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vim rails 操作翻译

时间:2023-01-08 23:35:04浏览次数:58  
标签:翻译 users Rails vim controller rails help


This is a massive (in a good way) Vim plugin for editing Ruby on Rails

  • Easy navigation of the Rails directory structure. gf considers
    context and knows about partials, fixtures, and much more. There are
    two commands, :A (alternate) and :R (related) for easy jumping
    between files, including favorites like model to schema, template to
    helper, and controller to functional test. Commands like :Emodel,
    :Eview, :Econtroller, are provided to :edit files by type, along
    with S, V, and T variants for :split, :vsplit, and
    :tabedit. Throw a bang on the end (:Emodel foo!) to automatically
    create the file with the standard boilerplate if it doesn't exist.
    :help rails-navigation

  • Enhanced syntax highlighting. From has_and_belongs_to_many to
    distance_of_time_in_words, it's here.

  • Interface to the rails command. Generally, use :Rails console to
    call rails console. Many commands have wrappers with additional features:
    :Generate controller Blog generates a blog controller and loads the
    generated files into the quickfix list, and :Runner wraps rails runner
    and doubles as a direct test runner. :help rails-exec

  • Default task runner. Use :Rails (with no arguments) to run the current
    test, spec, or feature. Use :.Rails to do a focused run of just the
    method, example, or scenario on the current line. :Rails can also run
    arbitrary migrations, load individual fixtures, and more.
    :help rails-default-task

  • Partial and concern extraction. In a view, :Extract {file}
    replaces the desired range (typically selected in visual line mode)
    with render '{file}', which is automatically created with your
    content. In a model or controller, a concern is created, with the
    appropriate include declaration left behind.
    :help rails-:Extract

  • Fully customizable. Define "projections" at the global, app, or gem
    level to define navigation commands and override the alternate file,
    default rake task, syntax highlighting, and more.
    :help rails-projections.

  • Integration with other plugins. If [dispatch.vim][] is installed, :Rails
    and other command wrappers will use it for asynchronous execution. Users of
    dadbod.vim and
    dbext get easy access to
    their application's database. Users of
    abolish.vim get pluralize and
    tableize coercions, and users of [bundler.vim][] get a smattering of
    features. :help rails-integration


:Rfind routes.rb


:Rmodel user


:Rcontroller users
:Rcont users


:Rview users/index
:Rview users/_user


:Rview show #相当于 :Rview users/show

如果你当前光标是controller的index方法中,直接按 R 可以中转到视图文件 index.html.erb中


:Rserver #启动服务器
:Rserver! #停止服务器
:Rjavascript js_name #打开js文件


:help rails

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/cloudhan/p/17035741.html


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