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QTTabBar v1026

时间:2023-01-14 11:38:46浏览次数:60  
标签:QTTabBar Views v1026 environments Command folder now view

下载:(2015-7-19 新鲜出炉!)
​​​http://qttabbar.wdfiles.com/local--files/qttabbar/QTTabBar_1026.zip ​​​
Change Log:
- View border color option for Windows 8.x/10. (Options->Folder View)
- High-DPI supports - breadcrumb bar of Extra Views and other buttons.
- SetReturn method is added to Scripting object. Now script file can return a value that can be used in Command Bar Buttons.
- Command Bars ask if it's OK when multiple files and folders are dropped.
- File Command Button now can be dropped to folder or application file buttons.
- Preview - command to play next / previous track now loops in items in the folder view.
- Choose-tab dialog includes tabs in Extra Views. Now it also allows to add target folders.
- Built-in keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + 1,2,…,0 which activate 1st-10th tab) are now removed.
- "Open in other view" command in context menu of folders on desktop.
- "Help" connects to the web document, which is still under construction though.

(Fixed in 1026)
- Preview window steals key inputs.
- Fullscreen Preview window passes through keys such as DEL key and arrow keys to folder view.
- Preview thread freezes.
- Text label position of Command Bar 1 reverts to "Icon before label" after explorer restarts.
- Error message is displayed when starting games in Game Explorer.
- Error message is displayed when icon size of Command Bar changed in High-DPI environments.
- RTL supports - now Extra Views work some better in Right-to-Left environments.
- RTL supports - menus, command bars, drop helper windows, etc.
- Group colors are not included in setting export.
- Group colors are now drawn much better.
- Tab group colors are not drawn in "classic" mode.
- Tooltips flicker due to mouse cursor especially around the edges of monitors.
- EmptyRecycleBin command does not work.
- System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown probably due to thread contentions.
- Tabs in Extra Views ignore lock.
- "Do not show me this dialog" checkbox in confirmation dialogs sometimes do not work.
- After a folder created by Ctrl + Shift + N, the file list scrolls and the new item might go out of view in Compatible mode.
- Desktop tool displays menu in wrong position in High-DPI environments because QTPopup.exe used auto-scaled coordinate space.

- Scripting features won't work at all in some environments. This is because it tried to obtain list of named pipes in the wrong way.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_8260968/6007551
