1、txt只有一行,由多个单词组成,每个单词之间由一个逗号和一个空格组成,如 "hello, apple, nihao",要求最终文件名不超过230字符情况下输出最多的单词,必须保证每个单词都完整,且最后一个单词后面没有逗号和空格。
Don't have "file.txt" file.
文件路径,如C:\user (保证路径正确、路径最后面没有反斜杠)
- 使用struct _finddata_t的name成员获取文件名 filename.png
- 使用_findfisrt(path\*.png, _finddata_t*)、_findnext(handle, _finddata_t*)来遍历整个文件夹
- 储存没有后缀的文件名filename在files list中
- 使用fstream打开filename.txt文本,读入失败则报不存在该txt文本
- 输入流直接读入txt内容(会直接删除掉空格),然后记录总长度,保持总长度小于230,超过230则跳出
- 判断最后一位是否为逗号,为逗号则删除逗号
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <io.h> #define cout std::cout #define cin std::cin #define endl std::endl class RenamePngFile { public: typedef std::vector< std::string > FileList; typedef std::string FilePath; typedef std::string FileName; private: FilePath sThisPath; FilePath sAllPngPath; // path for png void GetFileName(const FilePath &sPath, FileList &sFiles); // get all png files void GetPath(); // get path for variable "sAllPngPath" public: void ReAllName(); }; void RenamePngFile::GetPath() { cout << "Please enter the file path: " << endl; cin >> sThisPath; this->sAllPngPath = sThisPath; sAllPngPath.append("\\*.png"); // *.png files } void RenamePngFile::GetFileName(const FilePath &sPath, FileList &sFiles) { _finddata_t thisFile; intptr_t handle = _findfirst(sPath.c_str(), &thisFile); // handle of files if (handle != -1) { // not empty file do { FileName sThisFileName = thisFile.name; sThisFileName.erase(sThisFileName.end() - 4,sThisFileName.end()); sFiles.push_back(sThisFileName); } while( _findnext(handle, &thisFile) == 0 ); } _findclose(handle); // close; } void RenamePngFile::ReAllName() { FileList lPngFiles; std::ifstream ifsTxtFile; // for input txt files this->GetPath(); // get file path GetFileName(this->sAllPngPath, lPngFiles); // get all png files for(auto i = lPngFiles.begin(); i != lPngFiles.end(); i++) { // rename ifsTxtFile.open(this->sThisPath + "\\" + *i + ".txt"); // open same name txt if (!ifsTxtFile) { // if open failed to open cout << "Don't have \"" << *i <<".txt\" file." << endl; continue; } else { std::string sInputText; std::string sFinalText; unsigned long long length = 0; FilePath oldPath; FilePath newPath; while (!ifsTxtFile.eof()) { ifsTxtFile >> sInputText; length += sInputText.size(); if (length <= 230) { sFinalText.append(sInputText); } else { break; } } if (sFinalText[sFinalText.size() - 1] == ',') { sFinalText.erase(sFinalText.end() - 1); } oldPath = this->sThisPath + "\\" + *i + ".png"; newPath = this->sThisPath + "\\" + sFinalText + ".png"; if(std::rename(oldPath.c_str(),newPath.c_str()) != 0) { // rename cout << "\"" << *i << ".png\" rename failed." << endl; } } ifsTxtFile.close(); // close } } int main() { RenamePngFile doit; doit.ReAllName(); return 0; }
标签:std,handle,自定义,文件名,file,cpp,txt,png From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zExNocs/p/16928348.html