Hello Luke,
You can upgrade UCSM to 2.1.1a
Here is sample config for FCoE between FI and N5K switch.
##### On UCSM 2.1 ######
1) FC end mode
2) Configure a port as FCoE uplink and assign the interface to VSAN 10
## Verifying the output
6248-01-A(nxos)# show run int vfc 1255
interface vfc1255
bind interface Ethernet1/24
switchport mode NP
no shutdown
##### Configuration on N5K #####
1) Enable NPIV,fcoe and lldp features
2) Create vlan, configure ethernet and VFC interfaces
----------- sample configuration ----------------
conf t
vlan 1001
fcoe vsan 10
interface Ethernet1/19
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree port type edge
spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
no shutdown
int vfc 14
bind interface Ethernet1/19
switchport trunk allowed vsan 1
switchport trunk allowed vsan add 10
no shutdown
vsan database
vsan 10 interface vfc 119
#### Comands to verify the configuration #####
show feature
show vlan
show fcoe vlan
show int vfc 119
show fcoe database
show flogi table
标签:10,Cisco,show,Nexus,5Ks,fcoe,interface,#####,vsan From: