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dart use DLL file

时间:2023-01-09 19:56:49浏览次数:58  
标签:function use file dll ffi dart DLL

We need to do two steps

  1. define two types one for dart itself and one for ffi, with ffi as the bridge
typedef ChangeBackgroundFFI = ffi.Void Function(ffi.Pointer<Utf8>);
typedef ChangeBackground = void Function(ffi.Pointer<Utf8>);
  1. import dll file from outside, bridge to the dart function via ffi function, and use local function directly
static final _dylib = ffi.DynamicLibrary.open("lib/dll/bg_01.dll");
static final ChangeBackground changeBackground = _dylib.lookup<ffi.NativeFunction<ChangeBackgroundFFI>>("changeBackground").asFunction();

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/sqmw/p/17038371.html
