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How many types of display in html?

时间:2022-12-11 20:35:30浏览次数:28  
标签:elements element How html inline type display types

There are several types of displays that can be used in HTML, including:

  1. block: This type of display causes an element to take up the full width of its parent container and create a new line after it.

  2. inline: This type of display causes an element to only take up as much space as necessary and allows other elements to be displayed on the same line.

  3. inline-block: This type of display combines the characteristics of both inline and block elements, allowing an element to be displayed inline with other elements but still allowing it to have its own dimensions (such as width and height).

  4. none: This type of display causes an element to not be displayed on the page at all.

Additionally, there are other less commonly used display types, such as flex and grid, which are used for more advanced layout and positioning of elements on a page.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/16974356.html


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