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时间:2023-01-03 17:57:29浏览次数:42  
标签:Direction keys OS POP 快捷键 window mode adjustment SUPER

Super key  就是INTEL键

The Super key is the OS key on your keyboard.

  • On recent System76 products, it's between the Fn and the Alt keys. The key is labelled with a rectangle and two two vertical lines, one on either side of the rectangle.

    Super Key

  • On older System76 products, the Super key is between the Fn and the Alt keys and is represented by the Ubuntu logo ().

  • On the Launch keyboard it is the SUPER key.

  • On generic third-party products, it may be labeled with a Windows logo.

  • On Mac accessories, it may be labeled command.

In Pop!_OS, the Super key handles the majority of OS and window actions. This key is represented by Pop in the lists below.

Direction keys

Directional actions can use either the standard arrow keys or their Vim equivalents:

Direction keys (arrow keys)
HJKL Direction keys (Vim shortcuts)

Keyboard Shortcuts

Move, resize, and swap windows

SUPER + Direction keys Switch focus between windows
SUPER + Enter Enter window adjustment mode
Direction keys Move window (while in adjustment mode)
Shift + Direction keys Resize window (while in adjustment mode)
Ctrl + Direction keys Swap windows (while in adjustment mode)
Enter Apply changes (exit adjustment mode)
ESC Cancel (exit adjustment mode)
SUPER + Left click + Drag Move window (without adjustment mode)
SUPER + Right click + Drag Resize window (without adjustment mode)

Manipulate windows

SUPER + S Toggle stacking
SUPER + O Change window orientation (while stacking)
SUPER + G Float/un-float window (while stacking)
SUPER + M Maximize/un-maximize window
SUPER + Ctrl + / Snap window to left/right side of display
SUPER + Q Close window

Manage workspaces and displays

SUPER + Ctrl + / Navigate between workspaces
SUPER + Home/End Navigate to first/last workspace
SUPER + Shift + Direction keys Move active window between workspaces/displays
SUPER + ESC Lock the screen

Use the launcher

The launcher allows searching through open windows and installed applications, and also has the additional functions listed below.

SUPER Activate the launcher on Pop 21.04+
SUPER + / Activate the launcher on Pop 20.10 and below
recent filename Browse and search recent files
/ / ~/ Browse the filesystem
find filename Search the filesystem for a certain file
t: Execute a command in a terminal
: Execute a command in sh
= Calculate an equation
? Help menu

Switch between apps and windows

SUPER + Tab Switch apps
SUPER + Tab + Shift Switch apps in reverse order
SUPER + ` Switch windows of current app
SUPER + ` + Shift Switch windows of current app in reverse order

Miscellaneous OS shortcuts

SUPER + D Toggle workspace menu
SUPER + A Toggle applications menu
SUPER + V Toggle notifications menu
SUPER + T Open a terminal
SUPER + F Open Files
SUPER + P Cycle display layout
SUPER + Space Cycle between configured input sources (languages)
Alt + F2 Run command
Ctrl + Alt + Del Log out

Accessibility shortcuts

SUPER + Alt + S Toggle screen reader
SUPER + Alt + 8 Toggle magnifier
SUPER + Alt + +/- Zoom in/out (when magnifier is enabled)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/RogerLu/p/17023008.html


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