首页 > 其他分享 >1538 迎春舞会之数字舞蹈 题解

1538 迎春舞会之数字舞蹈 题解

时间:2023-01-20 11:44:54浏览次数:43  
标签:舞会 题解 segments number seven seg segment decimal 1538

#include <iostream>

int main()
     * # Seven-segment Display
     * The way how the program prints decimal numerics to the console works
     * similarly to seven-segment displays. The seven segments are arranged as
     * a rectangle of two vertical segments on each side with one horizontal
     * segment on the top, middle and bottom. The following diagram depicts the
     * layout of seven segments,
     *   -
     *  | |
     *   -
     *  | |
     *   -
     * # The Working of Seven-segment Display
     * The number 8 is displayed when all the segments are visible, and if you
     * hide the horizontal segment on the middle, then we get the number 0. We
     * can form different combinations of seven segments for decimal numerics
     * from 0 through 9. We number each segment starting 0 from top to bottom,
     * left to right, as illustrated in the following diagram,
     * Layout    Serial Number
     *  -         0
     * | |       1 2
     *  -         3
     * | |       4 5
     *  -         6
     * # Mapping
     * By using a serial number as a subscript of string and its corresponding
     * segment as the contents(i.e. a char), serial numbers provide a way to map
     * any layout of decimal numeric to a string. Here is the mappings of all
     * decimal numerics.
     *      "-||-||-" // types of segments
     *      "0123456" // numbers of segments
     * 0 -> "-|| ||-"
     * 1 -> "  |  | "
     * 2 -> "- |-| -"
     * 3 -> "- |- |-"
     * 4 -> " ||- | "
     * 5 -> "-| - |-"
     * 6 -> "-| -||-"
     * 7 -> "- |  | "
     * 8 -> "-||-||-"
     * 9 -> "-||- |-"

    char indiction [10][8] = {"-|| ||-"
                             ,"  |  | "
                             ,"- |-| -"
                             ,"- |- |-"
                             ," ||- | "
                             ,"-| - |-"
                             ,"-| -||-"
                             ,"- |  | "
                             ,"-||- |-"

    int  k;
    char digits[1000];

    std::cin >> k >> digits;

    for (int seg = 0; seg < 7; seg++)
        if (seg == 2 || seg == 5) continue; // Skip those vertical segments, we will deal with those in 1, 4 together

        if (seg % 3 == 0)   // Horizontal segments
            for (int d = 0; digits[d]; d++)
                std::cout << ' ';
                for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    std::cout << indiction[digits[d]-48][seg];
                std::cout << "  ";
            std::cout << '\n'; // EOL
        else    // Vertical segments
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                for (int d = 0; digits[d]; d++)
                    std::cout << indiction[digits[d]-48][seg];
                    for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                        std::cout << ' ';
                    std::cout << indiction[digits[d]-48][seg+1] << ' ';
                std::cout << '\n'; // EOL
    return 0;


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/revc/p/17062481.html


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