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IoT Network DLL 笔记

时间:2023-01-16 02:44:47浏览次数:35  
标签:errors Network rate IoT window DLL Collision 信道 监听

Connection-oriented vs Connectionless Service

Data Link Layer:
    The Logical Link Control sublayer
    The Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer

Unacknowledged connectionless    无确认无连接服务    例如:Ethernet
Acknowledged connectionless        有确认无连接服务    例如:803.11(WIFI)
Acknowledged connection-oriented    有确认有连接服务

Framing        组帧
    Byte count        字符计数法
    Byte stuffing    比特填充的首尾标志法

Error control    差错控制

    If few errors:forward error correction (FEC)    前向纠错码
    Redundancy        冗余
        m (data bits) + r (redundant check bits) = n (total number of transmitted bits)
        code rate    m/n    Noisy channel, a code rate of 0.5 might be suitable
                    Reliable channel, a code rate close to 1.0 might be suitable

    Block codes can detect d – 1 errors and correct (d - 1)/2 errors    d:汉明距离

    Error detection    检错
        Even parity    偶校验
        Odd parity    奇校验    加一位让1的个数为奇数
        Can detect any odd number of errors (including in the parity bit itself)

        Fletcher's checksum
        Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRCs)    r检测位可最多检测出r位错误

    Error correction    纠错
        Hamming Codes    海明码
        (m + r + 1) ≤ 2^r    才能检测出一位错误    m源码 r纠错码
        Binary Convolutional Codes    二进制卷积码
        Reed-Solomon codes
        LDPC codes

Flow control    (PHY Physical)
    Simplex Communication        单工
    Stop-and-Wait    停止-等待    
        P2:Error Free        ACK    (ARQ(Automatic Repeat reQuest))
        P3:Noisy Channel    ACK with sequence numbers    (frame[0]    ACK[1])

    Duplex Communication        双工
    Sliding Window Protocols    滑动窗口
        Stop-and-Wait    sent window =1 receive window = 1    按序接收
        Go-back-N        sent window >1 receive window = 1    按序接收
        Selective Repeat    sent window >1 receive window > 1
没搞懂    Bandwidth-Delay = bandwidth [bps] * one-way transmit time [s]
?        BD = Bandwidth-Delay [b] / frame size [b]
P33        An appropriate sliding-window size can be obtained by using:    w = 2BD + 1

    Positive acknowledgement (ACK)
    Negative acknowledgement (NAK)

MAC Sublayer
Channel Allocation    信道划分
    Static Channel Allocation:
    FDMA: Frequency Division Multiple Access (e.g an FM radio)    频分复用
    TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access (i.e. a ‘time-slice’)    时分复用

ALOHA        Collision(碰撞)
Slotted ALOHA    时分ALOHA
CSMA            载波监听多路访问协议
    1-persistent        1-坚持    发送节点监听到信道空闲,立即发送数据,否则继续监听。
    p-persistent        p-坚持    发送节点监听到信道空闲,以概率P发送,否则延迟一段时间重新监听
    non-persistent    非坚持    发送节点监听到信道空闲,立即发送数据,否则延迟back-off time
CSMA/CD        CSMA with Collision Detection        先听后发,边听边发,冲突停发,随即重发
Collision-Free: Bitmap        8个位置先报名,报名的按顺序发
Collision-Free: Token Ring    令牌环
Collision-Free: Countdown    

Limited-Contention Protocols    有限竞争协议
    Contention protocols good for low load
    Contention-free protocols good for high load
    负载轻时竞争方法更理想;负载重是无冲突协议更好,结合起来形成有限竞争协议(limited-contention protocol)
Limited Contention: Adaptive Tree Walk

Wireless LANs:    无线LAN协议
Hidden Terminals        隐藏站问题:A检测到B而检测不到C,错误滴认为可以与B通信
Exposed Terminals    暴露站问题:A检测到介质中B与C的通信,错误的认为不能与D通信
MACA(multiple access with collision avoidance,避免冲突的多路访问)
    A给B发送RTS(request to send),B以CTS(clear to send)应答,这两帧均包含数据长度;此时听到RTS和CTS的站保持足够时间的沉默。

Frame Format    Ethernet / IEEE 802.3
Channel Utilization    信道利用率
CSMA-CD    传输时间除以全部时间

Repeater                工作在物理层
Ethernet Hubs    集线器    工作在物理层    属于一根网线
Ethernet Switches    交换机    工作在数据链路层    (创建路由表要复习!!!P45)
    Spanning Trees    生成树算法
Router        路由器    网络层

802.11 Architecture
Two modes:
– Infrastructure Mode (a star topology)
– Ad-Hoc (a peer-to-peer topology)
CSMA/CA    要发返回帧确认

IEEE 802.15.4
A low-rate wireless personal area network (LR-WPAN)     simple, low-cost 
Topologies    拓扑结构 P14 (还没看!!!)


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/charlie-hhht/p/17054584.html
