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时间:2022-12-29 17:02:56浏览次数:32  
标签:style freemarker title 静态 list div left margin 页面

    FreeMarker被设计用来生成HTML Web页面,特别是基于MVC模式的应用程序

public   void  createFtl(Map < String, Object >  req)




            Configuration cfg = new Configuration();

            // - Templates are stoted in the WEB-INF/templates directory of the

            // Web app.

            String tempate = FileConstent.PrePath + "/tempates/";

            String destPath = tempate +"index/www.bt285.cn_index.html";

            String destPathSpider = tempate +"index/www.bt285.cn_index_spider.html";

           // new File(destPath).deleteOnExit();

           // new File(destPathSpider).deleteOnExit();

            cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File(tempate));

            Template tIndex = getTemplate(cfg,


            Template tIndexSpider = getTemplate(cfg,




        } catch (Exception e) 






public   void  doWirte(Template t,String path,Map < String, Object >  req)




             //BufferedOutputStream bw = null;

            // FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(path);

             //BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outStream,Constent.DefaultEncodIng));

             BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(path));

            // Merge the data-model and the template



        } catch (Exception e) 







private  WNewsDAO < WNews >  newsDAO;


private  WCommentsDAO commentsDAO;



public   static  Template getTemplate(Configuration cfg,String name,Locale locale,String decode)


throws  IOException


        return cfg.getTemplate(name);



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< meta  name ="description"  content ="BT285.cn 为大家网友提供BT下载,BT电影还有BT软件,BT联盟等一系列BT服务."   />

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div >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/btjinglin"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > bt精灵下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/tibetisxizang"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 西藏(tibetisxizang)专题 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/dapian"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 大片BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list77 as p >


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div >


#list  list83 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


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span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/other"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 欧美BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list76 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/sci"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 科幻片BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list81 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


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#list >


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div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/quyi"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 曲艺BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list91 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


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div >


#list >


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div >


#list  list10 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


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span >


div >


#list >


div >


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div >


#list  list11 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/other"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 欧美BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list12 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


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div >


#list >


div >


div > <!-- end left -->


div  class ="center" >


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div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/sitcom"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 连续剧BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list85 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


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span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/art"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 文艺片BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list82 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/fear"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 恐怖片BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list84 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/zhongyi"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 综艺BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list87 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/pingshu"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 评书BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list92 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/other"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 其他BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list69 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/other"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 其他BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list90 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


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div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/other"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 其他BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list95 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


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div >


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div >


#list  list75 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/love"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 爱情片BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list80 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


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div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/jap"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 日剧BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list86 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/sport"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 体育BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list89 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/xiangsheng"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 相声BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list93 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/other"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 其他BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list96 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/other"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 其他BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list97 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


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span >


div >


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div >


div  style ="margin-left:3px; border: 2px solid #CCDEaF; background:#FaFaFa;" >


div  style ="margin-left:60px;" >< font  size =+1 >< h2 >< a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/other"  style ="color:black;font-size: 13pt;text-decoration: none;" > 其他BT下载 </ a ></ h2 ></ font >


div >


#list  list99 as p >


div >


span  class ="index-title-word" >


a  href ="http://www.bt285.cn/content.php?id=${p.strId}"  target ="_blank"  title ="${p.title}" > ${p.title} </ a >


span >


div >


#list >


div >


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div >


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