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How to set spring boot active profiles with maven profiles

时间:2022-12-19 15:03:56浏览次数:57  
标签:profile ... set spring profiles active properties

In the previous post you could read about ​​separate Spring Boot builds for a local development machine and public environments​​. It’s highly possible that in addition to such setup you would like to load different Spring properties files based on the active Maven profile. In this note you will learn how to accomplish the desired result in a few easy steps.

Step-by-step guide

  1. The first thing you need is two properties files for keeping your configurations. The names of the files should match with the pattern application-{custom_suffix}.properties. Create them in the src/main/resources directory of your Maven project, next to the main application.properties file, which you’re going to use later to activate one of the others and to hold values shared by both profiles.
  2. Then it’s time to modify your pom.xml. You need to define a custom property in each of your Maven profiles and set their values to match with suffixes of corresponding properties files that you want to load with a particular profile. The following sample also marks the first profile to run by default, but it’s not mandatory.

  1. (这一步不需要)Next, in the build section of the same file, configure filtering for ​​the Resources Plugin​​. That will allow you to insert properties defined in the previous step into any file in the resources directory, which is the subsequent step.

  1. Finally, add the following line to the application.properties.

When the build is run, the Resources Plugin will replace the placeholder with the value of the property defined in the active Maven profile. After starting  your application, the Spring framework will load the appropriate configuration file based on the name of the active Spring profile, which is described by the value of the spring.profiles.active property. Note that Spring Boot 1.3 replaced the default Resources Plugin syntax​​ for filtered values and uses @activatedProperties@ instead of ${activatedProperties} notation.

Just build it

The main goal has been achieved and now you are able to load separate properties for different build profiles. If you’re wondering how Spring resolves properties files, you can read more about the topic in ​​the official documentation​​. In case of any issues, improvements, or questions, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.


The active profiles to use for a particular application can be specified using the profiles



The profiles to enable can be specified on the command line as well, make sure to separate them with a comma, that is:


mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.profiles=foo,bar

mvn命令中使用 -Dspring.profiles.active参数来指定profile
java -jar命令中,需要使用 --spring.profiles.active来指定profile








From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15147537/5952652


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