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LINQ: Inner Join

时间:2022-08-25 17:46:30浏览次数:57  
标签:Join AddressLine LINQ public Inner employee new ID Name

一、 数据准备

  public class Employee
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int AddressId { get; set; }
        public static List<Employee> GetAllEmployees()
            return new List<Employee>()
              new Employee { ID = 1, Name = "张三", AddressId = 1},
                new Employee { ID = 2, Name = "李四", AddressId =2},
                new Employee { ID = 3, Name = "王五", AddressId = 0},
                new Employee { ID = 4, Name = "钱六", AddressId = 0},
                new Employee { ID = 5, Name = "郑七", AddressId = 5},
                new Employee { ID = 6, Name = "苏八", AddressId = 6}
    public class Address
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string AddressLine { get; set; }
        public static List<Address> GetAllAddress()
            return new List<Address>()
                new Address { ID = 1, AddressLine = "地址一"},
                new Address { ID = 2, AddressLine = "地址二"},
                new Address { ID = 5, AddressLine = "地址五"},
                new Address { ID = 6, AddressLine = "地址六"},

二、Inner Join用法

1.法一用Query syntax写法如下:

 //方式一:Query Syntax
            var InnerJoinUsingQS = from emp in Employee.GetAllEmployees()
                                   join addr in Address.GetAllAddress() on emp.AddressId equals addr.ID
                                   select new
                                       EmployeeName = emp.Name,
                                       AddressLine = addr.AddressLine
            foreach (var employee in InnerJoinUsingQS)
                Console.WriteLine($"Name :{employee.EmployeeName}, Address : {employee.AddressLine}");

2.法二用Method Syntax写法如下:

       //方式二:Method Syntax:
            var InnerJoinUsingMethod = Employee.GetAllEmployees().Join(
                employee => employee.AddressId,
                address => address.ID,
                (employee, address) => new
                    EmployeeName = employee.Name,
                    AddressLine = address.AddressLine
            foreach (var employee in InnerJoinUsingMethod)
                Console.WriteLine($"Name :{employee.EmployeeName}, Address : {employee.AddressLine}");

 1) 此例解释




  1. Outer data source
  2. Inner data source
  3. Outer Key selector (common key in the outer data source)
  4. Inner Key selector (Common key in the inner data source)
  5. Result selector (project the data into a result set)


public static IEnumerable<TResult> Join<TOuter, TInner, TKey, TResult>(this IEnumerable<TOuter> outer, IEnumerable<TInner> inner, Func<TOuter, TKey> outerKeySelector, Func<TInner, TKey> innerKeySelector, Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult> resultSelector);









From: https://www.cnblogs.com/keeplearningandsharing/p/16624822.html
