import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms'; import { Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { FormArray } from '@angular/forms';@Component({ selector: 'app-profile-editor', templateUrl: './profile-editor.component.html', styleUrls: ['./profile-editor.component.css'], }) export class ProfileEditorComponent { profileForm = this.fb.group({ firstName: ['', Validators.required], lastName: [''], address: this.fb.group({ street: [''], city: [''], state: [''], zip: [''], }), aliases: this.fb.array([]), });
get aliases() { return this.profileForm.get('aliases') as FormArray; }
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}
updateProfile() { this.profileForm.patchValue({ firstName: 'Nancy', address: { street: '123 Drew Street', }, }); }
addAlias() { const temp = this.fb.group({ street: ['2'], city: ['2'], }); this.aliases.push(temp); }
onSubmit() { // TODO: Use EventEmitter with form value console.warn(this.profileForm.value); } }
/* Copyright Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ html文件 <form [formGroup]="profileForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()"> <label for="first-name">First Name: </label> <input id="first-name" type="text" formControlName="firstName" required />
<label for="last-name">Last Name: </label> <input id="last-name" type="text" formControlName="lastName" />
<div formGroupName="address"> <h2>Address</h2>
<label for="street">Street: </label> <input id="street" type="text" formControlName="street" />
<label for="city">City: </label> <input id="city" type="text" formControlName="city" />
<label for="state">State: </label> <input id="state" type="text" formControlName="state" />
<label for="zip">Zip Code: </label> <input id="zip" type="text" formControlName="zip" /> </div>
<div formArrayName="aliases"> <h2>Aliases</h2> <button type="button" (click)="addAlias()">+ Add another alias</button>
<div *ngFor="let alias of aliases.controls; let i = index" [formGroupName]="i" > <label for="street-{{ i }}">Street-{{ i + 1 }}: </label> <input id="street-{{ i }}" type="text" formControlName="street" /> <label for="city-{{ i }}">City-{{ i + 1 }}: </label> <input id="city-{{ i }}" type="text" formControlName="city" /> </div> </div>
<p>Complete the form to enable button.</p> <button type="submit" [disabled]="!profileForm.valid">Submit</button> </form>
<hr />
<p>Form Value: {{ profileForm.value | json }}</p>
<p>Form Status: {{ profileForm.status }}</p>
<button type="button" (click)="updateProfile()">Update Profile</button>
<!-- Copyright Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license --> 标签:group,FormArray,fb,profileForm,FormGroup,angular,aliases From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xjbkw/p/16933439.html