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S1 - Lesson 95 - 96

时间:2022-12-13 22:11:41浏览次数:41  
标签:S1 had better train plenty time Lesson 95 He



return tickets

single ticket 

return label

easy returns





platform A

platform B

line 1

line 2

room 123



plenty of

plenty of time

plenty of eggs


there is plenty of room for everyone.[空间]

there are plenty of rooms for everyone.[房间] 





a train station



catch caught caught

I caught the train.



I miss the train.



what's the exact time?

I don't remember the exact words. 






 Tickets, please.

Tow return tickets to London, please.

What time will the next train leave?

At nineteen minutes past eight.

Which platform?

Platform Two. Over the bridge.

What time will the next train leave?

At eight nineteen.

We've got plenty of time.

It's only three minutes to eight.

Let's go and have a drink. There's a bar next door to the station.

We had better go back to the station now, Ken.

Tickets, please.

We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.

You've just missed it.

What! It's only eight fifteen.

I'm sorry, sir. That clock's ten minutes slow.

When's the next train.

In five hours' time.


Two return tickets to London, please.

three return tickets to SG

one single ticket to SG.


What time is the next train?

What time will the next train leave?


We have plenty of time.

We have plenty of water.

We've got plenty of water.


have a drink.

next door to

there is a restaurant next to the park.


We had better go back to ...


That clock is ten minutes slow.

the clock is slow.

my watch is slow.

my watch is 5 minutes slow.


in five hours' time.

in five minutes.

in two days.

in three years.



must, may , can

you can do it.

he can do it.


had better

you'd better go now.

he had better go now.

they had better go now.


you had better give her a way out.


you had better not give her a way out.

we had better not tell him anything. 


He has a bad cold.

He had better take some medicine.

He had better see the doctor.

He had better stay at home.

He had better drink some boiled water.


He had better not go to work.

He had better not eat rich food.

He had better not drink cold water.


you'd better finish your homework right now.

It's too far. you'd better take a taxi.

We had better not drink dirty water.

you had better pay the money by the end of the month. 



You had better stay here.

You had better wait for him.

you'd better call him.


Why not + v.?

Why not call him?


advise sb. to do ...

I advise you to call him.

He advises you to call him. 


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hongten/p/16980796.html


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