In this exercise we have an interface MyComplexInterface
which is acting as a type helper.
The interface takes arguments for Event
, Context
, Name
, and Point
, each being put into getEvent
, getContext
, getName
, and getPoint
, respectively.
interface MyComplexInterface<Event, Context, Name, Point> {
getEvent: () => Event;
getContext: () => Context;
getName: () => Name;
getPoint: () => Point;
We want a GetPoint
type, just return what getPoint
type GetPoint<T> = T extends MyComplexInterface<any, any, any, infer TPoint>
? TPoint
: never;
import { Equal, Expect } from "../helpers/type-utils";
interface MyComplexInterface<Event, Context, Name, Point> {
getEvent: () => Event;
getContext: () => Context;
getName: () => Name;
getPoint: () => Point;
type Example = MyComplexInterface<
{ x: 12; y: 14 }
type GetPoint<T> = T extends MyComplexInterface<any, any, any, infer TPoint>
? TPoint
: never;
type tests = [Expect<Equal<GetPoint<Example>, { x: 12; y: 14 }>>];
标签:Typescript,type,getName,getPoint,getContext,MyComplexInterface,Interface,interfa From: