#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ;Enter:: ;Send,{Click 1779 210} ;Send,{Click 779 210} ;Return ;XButton2:: #IfWinActive ahk_exe chrome.exe ^y Up:: Sleep,500 ;~ Send,^+y Send {Ctrl down}{Shift Down} Send,y Sleep,500 Send {Ctrl up}{Shift up} ;SendInput,^+y;大小写问题 Return !2:: Send, {Click 942 123} Return ~^d:: ;~ Send, {Click 1580 73} ;~ Sleep,600 ;~ Send, {Click 143 205} ;~ Sleep,300 Send,{Left} Return #IfWinActive Word ~^b:: Send,^u Return #IfWinActive PowerPoint ^v:: MouseGetPos, NowX, NowY tempx:=NowX tempy:=NowY Send,{Click 290 31} Click,%tempx%, %tempy%, 1 Return ^b:: MouseGetPos, NowX, NowY tempx:=NowX tempy:=NowY Send,{Click 241 25} Click,%tempx%, %tempy%, 1 Return #IfWinActive 用户1 - Anki j:: Send ^m return e:: Send,b Sleep, 700 Send,{Enter} Sleep,800 Send,{Enter} ; Sleep, 900 ; Send,{Enter} Return p:: Send, {Click 156 55} ;Send,^+p Sleep,400 Send, {Click 188 158} ;Send,{Enter} Return !1:: MouseGetPos, NowX, NowY tempx:=NowX+65 tempy:=NowY+100 ;~ tempx:=NowX+100 ;~ tempy:=NowY+300 Click Sleep,300 Click,%tempx%, %tempy%, 1 Return #IfWinActive Browse Esc:: ; Send,{Tab} Send, {Click 150 538} Sleep,700 Send,{Esc} ;Sleep,600 ;Send,{Esc} Return #IfWinActive 沙拉查词 Esc:: Send, {Click 510 20} Return #IfWinActive 在线翻译_有道 ~^f:: tempx:=0 tempy:=0 Loop { Sleep,500 MouseGetPos, NowX, NowY if (NowX != tempx and NowY != tempy){ tempx:=NowX tempy:=NowY Send,{Enter} } IfWinNotActive, 在线翻译_有道 { break } } Return #IfWinActive ahk_exe PDFXEdit64.exe Tab:: ;MsgBox, The active window's Send,^{Tab} Return +Tab:: Send,^+{Tab} Return ;Enter:: ;Send,{Click 1779 210} ;Send,{Click 779 210} Return #IfWinActive MATLAB R2021a ;^+-:: ;Send,^!{Enter} ;enter必须加括号 ; Send,!{Tab} ; MsgBox % "The active window's ID is " WinExist("A") ;WinGetActiveTitle, Clipboard ; WinGetClass, Clipboard, A ; WinGetClass, class, A ; MsgBox, The active window's class is "%class%". ; MsgBox, title is "%title%"
标签:Return,autohotkey,ahk,备份,Send,Sleep,NowY,NowX,Click From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hhdom/p/16970014.html