通过pip 安装
pip install pybedtools
test = pybedtools.BedTool('test.bed')
pybedtools.BedTool( ).sort().merge()
>>> a.head()
chr1 1 100 feature1 0 +
chr1 100 200 feature2 0 +
intersect 取交集,
不同参数结果输出不同的区域,A和B是输入的两个BED文件。不输入参数输出结果为两个BED文件的交集,-wa保留和b文件有重叠的全部A文件区域,-v 输出结果为-wa的补集,即B中没有A重叠的区域。可以用图表示为:
a = pybedtools.example_bedtool('a.bed')
b = pybedtools.example_bedtool('b.bed')
a_and_b = a.intersect(b)
. 返回True/False来进行过滤。
a = pybedtools.example_bedtool('a.bed')
b = a.filter(lambda x: len(x) > 100)
# chr1 150 500 feature3 0 -
bed= BedTool(bedfile)
filtered = bed.filter(lambda a: in snp_list)
bed = bed.filter(lambda r: r.chrom == chrom)
iltered_ref = full_ref.filter(lambda gtf: gtf[2] == args.feature)
self.bedtool.filter(lambda x : x[0] == 'chr' + str(int(chrnum))).saveas()
bedtools merge requires that you presort your data by chromosome and then by start position (e.g., sort -k1,1 -k2,2n in.bed > in.sorted.bed for BED files).
这个命令这样写也许看的更清楚些: sort -k 1,1 -k 2,2n input.bed > input_sorted.bed
主要有两个参数 -n 和 -k;
其中 -n 的意思是按照数值大小排序。(-n 参数在 2,2 后面, 它仅对第二列有效)
其中 -k 的意思是指定排序的列(域),比如说 -k 1,1 表示仅仅对第一列有效, -k 2,2n 表示仅仅对第二列按照数字排序
其中 -t 的意思是指定行分隔符, 这里应该是 -t $'\t', 因为默认的也是, 所以可以省略。
Concatenate interval files together.
Concatenates two BedTool objects (or an object and a file) and does an optional post-merge of the features.
postmerge=True by default; use postmerge=False if you want to keep features separate.
force_truncate=False by default; force_truncate=True to truncate all files to chrom, start, stop.
When force_truncate=False and postmerge=False, the output will contain the smallest number of fields observed across all inputs. This maintains compatibility with BEDTools programs, which assume constant number of fields in all lines of a file.
Other kwargs are sent to BedTool.merge()
(and assuming that postmerge=True).
a = pybedtools.example_bedtool('a.bed') b = pybedtools.example_bedtool('b.bed') print( chr1 1 500 chr1 800 950 print(*[b,b], postmerge=False)) chr1 1 100 feature1 0 + chr1 100 200 feature2 0 + chr1 150 500 feature3 0 - chr1 900 950 feature4 0 + chr1 155 200 feature5 0 - chr1 800 901 feature6 0 + chr1 155 200 feature5 0 - chr1 800 901 feature6 0 +
, 但主要是对Interval
Add requested base pairs of "slop" to each feature.
Usage and option summary
bedtools slop [OPTIONS] -i <BED/GFF/VCF> -g <GENOME> [-b or (-l and -r)]
slopBed [OPTIONS] -i <BED/GFF/VCF> -g <GENOME> [-b or (-l and -r)]
Option | Description |
-b | Increase the BED/GFF/VCF entry by the same number base pairs in each direction. Integer. |
-l | The number of base pairs to subtract from the start coordinate. Integer. |
-r | The number of base pairs to add to the end coordinate. Integer. |
-s | Define -l and -r based on strand. For example. if used, -l 500 for a negative-stranded feature, it will add 500 bp to the end coordinate. |
-pct | Define -l and -r as a fraction of the feature’s length. E.g. if used on a 1000bp feature, -l 0.50, will add 500 bp “upstream”. Default = false. |
-header | Print the header from the input file prior to results. |
Default behavior
By default, bedtools slop
will either add a fixed number of bases in each direction (-b
) or an asymmetric number of bases in each direction with -l
and -r
$ cat A.bed chr1 5 100 chr1 800 980 $ cat my.genome chr1 1000 $ bedtools slop -i A.bed -g my.genome -b 5 chr1 0 105 chr1 795 985 $ bedtools slop -i A.bed -g my.genome -l 2 -r 3 chr1 3 103 chr1 798 983
However, if the requested number of bases exceeds the boundaries of the chromosome, bedtools slop
will “clip” the feature accordingly.
$ cat A.bed chr1 5 100 chr1 800 980 $ cat my.genome chr1 1000 $ bedtools slop -i A.bed -g my.genome -b 5000 chr1 0 1000 chr1 0 1000
Resizing features according to strand
bedtools slop
will optionally increase the size of a feature based on strand.
For example:
$ cat A.bed chr1 100 200 a1 1 + chr1 100 200 a2 2 - $ cat my.genome chr1 1000 $ bedtools slop -i A.bed -g my.genome -l 50 -r 80 -s chr1 50 280 a1 1 + chr1 20 250 a2 2 -
Resizing features by a given fraction
bedtools slop
will optionally increase the size of a feature by a user-specific fraction.
For example:
$ cat A.bed chr1 100 200 a1 1 + $ bedtools slop -i A.bed -g my.genome -b 0.5 -pct chr1 50 250 a1 1 + $ bedtools slop -i a.bed -l 0.5 -r 0.0 -pct -g my.genome chr1 50 200 a1 1 +
Print the header for the A file before reporting results.
By default, if your A file has a header, it is ignored when reporting results. This option will instead tell bedtools to first print the header for the A file prior to reporting results.
There are two alternatives for supplying a genome. Use g="genome.filename"
if you have a genome’s chrom sizes saved as a file. This is the what BEDTools expects when using it from the command line. Alternatively, use the genome=""
(for example, genome="hg19"
) to use chrom sizes for that assembly without having to manage a separate file. The genome
argument triggers a call pybedtools.chromsizes
, so see that method for more details.
Tool: bedtools makewindows Version: v2.30.0 Summary: Makes adjacent or sliding windows across a genome or BED file. Usage: bedtools makewindows [OPTIONS] [-g <genome> OR -b <bed>] [ -w <window**size> OR -n <number of windows> ] Input Options: -g <genome> Genome file size (see notes below). Windows will be created for each chromosome in the file. -b <bed> BED file (with chrom,start,end fields). Windows will be created for each interval in the file. Windows Output Options: -w <window**size> Divide each input interval (either a chromosome or a BED interval) to fixed-sized windows (i.e. same number of nucleotide in each window). Can be combined with -s <step**size> -s <step**size> Step size: i.e., how many base pairs to step before creating a new window. Used to create "sliding" windows. - Defaults to window size (non-sliding windows). -n <number**of**windows> Divide each input interval (either a chromosome or a BED interval) to fixed number of windows (i.e. same number of windows, with varying window sizes). -reverse Reverse numbering of windows in the output, i.e. report windows in decreasing order ID Naming Options: -i src|winnum|srcwinnum The default output is 3 columns: chrom, start, end . With this option, a name column will be added. "-i src" - use the source interval's name. "-i winnum" - use the window number as the ID (e.g. 1,2,3,4...). "-i srcwinnum" - use the source interval's name with the window number. See below for usage examples. Notes: (1) The genome file should tab delimited and structured as follows: <chromName><TAB><chromSize> For example, Human (hg19): chr1 249250621 chr2 243199373 ... chr18**gl000207**random 4262 Tips: One can use the UCSC Genome Browser's MySQL database to extract chromosome sizes. For example, H. sapiens: mysql --user=genome -A -e \ "select chrom, size from hg19.chromInfo" > hg19.genome Examples: # Divide the human genome into windows of 1MB: $ bedtools makewindows -g hg19.txt -w 1000000 chr1 0 1000000 chr1 1000000 2000000 chr1 2000000 3000000 chr1 3000000 4000000 chr1 4000000 5000000 ... # Divide the human genome into sliding (=overlapping) windows of 1MB, with 500KB overlap: $ bedtools makewindows -g hg19.txt -w 1000000 -s 500000 chr1 0 1000000 chr1 500000 1500000 chr1 1000000 2000000 chr1 1500000 2500000 chr1 2000000 3000000 ... # Divide each chromosome in human genome to 1000 windows of equal size: $ bedtools makewindows -g hg19.txt -n 1000 chr1 0 249251 chr1 249251 498502 chr1 498502 747753 chr1 747753 997004 chr1 997004 1246255 ... # Divide each interval in the given BED file into 10 equal-sized windows: $ cat input.bed chr5 60000 70000 chr5 73000 90000 chr5 100000 101000 $ bedtools makewindows -b input.bed -n 10 chr5 60000 61000 chr5 61000 62000 chr5 62000 63000 chr5 63000 64000 chr5 64000 65000 ... # Add a name column, based on the window number: $ cat input.bed chr5 60000 70000 AAA chr5 73000 90000 BBB chr5 100000 101000 CCC $ bedtools makewindows -b input.bed -n 3 -i winnum chr5 60000 63334 1 chr5 63334 66668 2 chr5 66668 70000 3 chr5 73000 78667 1 chr5 78667 84334 2 chr5 84334 90000 3 chr5 100000 100334 1 chr5 100334 100668 2 chr5 100668 101000 3 ... # Reverse window numbers: $ cat input.bed chr5 60000 70000 AAA chr5 73000 90000 BBB chr5 100000 101000 CCC $ bedtools makewindows -b input.bed -n 3 -i winnum -reverse chr5 60000 63334 3 chr5 63334 66668 2 chr5 66668 70000 1 chr5 73000 78667 3 chr5 78667 84334 2 chr5 84334 90000 1 chr5 100000 100334 3 chr5 100334 100668 2 chr5 100668 101000 1 ... # Add a name column, based on the source ID + window number: $ cat input.bed chr5 60000 70000 AAA chr5 73000 90000 BBB chr5 100000 101000 CCC $ bedtools makewindows -b input.bed -n 3 -i srcwinnum chr5 60000 63334 AAA**1 chr5 63334 66668 AAA**2 chr5 66668 70000 AAA**3 chr5 73000 78667 BBB**1 chr5 78667 84334 BBB**2 chr5 84334 90000 BBB**3 chr5 100000 100334 CCC**1 chr5 100334 100668 CCC**2 chr5 100668 101000 CCC**3 ...
merge() 合并坐标区间
x1 = a.intersect(b, u=True)
x2 = x1.merge()
在pybedtools中, 以Interval
标签:chr5,chr1,pybedtools,bed,genome,使用,bedtools,安装 From: