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Manage your references to .Net assemblies Dynamics 365 for Operations VS projects

时间:2022-11-23 09:57:30浏览次数:79  
标签:Operations assembly assemblies Manage AxReference Dynamics Net your

(Dynamics 365 for Operations was previously known as the New Dynamics AX)

Dynamics 365 for Operations Visual Studio projects allow X++ code to interact seamlessly with code written in other .Net languages.

You can reference a C# project as described or reference third party .Net assemblies directly from your Visual Studio project as shown in the image below.



Once you have a reference to a .Net assembly added, an AxReference element is added to your model and the assembly (dll) is automatically copied to the bin folder of your package. For example, If you are developing in the model ISVModel1 that belongs to the package ISVPackage1:

  • The assembly will be copied to \ISVPackage1\bin\Thirdpartyassembly.dll
  • An AXReference is created in \ISVPackage1\ISVModel1\AxReference\Thirdpartyassembly.xml

If you are using version control, make sure you check-in both files (in the example above) to your VSTS repository, so other developers can synchronize them and the build automation system on build environments can build your code successfully.

When you create a deployable package (for deployment to sandbox or production) on a dev/build VM that has these 2 files (AxReference and assembly files) in the desired location, the deployable package will automatically contain the needed AxReference and assembly files.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lingdanglfw/p/16917307.html


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