首页 > 其他分享 >01_string


时间:2023-01-08 17:44:59浏览次数:60  
标签:will 01 string character equal assert He


assert true can pass the test
assert_equal false, false Both are equal to pass the test

true or false

Everything will be treated as true except false and nil
Obj.is_a?(Obj) can be used to determine if the query is of the type



# They are all equal
"He said, \"Don't\""
'He said, "Don\'t"'
%{He said, "Don't"}
%(He said, "Don't")
%!He said, "Don't"!

multiple lines

\n will be treated as a character and a single line
<<EOS and EOS host bank is treated as non-existent

	long_string = <<EOS
It was the best of times,
It was the worst of times.

append content

+= and <<
There are two methods that can be used to append content, but it's recommmended to use <<, because << direct modification of the original object, but += will create a new object which will slow down the performance

"Hi" += "There"
"Hi" << "There"


"\n" will be treated as 1 character
'\n' will be treated as 2 character

interpolated value

value = 1
puts "The value is #{value}"


str[num1,num2] intercept num2 characters starting from num1
str[num1..num2] intercept characters from num1 to num2
str[num] intercept num character
The first character number is 0

string = "Bacon, lettuce and tomato"
assert_equal "let", string[7,3]
assert_equal "let", string[7..9]
assert_equal "a", string[1]

single character

single characters are represented by strings after ruby 1.8

assert_equal "a", ?a
assert_equal false, ?a == 97


.split default split by spaces, but support patterns which are formed from regular expressions.

assert_equal ["Sausage", "Egg", "Cheese"], "Sausage Egg Cheese".split

assert_equal ["the", "rain", "in", "spain"], "the:rain:in:spain".split(/:/)


words = ["Now", "is", "the", "time"]
assert_equal "Now is the time", words.join(" ")

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/CodeAndMoe/p/17034972.html
