---1.备份资料,记录笔数 create table cqjh.temp_cqjhzxw_file as select * from cqjh.zxw_file ---2.删除同义词,重新建档并赋权限 drop synonym cqjh.zxw_file; CREATE table cqjh.zxw_file as select * from ds.zxw_file where 1 = 0 ; grant select on cqjh.zxw_file to tiptopgp; grant update on cqjh.zxw_file to tiptopgp; grant delete on cqjh.zxw_file to tiptopgp; grant insert on cqjh.zxw_file to tiptopgp; grant index on cqjh.zxw_file to public; grant select on cqjh.zxw_file to ods; ---3.恢复备份的数据--核对笔数 insert into cqjh.zxw_file select * from cqjh.temp_cqjhzxw_file
同义词解释可参照: https://www.cnblogs.com/kerrycode/archive/2012/12/19/2824963.html
标签:tiptopgp,file,账套,cqjh,grant,zxw,权限,营运,select From: https://www.cnblogs.com/mylive/p/16996092.html