首页 > 其他分享 >C/S结构的软件对测试有什么影响?


时间:2022-12-25 12:07:48浏览次数:57  
标签:testing server client 测试 软件 tools 结构

How does a client/server environment affect testing?

Client/server applications can be quite complex due to the multiple dependencies among clients, data communications, hardware, and servers, especially in multi-tier systems. Thus testing requirements can be extensive. When time is limited (as it usually is) the focus should be on integration and system testing. Additionally, load/stress/performance testing may be useful in determining client/server application limitations and capabilities. There are commercial tools to assist with such testing. (See the

​'Tools'​​ section for web resources with listings that include these kinds of test tools.)


From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_12655962/5968050
