() — the special variable this in its body will reference the object that the method was called on. What will be printed out in the code below?. →

function speak() {
	if(this.nationality == "Japanese") {
	} else if (this.nationality == "American") {
	} else {
		console.log("default cat noise");
const japaneseCat = {nationality:"Japanese", speak:speak};
const americanCat = {nationality:"American", speak:speak};

In methods, this refers to the object that the method was called on


Strict Mode / ESM Regular Function Invocation

When in strict mode (which is default when using ES Modules), this is undefined if a function is called on its own (that is, as a regular function invocation). What will the following code print out? →

const f = function() {
	console.log('this is', this);
this is undefined

In "Sloppy" Mode, this in Regular Function Invocation

Things are much worse when you're not using ES Modules and you don't have strict mode on:

global.outside = 5;
const f = function() {

// this is the global object!

Standalone Functions and This

Aaaand… assuming ES Modules, what's the output of our speak function from the previous slide if we call it on its on (not within the context of an object)? →

function speak() {
	if(this.nationality == "Japanese") {
	} else if (this.nationality == "American") {
	} else {
		console.log("default cat noise");

This will actually cause an error! this is undefined, and looking up a property on undefined causes a runtime error


Another Way(s)

Besides method invocation and regular function invocationwhat are two other ways of executing a function? →

  • call - invoke function that call was called on with specified this and positional arguments
  • apply - invoke function that apply was called on with specified this and an Array containing positional arguments

When invoking a function with call or apply:

  • this will be bound to the value passed in as the first argument.
  • What's the output of the following code? →
function greet(person) { console.log(this.greeting, person); }
const obj = { greeting: 'hi' };
greet.call(obj, 'joe');
hi joe

Call and Apply Continued

Aaaand… of course, call and apply with our cat example (modified a bit). What is the output of this code? →

function speak(how, toWho) {
    const d = {Japanese: "nyans", American: "meows"};
    const noise = d[this.nationality] || "default cat noise";
    console.log(noise, how, 'at', toWho);
const cat = {nationality: "American"}

speak.apply(cat, ['loudly', 'you']);
speak.apply({}, ['softly', 'me']);
meows loudly at you
default cat noise softly at me

When executing a function with the methods call or applythis refers to the object passed in as the first argument to either method

Another Mystery?

What is the output of this code and why (assume ES Modules)? →

const counter = {numbers: [1, 2, 3, 4], animal:'owl'};

counter.count = function() {
    this.numbers.forEach(function(n) {
        console.log(n, this.animal + (n > 1 ? 's' : ''));
error - `this` is `undefined`

The anonymous function is being invoked as a regular function for every element in the Arraycounter.numbersthis refers to undefined, which causes an error on property lookup

Same as Previous, but "Sloppy"

If the previous were run in sloppy mode (that is, not and ES Module and no use strict) →

1 'undefined'
2 'undefineds'
3 'undefineds'
4 'undefineds'

In sloppy mode, the this in the inner function is not invoked as a method, but instead as a regular function. Consequently (in sloppy mode), this is the global object.

Arrow Functions

In previous slides, we said that the this value in arrow functions is the this in the scope that the arrow function was created in (that is, it doesn't have it's own this, it just uses the one that's already there!

Let's see how this works: →

const counter = {numbers: [1, 2, 3, 4], animal:'owl'};

counter.count = function() {
    this.numbers.forEach((n) => {
        console.log(n, this.animal + (n > 1 ? 's' : ''));
1 'owl'
2 'owls'
3 'owls'
4 'owls'

Better! this is whatever this refers to in the count method, and because count was invoked as a method, this is the object that count was called on.

Arrow Functions Continued

Of course, that means if we use the following code, what will this refer to? What is the output of the following code? →

function foo() {
    const bar = (x) => { console.log(this.qux); };

this references this in the function, foo, which was invoked as a regular function. Consequently, this is the global object.



What is this?????

  1. regular function invocation
    • in ES Modules / strict mode, this is undefined
    • in sloppy mode, this is the global object
  2. method call
    • this is the object the method was called on
  3. invoked with call or apply
    • this is the first argument passed in to call or apply
  4. arrow function
    • this is this from the enclosing context

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/M1stF0rest/p/17085599.html


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