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Copy a Conda env to another machine

时间:2023-01-06 14:55:37浏览次数:41  
标签:environment packages machine Conda file Copy yml

The following sulutions are from chatGPT and has been verified.

1. To copy a Conda environment from one Linux machine to another,

you can use the conda env export command to create a file containing a list of the environment's packages, and then use the conda env create command on the target machine to recreate the environment from the file.
Here are the steps to follow:

2. If "Solving environment: failed" occured:

The error message "Solving environment: failed" indicates that Conda was unable to find all of the required packages to create the environment.

There are several possible reasons for this error:

  1. The .yml file may be missing some packages or specifying the wrong versions of some packages. You can check the .yml file to make sure that all of the required packages are listed and that the correct versions are specified.
  2. Some of the packages may not be available on the target machine. This can happen if the target machine has a different version of Conda or if the packages were added to a custom Conda channel that is not available on the target machine.
  3. There may be a conflict between the packages specified in the .yml file and the packages already installed on the target machine. This can happen if the packages in the .yml file depend on different versions of the same package than the ones that are already installed.

To resolve the error, you will need to identify the cause of the problem and either modify the .yml file or install the missing packages on the target machine. You can use the conda env update command to update the environment from the .yml file and add any missing packages.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/shendaw/p/17030471.html


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