- 郑云飞, 程序员Java(web前端,web后端,oracle数据库or mysql数据库)
我下面要说的是datagrid表格显示的问题。Fuel UX datagrid。先来介绍一下datagrid,官方文档内容如下:
Below is a working datagrid example.
Mexico City | MX | 12294193 | capital of a political entity |
Manila | PH | 10444527 | capital of a political entity |
Dhaka | BD | 10356500 | capital of a political entity |
Seoul | KR | 10349312 | capital of a political entity |
Jakarta | ID | 8540121 | capital of a political entity |
Tokyo | JP | 8336599 | capital of a political entity |
Taipei | TW | 7871900 | capital of a political entity |
Beijing | CN | 7480601 | capital of a political entity |
Bogotá | CO | 7102602 | capital of a political entity |
Hong Kong | HK | 7012738 | capital of a political entity |
Using datagrid
Call the datagrid via javascript:
$('#MyGrid').datagrid({ dataSource: dataSource, stretchHeight: true })
Data Source
Provide a data source to the datagrid to supply column information and data. Your data source must support the following two methods.
Name | Parameters | Description |
columns | (none) | Returns an array of objects containing column information |
data | options (object), callback(function) | The options parameter contains search, sortProperty, sortDirection, pageIndex, and pageSize. Retrieve data then callcallback with an object containing data, start, end, count, pages, and page. View the source of this page for an example static data source. |
Fuel UX's datagrid exposes a method for reloading the grid.
Method | Description |
reload | This method causes the datagrid to reload the data from the |
clearSelectedItems | If row selection is enabled, this method will clear all rows currently selected. |
setSelectedItems | If row selection is enabled, this method will programmatically set specified rows within the datagrid by each element's primary key value. The argument passed to this method should be an array of string values. Note, this relies on the |
getSelectedItems | If row selection is enabled, this method returns an object containing all the selected items within the datagrid. Each property in the returned object represents a selected value (by primary key) with the corresponding values being the selected data elements. |
Options | Description | Default Value |
dataSource | See Data Source section above | |
dataOptions | Options for current data to be displayed | |
stretchHeight | Introduced in version 2.2. Enables stretchHeight rendering. This sets the datagrid's height to a stable height, matching its parent element. The appearance of the datagrid becomes much more consistent while rendering and displaying different numbers of rows. Rows will scroll within the table when they exceed the available height. | |
loadingHTML | HTML for loading indicator | (bootstrap progress indicator) |
itemsText | Text for plural items | |
itemText | Text for singular item | |
enableSelect | Boolean value to enable/disable datagrid row selection | |
primaryKey | If datagrid row selection is enabled, this specifies the property in each data element which should be used as the primary key. | |
multiSelect | If datagrid row selection is enabled, multiple rows may selected with a boolean value of | |
Fuel UX's datagrid exposes an event for hooking into its functionality.
Event | Description |
loaded | This event is fired after the grid loads or reloads data |
itemSelected | If row selection is enabled, this event is fired when a row is selected. The value of the selected row is returned. |
itemDeselected | If row selection is enabled, this event is fired when a row is deselected. The value of the deselected row is returned. |
下面我们看一下jquery LigerUI的官方文档是如何介绍datagrid表格的。
function f_initGrid() { g = manager = $("#maingrid").ligerGrid({ columns: [ { display: '主键', name: 'ID', width: 50, type: 'int',frozen:true }, { display: '名字', name: 'RealName', editor: { type: 'text' } }, { display: '性别', width: 50, name: 'Sex',type:'int', editor: { type: 'select', data: sexData, valueColumnName: 'Sex' }, render: function (item) { if (parseInt(item.Sex) == 1) return '男'; return '女'; } }, { display: '年龄', name: 'Age', width: 50, type: 'int', editor: { type: 'int'} }, { display: '部门', name: 'DepartmentID', width: 120, isSort: false, editor: { type: 'select', data: DepartmentList, valueColumnName: 'DepartmentID', displayColumnName: 'DepartmentName' }, render: function (item) { for (var i = 0; i < DepartmentList.length; i++) { if (DepartmentList[i]['DepartmentID'] == item.DepartmentID) return DepartmentList[i]['DepartmentName'] } return item.DepartmentName; } } ], onSelectRow: function (rowdata, rowindex) { $("#txtrowindex").val(rowindex); }, enabledEdit: true, clickToEdit: false, isScroll: false, data:EmployeeData, width: '100%' }); }
var EmployeeData = { Rows: [{ "__status": null, "ID": 1, "DepartmentID": 3, "RealName": "fewf", "DepartmentName": "销售部", "Sex": 1, "Age": 2433, "IncomeDay": new Date(1301356800000), "Phone": "159244332", "Address": "变为不为恶" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 2, "DepartmentID": 1, "RealName": "李三34", "DepartmentName": "李白", "Sex": 2, "Age": 23, "IncomeDay": new Date(1301299200000), "Phone": "2323232323", "Address": "3434" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 3, "DepartmentID": 3, "RealName": "吴彬3", "DepartmentName": "销售部", "Sex": 2, "Age": 26, "IncomeDay": new Date(1294128000000), "Phone": "159244332", "Address": "1311飞屋服务费3434343433434" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 5, "DepartmentID": 2, "RealName": "吴久", "DepartmentName": "研发中心", "Sex": 2, "Age": 29, "IncomeDay": new Date(1288569600000), "Phone": "159244332", "Address": "3444444" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 6, "DepartmentID": 3, "RealName": "陈民", "DepartmentName": "销售部", "Sex": 2, "Age": 21, "IncomeDay": new Date(1297728000000), "Phone": null, "Address": "3435333" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 7, "DepartmentID": 3, "RealName": "陈留", "DepartmentName": "销售部", "Sex": 1, "Age": 32, "IncomeDay": new Date(1298851200000), "Phone": null, "Address": "3333444444444444" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 8, "DepartmentID": 1, "RealName": "谢银223", "DepartmentName": "公司", "Sex": 1, "Age": 13, "IncomeDay": new Date(1298880000000), "Phone": null, "Address": "34344555555555" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 10, "DepartmentID": 2, "RealName": "陈元为2", "DepartmentName": "研发中心", "Sex": 2, "Age": 16, "IncomeDay": new Date(1298851200000), "Phone": null, "Address": "34343434343434" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 11, "DepartmentID": 1, "RealName": "大为", "DepartmentName": "公司", "Sex": 1, "Age": 19, "IncomeDay": new Date(1301472000000), "Phone": null, "Address": "3434444444" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 21, "DepartmentID": 4, "RealName": "444", "DepartmentName": "市场部", "Sex": 2, "Age": 20, "IncomeDay": new Date(1298880000000), "Phone": null, "Address": "444" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 22, "DepartmentID": 1, "RealName": "22", "DepartmentName": "公司", "Sex": 1, "Age": 20, "IncomeDay": new Date(1301270400000), "Phone": null, "Address": "22" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 23, "DepartmentID": 2, "RealName": "22", "DepartmentName": "研发中心", "Sex": 1, "Age": 20, "IncomeDay": new Date(1301270400000), "Phone": null, "Address": "2224444444" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 26, "DepartmentID": 4, "RealName": "232323", "DepartmentName": "市场部", "Sex": 2, "Age": 0, "IncomeDay": new Date(1306108800000), "Phone": null, "Address": "222222222222222"}], Total: 13 };
这样就可以很清楚的看到datagrid数据的组成,有Rows和ToTal这2个属性组成,在后台我们只需要查询一个List<Object> 作为datagrid的Rows ,然后再查询List<Object>的size作为datagrid的Total,燃火转换为json个数的数据,这样就很容易的显示datagrid的表格了。
看看bootstrap datagrid.js也没有看出来datagrid的数据格式到底张什么样子。
{ page:1,pages:10,totalCount:30,start:1,end:10,data: [{ "__status": null, "ID": 1, "DepartmentID": 3, "RealName": "fewf", "DepartmentName": "销售部", "Sex": 1, "Age": 2433, "IncomeDay": new Date(1301356800000), "Phone": "159244332", "Address": "变为不为恶" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 2, "DepartmentID": 1, "RealName": "李三34", "DepartmentName": "公司", "Sex": 2, "Age": 23, "IncomeDay": new Date(1301299200000), "Phone": "2323232323", "Address": "3434" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 3, "DepartmentID": 3, "RealName": "吴彬3", "DepartmentName": "销售部", "Sex": 2, "Age": 26, "IncomeDay": new Date(1294128000000), "Phone": "159244332", "Address": "1311飞屋服务费3434343433434" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 5, "DepartmentID": 2, "RealName": "吴久", "DepartmentName": "研发中心", "Sex": 2, "Age": 29, "IncomeDay": new Date(1288569600000), "Phone": "159244332", "Address": "3444444" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 6, "DepartmentID": 3, "RealName": "陈民", "DepartmentName": "销售部", "Sex": 2, "Age": 21, "IncomeDay": new Date(1297728000000), "Phone": null, "Address": "3435333" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 7, "DepartmentID": 3, "RealName": "陈留", "DepartmentName": "销售部", "Sex": 1, "Age": 32, "IncomeDay": new Date(1298851200000), "Phone": null, "Address": "3333444444444444" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 8, "DepartmentID": 1, "RealName": "谢银223", "DepartmentName": "公司", "Sex": 1, "Age": 13, "IncomeDay": new Date(1298880000000), "Phone": null, "Address": "34344555555555" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 10, "DepartmentID": 2, "RealName": "陈元为2", "DepartmentName": "研发中心", "Sex": 2, "Age": 16, "IncomeDay": new Date(1298851200000), "Phone": null, "Address": "34343434343434" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 11, "DepartmentID": 1, "RealName": "大为", "DepartmentName": "公司", "Sex": 1, "Age": 19, "IncomeDay": new Date(1301472000000), "Phone": null, "Address": "3434444444" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 21, "DepartmentID": 4, "RealName": "444", "DepartmentName": "市场部", "Sex": 2, "Age": 20, "IncomeDay": new Date(1298880000000), "Phone": null, "Address": "444" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 22, "DepartmentID": 1, "RealName": "22", "DepartmentName": "公司", "Sex": 1, "Age": 20, "IncomeDay": new Date(1301270400000), "Phone": null, "Address": "22" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 23, "DepartmentID": 2, "RealName": "22", "DepartmentName": "研发中心", "Sex": 1, "Age": 20, "IncomeDay": new Date(1301270400000), "Phone": null, "Address": "2224444444" }, { "__status": null, "ID": 26, "DepartmentID": 4, "RealName": "232323", "DepartmentName": "市场部", "Sex": 2, "Age": 0, "IncomeDay": new Date(1306108800000), "Phone": null, "Address": "222222222222222"}]};标签:问题,表格,DepartmentName,Sex,datagrid,DepartmentID,new,null From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15785444/5945770
暂时用ligerui datagrid的数据修改了一下。
好了,后台返回这样的格式, datagrid前台只要这样写就可以显示漂亮的表格了:
$('#MyGrid').datagrid({ dataSource: new AjaxDataSource({
columns: [{
property: "loginName",
label: '用户名',
sortable: true
property: 'loginEmail',
label: '邮箱号码',
sortable: true
property: 'province',
label: '省',
sortable: true
property: 'city',
label: '市',
sortable: true
property: 'operation',
label: '操作',
sortable: true ,
property 只要和后台返回过来的LIst<Bo> Bo的属性相对应,数据就会显示出来,比如loginName,那么在Bo中也有一个属性loginName,但是现在有一个问题,假如provice和city不在Bo里面,而是存在另一个Bo里面假如存在CityBo里面,Bo里面有一个属相cityBo,那么我想显示CityBo里面的provice和city,前台页面 property: 'province',该如何写才能让datagrid显示出来,
{ display: '性别', width: 50, name: 'Sex',type:'int', editor: { type: 'select', data: sexData, valueColumnName: 'Sex' },
render: function (item)
if (parseInt(item.Sex) == 1) return '男';
return '女';