;3000 -> 4FFF task list - 256 entries
; 00 dword process count
; 04 dword no of processes
; 10 dword base of running process at 0x3000+
; 20 dword application event mask
; 24 dword PID - process identification number
; 2a word 0, state 3=zombie, 4=terminate
; 2e byte window number on screen
; 30 dword exact position in memory
; 34 dword counter sum
; 38 dword time stamp counter add
; 3c dword cpu usage in cpu timer tics
;80000 -> 8FFFF additional app info, in 256 byte steps - 256 entries
; 00 11db name of app running
; 10 108db floating point unit save area
; 7f byte 0= no fpu saved , 1= fpu saved to 0x10 -> restore
; 80 dword address of random shaped window area
; 84 byte shape area scale
; 88 dword used GDT of TSS
; 8C dword application memory size
; 90 dword window X position save
; 94 dword window Y position save
; 98 dword window X size save
; 9C dword window Y size save
; A0 dword IPC memory start
; A4 dword IPC memory size
; A8 dword event bits: mouse, stack,..
; B0 dword int40 handler in use ; 0 if not in use
; B4 byte keyboard mode: 0 = keymap, 1 = scancodes