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S1 - Lesson 127 - 128

时间:2022-12-25 18:56:14浏览次数:38  
标签:read S1 famous she 128 Lesson must was He



a famous actor

a famous teacher





host - hostess

waiter - waitress


 at least

 It's at least 9:00.

She is at least 30.

We should brush our teeth at least twice a day.





read, read, read

I read that seeing is not believing.












A famous actress

Can you recognize that woman, Liz?

I think I can, Kate. It must be Karen March, the actress.

I thought so. Who's that beside her?

That must be Conrad Reeves.

Conrad Reeves, the actor? It can't be. Let me have another look. I think you're right. Isn't he her third husband?

No. He must be her fourth or fifth.

Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!

She does, doesn't she! I read she's twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty.

I'm sure she is.

She was a famous actress when I was still at school.

That was a long time ago, wasn't it?

Not that long ago! I'm not more than twenty-nine myself.



can you recognize him?


it must be...


I thought so.

I think so.


Let me have another look.

have a look

have another look

have a try

have another try


Doesn't she look old!


She was a famous actress when I was still at school.

The parrot was still here.


Not that long ago.


I'm twenty-nine myself.

not more than

I'll stay here not more than three days.

There are not more than five people in that room.





must be

may be

can't be


let me guess, you must be Tom.


He must be a teacher.

His girlfriend must be pretty.

his school bag may be at home.

This can't be hers.


You must know him

He can't invite you.


he isn't at school, he must be ill because he is never absent.


He can't be ill

He must be tired.


she can't be Danish.

she must be Swedish.


He must be here at six o'clock.

He has to be here at six o'clock.

I think he is probably here at six o'clock.


He must be busy.

I think he is probably busy.




Adam's apple 

Roger that

Fire in the hole

Roger that.



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hongten/p/17004386.html


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