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2022 11 25 EMC B

时间:2022-11-26 11:44:10浏览次数:43  
标签:11 25 EMC Yeah here see So but test

segregated sectors at large.
and provide us an answer.
I'm writing now some meeting minutes and yeah,
you can just answer to the email.
Yeah, I would like to switch to the photo now.
Yes, please.
Presentation because it makes sense.
So this is the conducted emission setup.
So you can see basically the lysines
are quite well in the same locations for both tests.
They even look from the size that look similar.
OptoCan is also at the same location,
but it's a different type.
And one difference was, as noted,
our OptoCan is connected to the copper ground.
And the battery here is a little bit closer to the lysine.
Isn't this set up?
And of course, then we have the topic
with the not twisted can,
but this is the main difference here.
Otherwise it is fairly similar.
So what's the cause?
Mr. Geller, will the distance from the battery
to the lysines make any difference?
I would try to use more or less the same distance.
So I don't know.
Yeah, normally we always do delta tests.
We always do a delta tests and check if we're having a difference.
So difficult to say exactly,
but you'll see we have a banana plug here
and the connector at the lysine.
And then we can put the sub D connector just in between.
So it's something like 10 centimeters.
Yeah, of course.
But in the EMC test plan here, it is 200 millimeters,
but this is the wiring.
And if we use the wiring from the top of the battery
and we have to go down to the lysine
because they are on the ground plane,
yeah, then we have the first 10 centimeters already
to go to the insulation support.
So this is why it's shorter in this case.
It's more or less exactly the length of the harness
because the harness should be 200 millimeter.
Of course it has allowance to go higher,
but it's not exactly the distance,
but more the length of the harness.
Can you add a comment here, Mr. Geller,
in the PDF or so?
That we, because I would understand the same way
that EV understood and that this is a distance
of 20 centimeters between the DUT and the lysines
and not of the cable length.
Yeah, maybe you added to your notes.
I am definitely, yeah.
Quite, then we can check because it's,
I don't own the test plan, but yeah, if we have.
So question, so this means that the cable length
should be 20 centimeters, 200 millimeters,
but the distance between the battery and the DUT
should be roughly, I can say from the picture,
about 10 centimeters, right?
Yeah, looks like it could be 10 or 12.
Yeah, okay.
It's not 20, not 20 for sure.
Okay, okay.
And maybe the wiring could also be maybe 25 centimeters
to allow some, yeah, some to say moving
to go to the ground plane.
Yeah, but I guess the main difference that we observe
is that the can situation.
This would be my guess that the distance might play a role,
but not as much.
Okay, then we can continue here, I guess.
I don't go through this table, maybe just as a notice,
the middle wave band now is class three in the test.
So this is the, this sentence here on the top
from middle wave class three standard.
Thinking you are a report you evaluated
according to class five, because everything else
is classified, but middle wave is an exception.
Okay, then let's go to radiated emission.
Okay, any questions to this drawing
or shall we just go to the picture?
Yeah, I think I hope that the distances according
to the, for the radiated should be the same.
Yeah, in both test cases,
I don't think we have any differences.
Or does EV respect the specification here
from the test setup from the test plan?
There's talk for all the users in different categories.
This is T
S w n DL T zero
T zero
For any super-
products referred to D
as Wi
line and
if we don't have a,
Ah, there it is.
Ah, there it is.
Ah, there it is.
Ah, there it is.
Yeah. So from this picture, it looks basically okay, but of course we cannot measure it exactly.
Um, the details here are the, the, to say that the wiring harness location close to the battery and also close to the listen, because you see there's some kind of 45 degrees angle.
And here is a detailed view of the battery side from Heather.
So we just put the wiring close to each other, straight down to the insulating foam, put it to the front vertically to the table front.
And then here we start with a wiring that is measured the 1.5 meters.
And you see in your picture, I don't have a detailed view, but, but it is floating quite freely and which will for sure make a difference here.
I have an additional question.
The black wire on the, on the right hand side of the picture.
So on the, in the HeLa setup, um, it's connected to the, to the table, um, to this.
I don't know if it's a, if it's a cable shoe or if it's a different house, but in the EV setup, I see a, um, um, red wire.
Do you have the same type of connection to the, to the, to the, to the ground plane?
Or how, how is it done?
The part is going to make her not talk to the users or touch a good to the, to the digital young peer.
Has it,
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Please try your best to know you are back
Thank you for calling the call
You mean for the ground connection, right?
So I don't know Mr. Galle, ground wire KF41 looks from the pictures to be about 20 centimeters
long I would say.
Yeah, 20 maybe 25 at maximum.
And as further detail it has a thick diameter and I think this one is even an HF wiring.
So it has a wide surface to have a very good ground connection and here we use a screw
clamp at the other end which is then glued by copper tape to the ground to have also
a broad surface for connection.
That's why I saw this distance and I saw the additional copper tape and this is how you
ensure really good ground connection.
I cannot see from the picture from EV but it looks a little bit different.
That's why I asked.
Nevertheless I just wrote here in the meeting minutes about this one.
Please double check it again.
Maybe you can send us a picture how it looks like on your side and yeah just make sure
that it is the same.
I will check if I can provide a further picture.
Okay so we can continue.
Maybe wait a second please.
You can continue discussion.
Okay yeah so this is the other test setup.
Does EV have any other specific questions regarding here the radiated test setup?
This test you haven't done so far.
Before you collect questions you might check our test report on Panama because there are
pictures of our setup and then you can check the pictures and consider if you have further
So as preparation for the PV.
Continue here.
Current probe.
I don't know if you have performed the CP test.
Hello sorry.
EV did you run so far the CP test yeah current probe test?
I have not run the technologies yet but I have already learned the
, CP tests.
I do have Jaime's test while I'm studying the
I am excited about it.
No. My education course is AI and
art- Dum such as my professor is art,
study then test,and Ahir School THIS weekich
Okay, so same comment as for CV testing.
Let's check it.
Yeah, check this.
Then I think is the next one.
No, this one you haven't done as well.
Now should be the this one.
Not I'm not browsing quickly to this trip line mission because this is also this is something
you have done.
And here, for example, you see the 1.5 meters below the septum.
Then you need to go some distance to the battery and you see the 200 millimeters here is really
the distance from DOT to the septum.
So you need 300 millimeters in theory to go to the DOT.
But then since we go straight up some 100 or 150 millimeters more on this side.
And on the other side, you need to go to the LISN and to the CAN.
So this is why I put the comment that you might need 2.2 meters for this harness.
Okay, exactly.
Yeah, maybe in the lab you have to do it with a MC tester and check that you can fit it
And then if it's still above two meters shortness to two length that makes the test possible.
2.2 meters is a good starting point from my point of view.
You might keep it even a bit longer and then shorten it during the test.
Referrably on this side on the LISN side so you do not mess around with the connector
Okay, so I think I have a picture of this as well.
So I can't see too much here.
Just that here I also see that from the battery side the harness goes not straight down to
the support and might be the battery is closer than 20 centimeters.
Here it's also not that good to see because it's on the small picture you see there's
a certain distance.
And again the wiring goes straight down and is then fixed with tape on the isolating foam.
So we try to make really rectangular angles.
I think here in this case we just need some more pictures from EV just to compare the
two test setups again, right?
Because it's...
Yeah, yeah, of course from this picture it's difficult to see.
But also maybe this is another important point the orientation of the battery is different
the test.
Oh yeah, you're absolutely right.
And here you can see also that we use a white copper connection to the ground.
It's not a thin wiring but from this perspective you can see it's a flat and white copper inside.
Yeah, it's at least different than ours.
And exactly I would advise you to do so because then it's much easier to keep the 200 millimeters
distance from the septum because this is the connector location and this one should be
200 millimeters as well as the battery itself.
So let's we are running out of the time, don't know how much we can still do but let's try.
So this is the interference testing BCI.
For this test we need to check the pictures.
Are there any questions in general to the setup?
Do you have any questions regarding the BCI test setup?
Basically, it looks here already quite similar and I don't have all the pictures from other
So the wiring goes down, here's the measuring clamp, induction clamp.
So this is now from my point of view quite similar.
There are some further details.
The only topic was the can but otherwise go further comments here.
And the last test I think that you performed was the ALS-E testing.
Any questions to the picture itself or to the drawing?
I don't even know if I got a, no I don't even have a picture for this.
So either there was no picture or there was no finding on the picture.
And then we have covered all the tests that you have performed.
I guess maybe there's something with ESD.
Or question for to EVE.
Are there any questions at this time to the further setups?
Then let's do the following.
As I said, I just wrote some meeting minutes.
I will send it just after this meeting to everyone.
Should we schedule also for next Friday an additional meeting just to make sure that
all topics have been clarified?
Same hour, same time?
Next Friday we can clarify really everything, at least not reworking the test plan.
Because this would then if we do it officially it needs a signature.
At the end what I wrote here are mainly questions and additional information from EVE.
So EVE please check the meeting minutes and you can reply to us.
But nevertheless I will move this meeting for next Friday.
Then hear from you lately next week on Friday.
Thank you everyone.
Have a nice day.
Bye bye.
Thank you.
Bye bye.
Thank you.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yi2022/p/16927144.html


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