assume cs:code,ss:stack stack segment db 16 dup(0) stack ends code segment s: mov bx,16 ret;return to block clode behind the call start: mov ax,stack mov ss,ax mov ax,16 mov sp,ax ;mov ax,ip can't acquire the value of ip as ip can't read & write call s; push ip,jmp s,call will save the address of the call to make ;ret return the last line mov bx,0h code ends end start
push ip push到栈里面为了方便ret可以跳回来,ret 就是读取栈里面的ip跳回来
jmp s 跳到s代码块
标签:ip,mov,ret,指令,call,ax,stack From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Frank-dev-blog/p/16929466.html