- 一种是因为其含义无法预测而必须被写进词典的word,另一种是组成phrase和sentence的基本元素之外的其他基本元素。真实情况远比这种分类复杂
- meaning units or building blocks
- 区分token和type,token是type的实例,一个句子中可能存在一个type的多个token
- 我们常说的word可能指type或者token
words with predictable meanings
- onomatopoeic words, (eg. miaow)
- sound symbolism, (eg. slip, slurp, sleek)
- the associations between words and their meanings are mostly conventional.
what words should not be listed in a dictionary?
- dioecious-ly, as its meaning is guessable, Xly means "in a X fashion"
- this means "building blocks" dose not entail "meaning unit".
2.4 Idiom
- idiom, expression whose meaning is unpredictable based on its component